Snow's updates and info.

Snowsauria's picture

Updates september 27th, 2022;

Fixing a lot of stuff around on bios while I try to get back into things <3
Tried to get back into TEF last year as well, but then my dog's health declined and in the beginning of december last year she had to be put down, my best friend for close to 15 years.

This took such a heavy toll on me and I think was a major reason for why I was unable to get back into TEF. But yeah, new attempt! So if you ever spot any of my characters in the forest, pls don't be afraid to say hello to them or poke me on discord or something <3


Snowsauria's picture

Thank you, Matthew. :')

Thank you, Matthew. :')

hope you had a nice birthday!

hope you had a nice birthday! <3
Snowsauria's picture

I did, thank you. :') It was

I did, thank you. :') It was just a small celebration with family, but it was nice. n_n
And I got a lot of lovely gifts, for example season 8 ( and 9 when it comes out) of Supernatural and gift card to a tattoo shop, wooh. c:

oooh exciting, are you

oooh exciting, are you planning a tattoo then?
Snowsauria's picture

Oh yes, I've planned a lot of

Oh yes, I've planned a lot of tattoos, haha. :'D But I'm going to use the gift card to add some flowers to a heart I already have on my wrist. :')
Kaoori's picture

Just wanna say you're pretty

Just wanna say you're pretty damn awesome yourself. ♥
Snowsauria's picture

Oh, you. &hearts;

Oh, you. ♥
Flyleaf's picture

Getting enough cuddles and

Getting enough cuddles and heat from us ? Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13


whY AM I NOT TRACKING THIS ALREADY. ♥ puts face directly on you. -w-

Don't overdo it, Fly, lest

Don't overdo it, Fly, lest she makes us into a fancy coat.
Flyleaf's picture

Lol yes

Lol yes Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Snowsauria's picture

Flyleaf; Oh yes, it's very

Oh yes, it's very nice, thank you. x'b

Ohai, I'm just gonna keep you, k? K. And thanks for the track. ♥

Don't give me ideas now. c:

*shrieks a thank you at

*shrieks a thank you at you*

I just found out it was you, because I was finally able to click on the picto on the map.
Snowsauria's picture

Just glad to be able to help.

Just glad to be able to help. :')

*whispers* I should draw you

I should draw you something.
AlisonRobin's picture

Errybody was getting cloned

Errybody was getting cloned today. Smiling
Snowsauria's picture

Yeah, the server has really

Yeah, the server has really been trolling us lately. xb

That entry up there is old though. ^^'
Mjrn's picture

Thanks for the help with the

Thanks for the help with the pelt. ♥
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Snowsauria's picture

No problem. &hearts;

No problem. ♥
Pegasicorn's picture

*offers chocolate*

*offers chocolate*

DROPS IN delivers tiny little

DROPS IN delivers tiny little keithsnugs to cheer you up B( ♥ ...ALSO SUBTLE SAXSNUGGLES.
Poppyflower's picture

*Throws this under your

*Throws this under your rock*
I hope you feel better soon c:
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Mjrn's picture

Hope you feel better soon

Hope you feel better soon hun. ♥
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.

*hugs* throw that rock at

throw that rock at your problems, show them they're not welcome here
Snowsauria's picture

Pega; Just what I need, thank

Just what I need, thank you ♥

*stuffs face with chocolate*

*snuggles Keith and Sax* All the hugs, whoo. Thanks ♥

*grabs* Haha, nice video. c': And thank you, I do feel better ♥
din's picture

sending you deep breaths and

sending you deep breaths and relaxing moments ♥

btw i hope you dont mind but i snuck through your coding to steal a better look at your bg picture.
is that your horse? he/she is so gorgeous, omg. i could drool for hourssssss
Snowsauria's picture

Thank you, that's much

Thank you, that's much needed. ♥

Haha, I don't mind at all. And sadly, no. Hugin belonged to my former riding instructor, but I got to borrow him for a year before I bought my own horse. This is an older photo, Hugin passed away some years ago of old age, but he was an amazing horse that taught me - and many others - a lot. :') Some were a bit afraid of him because his blue eye and all that mane gave him quite a wild expression, but he was the sweetest horse ever. When I was looking to get a horse of my own, my instructor told me that I couldn't expect to find someone like Hugin, because he was unique. And he really was. c':
din's picture

aww, cute old man! he sounds

aww, cute old man! he sounds perfect, haha im SUCH a sap for huge horses with tons of hair.

can i ask what breed he was? ;; even though i have stormy, i want a second horse. in my dream world stormy would be my show girl and i would have a huge beefy gelding to go on trail rides. sob
Snowsauria's picture

Yeah, he was perfect. And he

Yeah, he was perfect. And he always knew if he had a beginner or an advanced rider on his back. With beginners he would be calm and gentle, but as soon as he got someone with more experience on his back he could get really eager to get to work, haha. Yeah, I have a weakness for those kind of horses too. ;;

Hugin was a norwegian coldblood trotter. :') aah, I think I've seen pictures of your horse before, what kind of horse is she? You're lucky to have a horse of your own, I plan to buy one when I can afford it, but I need to get other stuff in my life into order first. I would also like a horse to go trail riding with, most likely a trotter or a dole horse. c':
din's picture

mmm i just love horses that

mmm i just love horses that pick up on their rider's confidence levels. not so much baby them as fitting their needs to make them feel comfortable. its such a unique and lovely attribute!! he sounded like such a love.

ive never heard of that breed; they look so powerful though, ooh. and this is stormy (that's her 'im mildly upset because i just got a bath' face)! shes a red dun arab/qh cross. and shes teeny, probably 14'3 hands if that. shes my grandparent's horse, but im the only one who uses her so shes kinda mine c: shes actually a little small for my liking, but she has a big spazzy personality that makes up for it haha
Snowsauria's picture

I've never seen a horse

I've never seen a horse adjust itself to it's rider like he did, it was quite amazing. ;;

It's a very common breed around here, naturally. I think almost everyone who has a horse around here have a trotter or a dole, lol. :b They're usually not very tall, but they're powerful, yes. Awh, she's so sweet, though she doesn't look very amused, haha. ♥ Oh, I see, almost as good as having your own horse then. :') haha, she sounds great. I actually prefer smaller horses, I find it easier to keep them collected than a big horse. xb
Jiaruqa's picture


Snowsauria's picture

Hello. c:

Hello. c:

ooh i hope you get the job at

ooh i hope you get the job at the vet clinic! what kind of job are you applying for there?
Snowsauria's picture

Ah yes, I hope so too! ;; Og

Ah yes, I hope so too! ;;

Og jeg svarer på norsk for det kjentes litt lettere ut akkurat nå, lol. Det blir varierende arbeidsoppgaver, som å ta telefonen, rengjøring, passe butikken - tror de selger hundefôr og sånt der - og assistere under operasjoner og undersøkelser. ;; Den ene dyrlegen som driver klinikken bor like i nærheten så jeg kjenner henne litt fra før av, og var 'assistent' for henne en gang hun undersøkte katten vår. :'b

åh spennende! høres ut som

åh spennende! høres ut som det er gode sjanser for at du får jobben da? hjelper å ha kontakter i hvertfall! jeg har utrolig lyst til å jobbe med dyr kjenner jeg, så jeg aner ikke hvorfor jeg sitter på et massivt studielån for en bachelor som fører til at man blir lærer eller jobber på kontor :p nei takk, få meg ut i felten.

hva er den andre jobben du har søkt på?
Snowsauria's picture

Ja, det er kjempespennende,

Ja, det er kjempespennende, så jeg må bare krysse fingrene for at jeg får jobben. ;; Jeg håper i alle fall det er en fordel. c': Vel, det kan da umulig være dumt å ha en bachelor i bakhånd uansett, lol. Jeg har prøvd meg på kontorjobb før og har funnet ut at det er slettes ikke noe for meg, så ja, jeg sier det samme; ut i felten!

Den andre jobben er på sengesentralen på sykehuset, det innebærer for det meste å re senger og litt annet renhold såvidt jeg vet. Ikke akkurat drømmejobben, men jeg søker på stort sett alt jeg kommer over. :b

viktigste er vel bare å få en

viktigste er vel bare å få en form for inntektskilde, så har man mer tid å lete etter noe gøyere senere, tenker jeg. hvis man aktivt holder øye med markedet og sender rundt søknader, vil det vel dukke opp muligheter etter hvert (håper jeg??)? jeg gruer meg allerede til å begynne å søke jobb for alvor, vil helst bare finne meg en rik mann så jeg kan reise verden rundt og ha ti katter og en hest hahha
Snowsauria's picture

Ja, det er sant. Det var jo

Ja, det er sant. Det var jo egentlig barnehage jeg hadde lyst til å jobbe i igjen når jeg ikke hadde mulighet til å fortsette i stallen, så min opprinnelige plan var å bare finne meg en midlertidig jobb til det dukket opp en ledig stilling som barnehageassistent jeg kunne søke på - som ikke er for langt unna. x'b Men selvsagt, om jeg får jobben på dyreklinikken og trives der så blir den planen revurdert, lol. Jobbsøking er ikke akkurat lett, men det er ikke annet å gjøre enn å sende ut CV'er og søknader til man får napp et sted. ;;

Haha, det høres i grunn ut som en god plan. Kanskje vi rett og slett skal dra ut på mannejakt i stedenfor? xD

jeg er med hahha! høres ut

jeg er med hahha!
høres ut som du har en god plan da i hvertfall. jeg krysser fingre for jobben hos dyreklinikken!
Snowsauria's picture

Wooh, jeg er klar til å dra

Wooh, jeg er klar til å dra når som helst jeg. cx
Jeg har det, så det ordner seg vel før eller siden. Og tusen takk! n_n
Pegasicorn's picture


Mjrn's picture

Congrats, Snow!

Congrats, Snow!
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Flyleaf's picture

Congrats for your new Job

Congrats for your new Job Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Snowsauria's picture

Pega; Yes. Yes, I can do it.

Yes. Yes, I can do it. Cool

Thank you. ♥

Edit; Ninja'd by Fly, lol. Thank you so much. :')

Congrats, have a nice time.)

Congrats, have a nice time.)

woop! so happy for you

woop! so happy for you ♥
Matthew.'s picture

Good luck.

Good luck.
Snowsauria's picture

Thank you so much, guys!

Thank you so much, guys! ♥

So far it has been a bit overwhelming, but also very interesting. c:
Keepiru's picture

Wait wut a new album,

Wait wut a new album, vfdvhfoih idek D: *runs for it*