Hook, Line, Sinker

A collection of illustrations and dialog featuring the fawn Hook, his dark companion Sinker, and the motherly construct Line.

I'm tired of running.

But you're still scared, so you'll run.

Why are you so mean to me?

Heh, you make it so easy, little buddy.

...I wish I could grow up.

Hm? Why's that?

Cause when you're big you don't have to be afraid.

You think it's that simple?




Did you enjoy being grown up?


Oh?! And why not?

I was still scared...

Told you it wouldn't change anything.

But it did! It did...it felt like.

Like what, little buddy?

Like my skin was too tight, and I was too big to hide anywhere.

But the whole point of becoming bigger was so you wouldn't have to hide, was it not?

Yeah...but I was still scared. I just wasn't supposed to show it.

So you understand why I keep you small then, don't you Hook?

Yes I do. Thank you Sinker.

Heh. Don't mention it.

arrowdoe's picture

I admit I am stalking this...

I admit I am stalking this...

I've no idea what it is, but

I've no idea what it is, but you're welcome to stalk lol Smiling
I might be making some more lil cut-out style illustrations, and if I do I'll post them here.
arrowdoe's picture

It's the pretty pictures,

It's the pretty pictures, they lure me in xD
I can't wait! 8D

Takeshi saw Hook today! I was

Takeshi saw Hook today! I was glad to see he's active again! Takeshi's a little punk, I have a feeling he's never going to get close to Hook. XDD

So Takeshi was one of the

So Takeshi was one of the fawns Hook saw today! There were a few, was he the one that chased Hook out of the blueberry patch? Either way, glad he got to meet up with the little guy. Smiling

He was with Term, they stood

He was with Term, they stood around the tree for awhile scowling and taunting him. XD It was interesting!

xD That was awesome! I

xD That was awesome! I actually went and walked my dog and when I came back you both were STILL THERE! lmao Fun times Sticking out tongue
Fincayra's picture

I think Hook was the one my

I think Hook was the one my deer tried to approach yesterday. Smiling He seemed awfully shy.

I just laughed so hard. XD

I just laughed so hard. XD

Could have been Fincayra,

Could have been Fincayra, he's painfully shy of everyone.

oh , so that was you that

oh , so that was you that term and takeshi wanted to get closer to (: !
Its nice to put an identity on that pictogram.

I figured I should post

I figured I should post something, since Hook is a really old character. It was really fun to have him meet up with Term and Takeshi today! Smiling
Apparanza's picture

8D I remember this little

8D I remember this little guy! It was the one Plague was roleplaying with in ToTEF xD
/ninjastalktrack |D

By Leuvr

Ah yes it was Apparanza, I

Ah yes it was Apparanza, I remember that was fun! Laughing out loud

~Bumping with new content~

~Bumping with new content~
Lu's picture

o_o Ha! Loving this so far.

o_o Ha! Loving this so far. <3

Apparanza's picture

I love the new pictures and

I love the new pictures and text, Tera~!! 8D And yeah, the RP was definitely fun I hate my wildly-fluctuating muses >.>

By Leuvr

Thanks guys I fear that this

Thanks guys Laughing out loud
I fear that this blog will be filled with the products of my future procrastinating :v *has several projects I should be doing instead*