If you use CSS coding in your blog, you NEED TO PLACE IT UNDER A CUT. This prevents your coding from interfering with the coding that makes up the TEFc site. Not using a cut can effectively 'break' pages of the site (like the biographies page) making it impossible to navigate as intended.
Making a cut is EASY. You can see a step by step tutorial, with pictures showing you how
by clicking this link. Please always use a cut when creating any blog that uses CSS coding!
Thank you to all the responsible members who use a cut when creating CSS testing blogs, or when posting biographies!
If you find a blog that is 'leaking' coding and it hasn't already been pointed out, POLITELY comment explaining the problem and provide a link to the tutorial above. Realize that there are no warnings on TEFc about using a cut, this unfortunately all has to be word of mouth. Be kind, many people are new to coding and had no idea they needed to use a cut.
If you have a blog that supplies new users with coding templates or tips, including IN BOLD, unmissable text, information about how to create a cut, and the importance of using them.
Please, help do your part to prevent leaky blogs. Nobody wants to step in that.
Edit: Also remember that using codes in comment signatures (such as changing the colour of your font) need to be closed at the end of your comment with a closing tab. Otherwise your font colour or other un-closed codes will leak out onto every blog you post on!
Here is a simple example:
Hey look, I am a font colour code example!
[ color = blue ] Hey look, I am a font colour code example! [ / colour ]
^ This is what your code looks like, the text inside the [ ] symbols is what turns your font blue. The last part of the code [ / colour ] closes the code.