Note: Endriaga can generally be assumed to be resting with Phaios or hanging around in a tree nearby [but likely will not be logged in]. Not a deer as she was before, but instead a miniature dragon.
PhysicalDenotes physical fitness - wounds, illness, etc.: Healthy. [100/100]
MentalMental health determines the stability of emotional health, rationality and decision-making skills, and emotional recovery time.: Well [90/100]
EmotionalEmotional health is an indication of the state of self-perceived well-being. It is not necessarily bound by "happy" and "unhappy.": Content [90/100]
DemeanorCurrent behavior and posture/body language.: Quiet, thoughtful
How many years has it been?
Has spent the last few months with little in the way of drama. Content to be bored most of the time, although she does at times feel quite lonely. As such, she has been happily reconnecting with Illrose and Carmine when she comes across them. In particular, surprised and incredibly grateful when first Illrose and then Carmine sought her out in the deep fog of October and stayed with her for a number of days until it passed; the mist bound her senses uncomfortably and left her on edge and feeling blind, but having a steady presence greatly eased that stress.
A little more melancholy now that the snow has arrived, often lost in thought. Not really a fan of the cold. Spending a little more time around Eraline's grave when she's on her own.
love this girl.
I am thoroughly amused by this crowd, rofl.
Edit: PS, I sent you an MSN request the other day. Not sure if it went through, 'cause it did something weird.
I didn't get it at all..
Ahmg, Kaoori, you spoil me
Glad I finally managed to get things up and running today or I would've missed it~ I wish my scanner was working after I had to reformat my computer. All of my Christmas things are stuck in my sketchbook until I can fix everything >.<
so glad you like her.
The little doe noticed her
But her friend looked out of sorts herself. There was a glaze in her eyes, of pain, of loss. One Kaoori knew all too well. Gently she nuzzled her companion as she groomed her softly, her voice a quiet whisper.
"I have heard of your loss. I am sorry. Please don't feel like you need to smile around me. I understand."
Phai tilts her head slightly
"I have lost many, Little Mother. To dwell upon them all is to live forever in tears." Her gaze drifts towards the littlest gravestone. "We can't forget - nor should we - but we can't let the world pass us by, either."
A brief pause.
"Your belly is round again."
Kaoori would never forget
She smiled slowly at Phaios' last statement.
"Mm.. my family seems to want to keep growing.. twins, this time."
Briefly, she gazed down at her own side.
Her brow lifts in surprise.
"Not in all deer. And not in
Tiwns were born all the time here. And giant bunnies.
"I suppose I haven't seen
"I was left here, by my birth
The little doe yawned. Despite her protests to herself, Phaios was always kind, comforting company and Kaoori always felt relaxed in her presence. She'd been so tired today, and it was so hard not to nod off- not because Phaios was boring, but because Kaoori felt so content.
Phai blinks. Somehow it was
"It's very different here... But not in a bad way."
Kaoori didn't feel the need
"I like it here.. most of the time... it's where I belong..."
Unintentionally she drifted off, peacefully asleep against Phaios' side.
Phai gives a quiet "Mm," in
Lost in thought, it takes her a little while to notice Kaoori's nodded off. Finding her little companion conked out, the doe lays her own head on the grass with a distant smile. Ah well... She could be content as a pillow for a while. Even sleeping company was better than the hole she'd walked around with the past few days, and she was glad to have Kaoori there.
He couldn't recall ever
Her reply is simple, quiet
She remembered him - though by an older name. He'd never come to her before, that she could recall - at least not while she was alone - and finding him beside her when she had glanced up to see who had tread so close was quite a surprise. It had taken a few moments, but she did recognize the stag.
"You've grown."
'Xetkal', she would call him
"Thane," she repeats, her
Phai turns her gaze towards the river's source, watching the tears trickle down to join the water's shattered surface. How was she? There's a question that bears some contemplation. She'd been lost in saddened thought when he had found her, but now, with a distraction, her mood was improved somewhat. "Well enough. I get by from one day to the next." A sideways glance at the stag follows. "And you?"
Shook his head gently. Eyes
Phai's ears angle toward the
"Mm... But before and within are different things, aren't they," she remarks. Her gaze focuses again on the idol - or rather, this time, on the deer dancing immediately to one side of it. "It's easier to watch than to join in."
His next comment catches her off guard, but she finds herself grateful for it. "A mutual feeling." The doe had found few things she disliked more strongly than being alone in these past few weeks.
She was right, but he was
The brown-furred deer leans
Finding him wordless, she falls silent herself. A year in the Forest had taught her that these creatures often had a way of speaking without a need for such novelties as verbs and nouns. Resting side by side was more than enough, most days, and so she welcomed his inching sideways.
[I've actually got to head out - supposed to get up early tomorrow, oops~ So glad to see Thane, though! ♥]
Vegas shifted uncomfortably.
[ /forever lame plz ]
Phai sighs, her gaze sweeping
He's always like this, then?
The doe peers up at him with
He listens to her, and then
"No, he's angry." He'd never
I could have figured out the
However... Hey. I didn't get your name, and since you're talking pretty freely with me.. Could I have it?
[Pfffft, it didn't say there
A grunt. "Yes, he is rather obvious about it, isn't he... I just wish he wouldn't tear himself up so much." If she had to watch him pass out for another week she'd... well, she didn't know what she'd do, really. But something!
Phaios listens to him mope about life's complications, studying him with an odd mixture of 'are you serious' and amusement. "Things don't seem so bad once you've been in Blackness." She doesn't bother to explain the statement, though.
Speaking freely? I suppose I am, she muses. "My name's Phai."
[ LOL no problem ] A weak
A weak chuckle, then a head tilt. Blackness? What on earth was she on about? Well, she didn't expand, and he didn't ask. Instead, he carried on the conversation as if he hadn't really heard her other statement, and if he did understood it completely. Well, its nice to meet you, Phai. I'm Vegas. He yawned. You're.. uh.. Nice.
"Likewise, Vegas." A smile
Vegas shrugged and gave a
Aaaaand one more track here
somanytracks@.@ Thanks, Xemi
Thanks, Xemi :3
I am so honored you'd use my
I love it so much, Kaoori~
You're awesome~
"Hello my dear. Indeed, we've
"Thank you." An unusual
"A pleasure to meet you, my
"My mother usually had good
The flush doesn't go
"It's good to meet you,
Her head cocks lightly as he shifts ever-so-slightly her way. She has to admit that the confidence this stag seems to exude is almost off-putting, but then, if she were twice as large, she might not worry so much about boundaries, either.
"Have you been in the Forest long?" she inquires softly. "I always wonder at the way I never quite manage to meet everyone."
"I've been here since before
Phai's brows lift in mild
Mulling over the stag's emphasized words, she watches the fluttering critter until it's too much trouble to separate it from the foliage. "So who is it that 'really matters'?" The doe was curious as to how he picked and chose.
It often amused the stag when
"The ones that matter are the ones that keep my interest." He eventually replied, giving his neck and thick mane a shake. "It's not often I meet someone who could dance as my beloved Ephra once did. Your grace alone caught my eye." And again another sigh left the stag, although less noticeable than the first.
An odd look crosses the doe's
The name of another keeps her respectfully silent a few moments longer.
"I know how that is... It was simple to keep track of everyone until there were so many, before they all faded into the Blackness. Easy to be alone in a crowd, isn't it?" This last piece she muses quietly, almost to herself.
Another moment's pause is taken for debate before Phaios dares to ask: "Ephra... Someone special?" Her voice is hushed, a little hesitant to risk unpleasant memories.
A slow nod follows the doe's
"It's easy to be alone in a crowd when you are shunned for your past deeds." With a turn of his head he gestured to the nearby Ename ruins and the many graves marking the unknown historical site. "One lies dead there because of me. A child."