Sighthoundlady's blog

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The Witching Hour [Private RP blog]

So in the interest of sanity and to give everyone involved in this scenario a chance to participate and be involved despite varying schedules and living all over the darned planet and computer difficulties and….well the list goes on and on.

Here it is.

Allowed participants:

Tracks are welcome on this blog but if you are not on the list please don’t become involved in the RP. If you would like to participate and think your character has a valid reason for being in the RP then send me a private message on MSN. Ladysighthound (at) yahoo (dot) com.

(Also, some of you went to bed before I could bring up this with you so please don't hit me in the morning. Names on the list don't mean anybody has to do anything they don't want to. It's not a list of doooom.)
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Character Questionnaire- DO IT NOW!

Rather interesting questions, great for character development. It's taking me ages to get it done for Herla, so I'll post it up when I'm done.

In the mean time, DO IT! lol

It's Here.

Post here or in your biographies, whatever you like. ^^

Edit: Finished the first part at least.

Character Questionnaire 1

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Her name is Herla.
Nicknames she has had: The Scarlett O’Hara, The Mighty Quill, The Red-Eyed Queen.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Human Herla has black hair, usually covered with a feather headdress. Her eyes are red as a deer and as a human.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
As a deer she has facial markings reminiscent of Egyptian makeup.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
Human Herla would have received a tattoo of a lotus blossom on her inner thigh when she was indoctrinated as a priestess of healing. She died before this could happen. However she was born with the mark when she was reborn into The Endless Forest and this is how Woden knew she was to be trained as a healer and hedge witch. Otherwise the mark is hidden and no others know of it.

Herla has no outward scars. She does however have inner scars in her lungs from previous traumas, near life threatening crush injuries that left permanent scars. They increase her susceptibility to re-injury and to things like pneumonia as a result.

[b]• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to?
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Herla on Feral Heart [Lioness]

So downloaded the game. Managed to make my lioness look sort of like Herla.

Learning a lot about the game but still pretty newb, would love to hang with other TEFers there.

I have the same username there as I do here.
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The Lotus Returns

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Herla's Diary Archives

Herla's Diary Archives

Will update regularly in the comments, but this is only for storage.

Please visit Herla's Bio Page for currents and RP/interaction. You are welcome to place tracks here however if you want.

Thank you.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Under the Lotus

((I should pretty this up, but I can't be bothered. I'm posting it before I loose my nerve. So self concious of my writing!))

Under the Lotus

Chapter 1

Light footfalls made not a sound on the cool tiles, carrying the young woman silently through the palace, her bare feet moving gracefully under the translucent linen shift she wore. Hair coiffed with a minimum of fuss that morning, her unnaturally scarlet hued eyes outlined in black, drawn to a point along the curve of her face in the Egyptian way, the woman wore hardly any jewelry, only the minimum accouterments for a princess. She was not seeking to be seen that morning, quite the contrary she sought solitude, escaping the watchful eyes of her guards and the hovering of her maids, she’d slipped out from her rooms in the early hours of the morning. The sun crept over the horizon, the garden faintly lit as she descended the stairs to her favorite spot there. A far off corner, shaded by large palms, the heady scent of hibiscus blossoms filling the air. Here was her fountain, the space filled by the sound of the falling water, the spray hanging in the warm air, a green place full of life, a sanctuary from the dry desert air. It was cool in the early morning with the promise of the day’s oppressive heat already apparent, the sun’s creeping light blossoming around her as she reached her sanctuary. She settled on the richly decorated rugs there, pillows with gold thread in their weave, costing a small fortune to make, merely upon which to lay her head. She closed her eyes and listened to the slowly fading night sounds be replaced by those of the day. She drowsed there, the air heating up as the sun rose. A voice awoke her.

“Dreaming child? That’s all you ever do. Dream. Sneaking off, the guards all in a fuss. I know your ways though. I know where to find you,” said a woman’s voice. Not unkindly. Doting. The young woman wrinkled her nose at the voice. Followed.
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Taking Requests [closed]

Okay, we’ll see how this goes. I’m going to take requests.
1.) You can only request somebody else’s character, not your own.

2.) Must post a link to the bio or reference of some kind.

3.) I may take more than one, but only one at a time. No reserving spots ahead of time. I’ll announce when I’m open for more here.

These may be simple sketches or fully rendered, depends on my whim.

Working on:
Shineri Finished
Gustiro Finished
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Sighthoundlady Art for a Gen 1 Pictos!

I’m offering TEF character art in exchange for a Generation 1 pictogram.

You’ll get your character drawn and I’ll even provide you with a little PNG so you can readily use it in your signature or bio pages. Commissioning me to draw something like this would normally cost you $75-100. And I rarely if ever take commissions so here’s a chance to get some art!

Examples of my art can be found in my Deviant Art gallery.

If you have a pictogram you’d like to trade please contact me via email or MSN about it and NOT here in this post. Thank you.

October 11th, 2012 Edit: Pretty much ALWAYS open for these. Feel free to prod me.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Dance line in the forest! [Now with screenshots!]

Dance, dance, dance!

Herla is supposed to be injured, but when all these deer started jumping all around, IC went out the window and we joined the spazzing!
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