Terabetha's blog

Hook, Line, Sinker

A collection of illustrations and dialog featuring the fawn Hook, his dark companion Sinker, and the motherly construct Line.

TEF Censorship: what is and what is not acceptable?

Because I am genuinely curious.

From what I've seen within the community there is a big motivation here to shield the younger members from more harsh content (language, violence, sexuality) which I can agree when it's done in a respectful manner (by both artist and those requesting censorship). Yet I've seen that sometimes work slip through the cracks of this censorship. Which got me thinking, as an artist and writer, what should I be posting?

I draw and am working on human anatomy. Sometimes this means I show a lot of skin in my work (anybody who's seen me draw Queze knows this) but I don't tend to draw sexually charged stuff. When I write I often use romance and violence. Does this mean my work is still ok to be submitted? If so, is there some sort of balancing act where more sexual pictures (kissing for example) are ok as long as there isn't much skin showing? Is content of any range (obviously not talking pornographic) of content acceptable as long as it is properly warned in the title? Is there a separate set of guidelines for literature and art (which there should not be, in my mind)?

I'm not looking to cause any fighting, I'm just curious and would like to have some more concrete guidelines for what I post here. And please, don't say "post whatever you want, don't let people stop you." if I felt that way, believe me I would do it. But I respect the will of the community at large to have certain restrictions.

{Caravaggio: An Invisible Man}

Click 'Read More' for Bio

'Marks'...Queze's past

So it's been forever since I wrote anything, an absolute lifetime since I wrote anything about Queze.
A lot of the imagery in this little post has been floating around my head since Queze's past
was first developed but has only now been put done in any real solid form.
I hope you enjoy and if you want anything clarified or are curious about
anything pertaining to Queze's past, feel free to comment and ask, I'm happy to divulge!

Fanart nominations: (Finished!)

Well everyone, that's all!
I'm glad so many of you stepped forward to nominate others and I'm even MORE glad that I got to draw some really cool characters, win/win.

Thank you all for taking part! Smiling


It’s a crisp metallic sounds, not one in itself ultimately scary, but I suppose it’s the chittering that gets most of them. Most people think they’re silent you see, just because they’re so small they don’t make noise. Not true, not true in the slightest. Not if you get enough of them together anyway. Even then, it’s not the buzz of flies or the drone of wasps, nope, they’ve got an appeal all their own you see.

I remember when I met my first spider. It…well it was so long ago I don’t quite remember when it was, but I do figure I must have been fairly freshly dead. She was big and bloated, dragging her abdomen around like an overstuffed sack behind her. She’d labour this way and that, eight slender legs shaking with the effort. Bending my head down for a closer look I could see on her back were clusters of eggs, spongy little black blobs, like jelly. The poor soon to be mother was obviously looking for a safe place for her nest… well, I thought to myself, I know the perfect place!

Now I’ve got a whole family of them spinning round in my head, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. Sometimes it gets a little crowded, so I let them out for a little run-around, let them blow off some steam. I could show you if you want? No-no really it’s no trouble at all, they’d absolutely love to meet you…

Done for the Two-Way Challenge: Info and sign-ups here!
Inspired by 'unzip' by Sablekat: please go have a look and maybe drop a comment her way!

Terabetha's Pelt Concepts: Image Heavy! {Newest Designs: Heartwarm Redesign}

~ An ever-growing collection of pelt designs created with the use of Moss's fantastically handy Deer Template ~

Many more pelts under the 'Read More', be sure not to miss out!
Have an idea for a pelt? Feel free to comment with the idea and I'll see if it inspires me!

Please do not re-post these concepts without my expressed permission. Link to this blog instead. Thank you.

'Heartwarm Redesign'

~Tales from the Oak~ (New story! 'Face Value')

Your hooves have carried you through the forest, a whisper in your ears.
The voice tugs at your soul and you float along after it and into the hollowed chamber.
A deep droning reverberates in your chest, lazy crescendos pulsing in rhythm like some behemoth heart.
You find your mind wandering, fantastical notions, ponderings, and soul searching seem so much easier inside the inviting womb of the Oak.
If you think of nothing at all and simply concede to doze you might be lucky enough to hear the voice of Old Oak herself.

Perhaps, if you are a good listener, she’ll share with you a story…

Considerate Characters and How to Make Them

I will in no way be pointing fingers, nor naming names. That is childish and I ask you resist doing so when commenting on this blog. Thank you. Smiling
There also might be some milllld language, forgive me! Sticking out tongue
Occasional bump-age can be expected, at my discretion, should I find the message of this blog again become/continue to be relevant.

[EDIT: June 11, 2010: Due to new types of characters surfacing within TEF at large, I've chosen to expand this guide to include 'OOC Deer', as well as 'Parody Deer'.]

~A Fairytale: Hook, Line, and Sinker~


Chapter 1: Not as it is.


The Endless Forest was not always such. Once, long ages ago, life and death played out the dance of existence as in any other wood. Now this is not to say it was as any normal forest, for it was a place of great tranquility and balance. Even humans recognized it's peaceful nature, retreating there from the turmoil of civilization to live in simplicity and contemplation. Under the leaves they built a monastery of stone and timber in which to live and worship the God that had blessed them with the discovery of such an Eden.

All of this was watched with great anticipation by the other inhabitants of the wood. The animals of the wood did not know what to make of the new-comers. Eventually learning of the carnivorous nature of the upright beasts, they fled their presence and skirted the monastery with uneasy steps.

Largest and most respected of creatures were the woodland deer, who ran through the trees in great herds. At the head of each herd was a great and mighty deer spirit, benevolent and protective they watched the workings of all within the forest. These spirits, being both powerful and wise, were charged with the sacred duty of guiding their herds through life. When the time came for a deer to die, either by the hunt or the failings of age, it was also the duty of the spirits to take their deer to the final rest.
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