Character Questionnaire- DO IT NOW!

Sighthoundlady's picture
Rather interesting questions, great for character development. It's taking me ages to get it done for Herla, so I'll post it up when I'm done.

In the mean time, DO IT! lol

It's Here.

Post here or in your biographies, whatever you like. ^^

Edit: Finished the first part at least.

Character Questionnaire 1

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Her name is Herla.
Nicknames she has had: The Scarlett O’Hara, The Mighty Quill, The Red-Eyed Queen.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Human Herla has black hair, usually covered with a feather headdress. Her eyes are red as a deer and as a human.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
As a deer she has facial markings reminiscent of Egyptian makeup.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
Human Herla would have received a tattoo of a lotus blossom on her inner thigh when she was indoctrinated as a priestess of healing. She died before this could happen. However she was born with the mark when she was reborn into The Endless Forest and this is how Woden knew she was to be trained as a healer and hedge witch. Otherwise the mark is hidden and no others know of it.

Herla has no outward scars. She does however have inner scars in her lungs from previous traumas, near life threatening crush injuries that left permanent scars. They increase her susceptibility to re-injury and to things like pneumonia as a result.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish he were closest to?

A lot of that is listed in her relationships section but she is closest to those she considers her family and that is who she spends the majority of her time with. She is social and out going however as well as being a Healer so she meets many new deer regularly.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Human Herla was born in ancient Egypt, during the height of dynastic power and prosperity of the New Kingdom. She was born in the palace to the Pharaoh’s only wife. After her death at a young age she was reborn into The Endless Forest as a doe.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
Favorite sulking/pouting spot is under the lotus blossom under the bridge. (Apparently being submerged underwater for long periods of time is not a problem for her? Don’t ask.) She used to go to this spot during general periods of distress, now if she’s gone there you can rest assured that she is very, VERY pissed at you.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
She doesn’t have phobias but general fears and anxieties, such as losing the one’s she loves through death or abandonment.

• Does she have a secret?
Her flower tattoo? Also I suppose her magic. She doesn’t talk about it very openly at all. Most especially the darker turns.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Many things, she’s very light hearted.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Yes and yes.

The “deeper questions” part doesn’t apply very well to Ancient Egyptian Human Herla or Deer Herla. Maybe I’ll do those later for “Modern Herla” though.
Mis's picture

One day.. I'll do this too..

One day.. I'll do this too.. <_<.. But today, is not that day..XD
Sighthoundlady's picture

lol Misako. These questions

lol Misako.

These questions are taking alot of thought! It's hard @_@

-runs off to do-

-runs off to do-
Snowsauria's picture

Will see if I can get this

Will see if I can get this done later, but I'll track for now. n_n

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
He was stripped of his birth name when very young, but his formal title is Quetzalcoatl~Kiss (a rough translation). He goes by Queze when being informal.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
His hair is green (permanently dyed, not natural). His eyes are deep blue.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
He has a very square jaw and over-all boxy, solid face.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmarks but he has several scars, most are unimportant, save the twin snake-bite points on his chest. He got those from a god.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
He has few friends, but those he does deem friends he has a very protective almost paternal bond with. He is very much a family-man, as his wife and five kids can attest (three sons, two daughters). He also has a history of developing relationships with his rivals or strong male figures whom he admires and respects.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
He was born in Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capitol of Mesoamerica. The only other place he visits in The Endless Forest, spending his time between the two.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
He meditates so he goes 'inside himself'.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
As much as he hates to choose between friends, disappointing his deity is by far his number one fear. Aztec gods don't have a good history of being forgiving.

• Does she have a secret?
There aren't many things he wouldn't just tell someone if they asked, he can be embarrassingly upfront about things like sex. In terms of The Forest though, he keeps his humanity a secret for the most part. Only three characters have been formally told about it (Lady Bones, Dag, and Kaoori...though I should hope Walter had figured it out by now as well lol).

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Kids. They do the funniest things after all, and he finds their laughter contagious.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
The only hearts he breaks would be from being oblivious to attraction, I'm sure there were plenty of Aztec ladies swooning over him once upon a time but he's always been rather unattainable.
He's been heartbroken several times, over the course of his multiple lifetimes. You think he'd learn to avoid the manipulative little twat in question but his loyalty doesn't seem to allow it.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
Queze wouldn't have a fridge and he rarely cooks for himself...which is why he sucks at it.
His bedroom floor would likely have rugs, pillows, lots of animal skins.
Likely a plate or something he's just placed there; he's got a bad habit of leaving things laying around, due to getting used to having servants or his wife tidying up for him.
Again he doesn't deal with garbage, stuff just gets taken away by servants/his wife and is never seen or heard from again. Like magic!~

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Barefoot almost all the time, it gives him better grip and traction. If he's in very formal garb he'd have woven reed sandals.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
Queze remembers nothing of his childhood, so I'll substitute with his home kitchen.
He remembers corn masa, baked on hot stones to make flat-bread. He lovingly associates flour with his wife.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
Again, he doesn't clean. He's also not materialistic at all, so he wouldn't have trouble throwing anything away.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
It would depend but for this question I'll take the 'relaxed' routine: he'd be laying in the garden, on the grass (no towel or blanket) with his wife likely preparing something for him to eat. He'd be snoozing til she brings it to him.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
He remembers the fever dreams he had after falling sick and being bitten by a snake. These surreal, nightmare like visions haunt him often.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?
Depends where he's going. He rarely 'dresses up' but if it's an instance where his formal priesthood is important, he'll deck out in gold and finery. Still, by Aztec priest standards he is very utilitarian.
Hart's picture

I love these things! The Red

I love these things!

The Red - Deer
Virgil - Human

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Nameless, though his picto translates to Virgil in TEF language!
Virgil Knight

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Hair: Multiple shades of brown, grey and rusty reds. Eye colour is chestnut brown.
Chestnut brown hair and eyes.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Many scars. And the typical "bug eyed" appearance a red deer has! XD
Could use a shave more often.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmarks. Countless scars though mostly hidden under his fur.
Not that I've figured yet.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Closest friend is Gehirn, other significent figures include Herla, Iaurdagnire, Kiyoko and Ephiré. He also has two sons (Lucian and Kajo) and two daughters (Alane and Kusakagé) (there will be a fifth one born in scotland, but that's beyond his knowledge)
Once had a wife, Jessica, who died along with their unborn child in a car accident. Now living with Gehirn.

• Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
Loch Lomond - Scotland
Undecided, may be somewhere outside London.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
For a walk to the park with his dog. Or just out.

• What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
Loss. Closely followed by Skulled deer, predators and demons.
Abandonment. Havent yet developed any others though.

• Does he have a secret?

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Funny things!
Crude Jokes, most often by Gehirn.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Been in love twice. Had his heart broken multiple times. Reclusive as a result.
Had a couple of girlfriends in his teen years, his wife and later Gehirn.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On his bedroom floor? On his nightstand? In his garbage can?
Fridge has food, beer and more food! Bedroom floor has junk in the corners. Nightstand has a glass of water and a fairly typical looking lamp. Rubbish in the can.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Hooves built for climbing rough terrain.
Dark trainers. Socks are often holed.

• When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for him?
No kitchen. Just grasses, berries and cool herbivour stuff.
Spaghetti bolognese, the awesome stuff his mum used to make as a kid

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out? What is difficult for him to part with? Why?
Old leaf litter and droppings from his 'nest'.
Almost anything that looks like garbage and isn't a treasured posession.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If he’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does he lie on?
Deer things?
He's at work until 6pm on saturdays. Egg, becon and toast with baked beans makes a good breakfast. He'd usually be fully clothed and on the grass if laying down in the sun.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
As a young buck he once had a convo with a woodmouse amongst bluebells.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?
Nocturnal routines. Eating and wandering usually.
Most likely to the pub with Gehirn, if at all.

Character Questionnaire 2

• What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My fawns.

• What is your idea of perfect happiness?
To be settled with a family. On a day out in wales.

• What is your current state of mind?
Not great.
I'm happy for the time being.

• What is your favorite occupation?
Proving my worth, be it to impress the does or my friends.

• What is your most treasured possession?

• What or who is the greatest love of your life?
... I think that will be my wife, god rest her soul.

• What is your favorite journey?
Journey hm? I think I'd go with wales, Shropshire has some great scenery too.

• When and where were you the happiest?
My homeland. Where everything is right.
My wedding day.

• What is it that you most dislike?
Skull faces, they all claim to be different yet they always boil down to being the same. I believe there is a genetic flaw in their kind. Perhaps I should be pitying them?

• What is your greatest fear?
I do not wish to tell you.

• Which living person do you most despise?
As of this moment? David Cameron

• What is your greatest regret?
I know not.

• Which talent would you most like to have?
I would not mind being seen as the great stag that I am.

• Where would you like to live?
Somewhere out of London.

• What is the quality you most like in a man?
One who knows his place.
Wouldn't know really. But I do appreciate someone with a sense of humor I can agree with.

• What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Good health, strong will. Ironically.
Sweet, bubbly, happy. Not a personal whore or a wrench trying to use me for money.

• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
... My fears.
I should lay off the drugs...

• What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Those who fake their feelings for anothers approval.

• What do you most value in your friends?
Their companionship.
The good times.

• Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

• Whose are your heroes in real life?

• Which living person do you most admire?
Sir Dag

• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would become fearless, yet remain logical.
I might see about meeting new people.

• How would you like to die?
I hope to die at a late age, and when the time should come, I hope my choice for solitude in my final hours is respected.

• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A hawk of some sort.

I've deleted a few that would be impossible for me to answer.
... lol my post is boring.

Tera: Your post is so interesting! I do enjoy learning a bit about Queze. He's very well developed I think!
cicadia's picture

Hmm...I'll do the questions

Hmm...I'll do the questions at the top for B. I fear I would write too much if I did the ones below.

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
His true name is something he can't remember, he hasn't been called by it in a long time. The names he goes by these days vary from Brighteyes to Birdhead to simply Bird.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
A natural black. Before certain events, his eye color was brown. Now, a bright red/orange with a glow comparable to a car's rear lights.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Wide, alert eyes set into a a rounded but masculine face. Lips, particularly his lower, are split in several places, the most notable scar being on the left side and running through both upper and lower. Most noticeable is a dark scar that runs through his left cheek. It never healed properly, and can be opened to show teeth and gums through various means, certain expressions included.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
If he has a birthmark, he is unaware of it. He does have several scars, which he's more concerned with. His previously mentioned sliced cheek was product of over sized claws and not knowing one's strength. It was not self inflicted. The most notable scar on his mouth was caused by an overzealous kiss. There is a wide, awful looking bite scar on his neck given to him by Smiling Jack in a fairly recent fight, when he ripped off a section of skin. Over his chest are much smaller, now hardly noticeable scars from the same fight, given through a series of kicks. Even smaller scars are located on the insides of each of his arms and on the backs of his hands. These are from long-term catheters used for drawing blood.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
At this time, he has no memory of his family or friends before the forest. These days, he prefers to surround himself with smaller, less threatening deer or a handful of familiar faces he's gathered. Jack, Cypher, Migisi, Sonne, Illrose, Farrah, etc. If it comes to it, he'll even go to enemies for company. Anyone who knows him will know just who it is he wishes to be closest to.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
No memory of birthplace. Lived in Germany for an unknown amount of time on a military base. Considered this home. In the forest, home is the ruins, particularly the area around the alter. He regards one of the broken pillars as 'his' place in the 'house'.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
To the bottom of the pond, if the water is bearable. He's found that deer don't often follow him there, and he is able to hold his breath for quite a while, provided his is calm enough.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
His biggest fear would be loss of control and the unknown. Situations that put him at a disadvantage for information or a way to escape begin to eat away at him until he's forced into a panic. Someone he is very close to knows/knew this. He would never tell Jack this information, he knows it would be used to its fullest against him.

• Does she have a secret?
More than one can count.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
His humor is a bit warped as of late. Fights in which he has an obvious advantage, namecalling, and roughhousing can draw a laugh from him. He does appreciate more 'subtle' humor, though.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
It's complicated.

I love reading these things!

I love reading these things! :I
ocean's picture

{Unhappy with a few of the

{Unhappy with a few of the answers, but here it is. :j}

What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?

Java Faunus Quill. Goes by 'Jav' or 'Quill'.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?

Bright red (dyed) or brown (undyed). Very dark brown eyes, nearly black.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?

Her facial features are also only semi-feminine, having masculine traits as well.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?

No birthmarks, but a scar across her face that runs from her hairline across her eye and down her cheek.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

Mother and a father, both artists, left behind when she went to study.
Used to be in a gang, long since quit that. She's more of a loner, not really knowing anybody in her city and being out of a job.
However, within the forest, she tends to hang around anyone. She's really very accepting, though she is drawn to more masculine females and odd people, including dangerous ones.
She's not picky about who she's close with so long as they're accepting.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?

She was born in the slums of New York.
She now lives in Los Angeles, CA, where she had saved up enough money to go to community college there (along with some help from her now-famous artist parents).
Her true home is in the wilderness and the mountains, hiking.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Hiking. She'll take her backpack and simply leave.
Anywhere, but to be alone.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
She is terrified that her old gang (or a new one) will find her and murder her without her being able to defend herself. She wouldn't tell anyone this for fear that she would look weak.

• Does she have a secret?

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Herself. Small things.
Tricks, ridiculous conversations, anything. She grins and laughs often when at ease.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Many times.
Only a little.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
Refrigerator: A bottle of milk, some old takeout. Not much.
Floor: Clothes, a blanket or two.
Nightstand: A lamp. A watch. A glass of water.
Garbage can: Glass shards, a milk bottle, old takeout wrappers. Some spoiled fruit too.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?

Old, ratty white tennis shoes or large black shoes for special occasions. If she's going hiking, an old, careworn pair of leather boots. She always wears her shoes because it's easier not to take them off. Plus, she never quite feels at home in her apartment.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?

Lime, the kind to scour surfaces with. When her parents finally began to get money and moved out of the slums, her mother was overly obsessed with keeping their white kitchen clean. Most often, Quill didn't eat what her mother made--most of it was for visitors. So she doesn't associate the kitchen with an food smells.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?

She doesn't have much she can clean out. What she owns, she carries in her backpack. At most she would throw out old food containers, though she might save them if salvageable. She's very thrifty.

Backpack contents: Three-day supply of beef jerky, a flashlight, a waterproof canvas spread, spare socks, spare shirt and pants, money ($10), a small knife, a swiss army knife, a compass, bandaids and various medical supplies, a small blanket, a beanie, and a tiny stuffed teddy bear.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?

It's likely Quill's hiking. She would have on her warmest gear ( a sweater and a sweatshirt) along with her boots. Naturally, she'd have her blue cloth backpack strapped on. Since it's noon, she would have stopped for lunch, which would consist of an apple, a small sandwich if she could afford to make one and some jerky. She would have chosen somewhere nice to eat, perhaps a large clearing in the woods.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

The memory of her scar and the trauma associated with it.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?

Casual style clothing, as per normal; khaki pants and a large, loose-fitted sweater. If she were going out, it would likely be to either find a job or simply go for a walk. She doesn't have the time or the resources to party or drink, even if she wants to. She would walk along the storefronts or perhaps to a park, carefully avoiding any dark areas.

Character Questionnaire 2

This questionnaire was invented by the noted French author Marcel Proust. These questions are frequently used in interviews so you may want to pretend you’re interviewing your characters.

• What do you consider your greatest achievement?

That I'm still livin'! Haha. Nahh. I guess it'd be that I can survive all by myself, y'know?

• What is your idea of perfect happiness?

It'd have ta be somewhere I don' worry abou' gettin' jumped for everything 'bout me and where I can jus' relax.
...Mebbe an island somewhere wouldn' be tew bad.

• What is your current state of mind?

Well, guess you could say I'm calm. Can't say I like answerin' questions, though! Nosy.

• What is your favorite occupation?

Oh, I like hikin' or makin' lil' things, whatever works.
I'd take any job, y'know...

• What is your most treasured possession?

My backpack. Steal it an' yew'll not be livin' tew much longer.

• What or who is the greatest love of your life?

Oh, nobody righ' now.
An' I like hikin' if yew couldn' tell, not much time or money to take up too many other hobbies, eh?

• What is your favorite journey?
Wha' does tha' even mean, huh?

• What is your most marked characteristic?

I s'pose people call me spunky. Does that count?

• When and where were you the happiest?

Mah dreams. I meet all kindsa strange friends there, but I'm happy.

• What is it that you most dislike?

I'm not real fond o' dogs, but I'd have ta say I really don' bein' judged. Happens too often.

• What is your greatest fear?

Not tellin'.

• What is your greatest extravagance?

Don' have much time or money for extravagances, y'know.
But supposin' I was all rich...Well, guess it'd be hair dye.
Don' like my brown hair, red's much better.

• Which living person do you most despise?
Those idiots who gave me this stupid name an' decided what I was gonna be for the rest of my life.

• What is your greatest regret?

Joinin' that gang. Stupidest mistake.

• Which talent would you most like to have?

Anythin' would be good, but I'd like ta play an instrument. Makes people happy, makes me happy.

• Where would you like to live?

Out of the slums.

• What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Bein' miserable an' not doin' a thing abou' it or not bein' able to, jus' watchin' it happen.

• What is the quality you most like in a man?

Heh, long as they're funny and understandin', not too picky.

• What is the quality you most like in a woman?

I like strength, y'see. Strength to stand up to their fears an' not back down. I don' mind the real feminine ones either.

• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Eh, my temper ain't too fun.

• What is the trait you most deplore in others?


• What do you most value in your friends?


• Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

Heh, guess that'd have ta be Superwoman.

• Whose are your heroes in real life?

Eh. People ain't heroes.

• Which living person do you most admire?

I don' admire people, no' really.

• What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Temperance. Y'only live once, y'know.

• On what occasions do you lie?

Any time I have ta, tho' I avoid it.

• Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

'Yeah?' 'Eh?' 'Y'know?'

• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I'd get ta choose my own gender.

• What are your favorite names?

Don' have a favorite!

• How would you like to die?

Peacefully an' happily, mebbe sleepin'.

• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

A deer...Dunno why.

• What is your motto?


Sighthoundlady: Do you have

Sighthoundlady: Do you have any writing/art of Herla's Egyptian backstory? I'm really interested in learning more. :>
Amazon's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Amazon, just Ama.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Oh, I've left that up to interpretation. I will say copper hair, light green or blue eyes.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Soft, curious eyes; round, pink cheeks; nearly always has a smile on her face.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
Hm, no.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Ama is surrounded with friends and family. She has been under the care of Kaoori and Wesker for as long as she can remember. Her best friends have to be Tatata and Pandora! I'm sure she wishes Papa Bylah could be her best friend too.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Ama has only been angry once that I'm aware of, and during that period she withdrew to a nook in the Playground rocks and refused to come out for anyone.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Must be Keiran and Vasla. Poor thing probably has nightmares about these guys.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Birds, butterflies, cookies, flowers...

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
Refrigerator? Chocolate milk, chocolate syrup, strawberries, pudding, and Danimals® yogurt. Her bedroom? Lots of pink. And a teddy bear. And... juiceboxes. We like juiceboxes.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Purple socks. Or none at all.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
Baking with Wesker.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
Ama doesn't clean. Ama makes messes.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
She's putting flowers on fences, walls, and innocent people's heads.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

That was fun! >U<

Sighthoundlady's picture

Tera, I did start to write

Tera, I did start to write the story of her past life here:

Only one chapter thus far.

There's a bit of info here and there on her bio too. A bit disorganized though! Once of these days I'll finish it.

Also this:

Meadows's picture

Answering these myself- kind

Answering these myself- kind of picked and chose with the questions.

What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Iendoe. No, she does not.

What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Light blonde hair, green eyes.

What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
A pretty face, grown up but distinctly reminds one of a child. High cheek bones, button nose, her eyes may by slightly too far apart.

Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
Not really? She might have a few scars, from a few incidents- to lazy to think of where to put them.

Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish she were closest to?
Her friends are her family. Some of those closest to her are dead, or haven't been seen in a long time. The poppies are probably the closest to her still constant. She surrounds herself with nearly anyone who has managed to befriend her, whether or not they are a good influence. She needs attention and affection, and while fearful of them, is attracted to those larger than her to protect her. But also rarely expresses a desire to protect others at times.

Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
She was awoken inside the rocks at the playground- the forest is her home, but mostly she stays close to a certain purple flower patch, with a cluster of poppies near the border of the birch forest. It is very simular to a home for her, sometimes becoming panicky when she gets confused and can't find her way back. Her life before she entered the endless forest is there- but unknown.

Where does your character go when she’s angry?
To the poppies, farthest from whatever she is angry at.

What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Death darkness and being alone- almost the same thing in her mind. I'm not exactly sure if she's told anyone besides the poppies- but it's pretty plain. She is fairly open, so I can't think of anyone right now that she wouldn't tell.

Does she have a secret?

What makes your character laugh out loud?
Joy. Snow, running and leaping, her friends. Most humor goes over her head.

When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Not exactly.

It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If she’s eating breakfast, what exactly does she eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
Running around the forest for the sheer fun of it, avoiding others.

What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Positively, meeting Wudiin, Negatively, seeing the hands mask on a fawn. Though she remembers many things from her childhood.

What does she consider her greatest achievement?
Either getting up into the willow tree, or sit-sliding. (Which I forgot how to do >.<)

What is her idea of perfect happiness?
All of her friends around her, getting along, never to die, never to change and leave her behind. Being a fawn again would help too.

What is her current state of mind?
A confusion of feelings which she is trying ignore.

What is her most treasured possession?
Her antlers.

What or who is the greatest love of her life?
The light.

What is her favorite journey?
The journey home.

What is her most marked characteristic?
Perhaps her shyness?

When and where was she the happiest?
As a fawn, protected by those older and larger than her.

What is it that she most dislikes?
The darkness, the hands mask.

Which living person does she most dislikes?
The koi, bearers of bad news- and she isn't very fond of Virgil- that's about it.

What is her greatest regret?
Can you regret growing up?

Which talent would she most like to have?
Being able to turn while sit-sliding, she hasn't figured it out yet.

What is the trait she most deplores in herself?
That she would rather to stay back and be protected as her instinct.

What is the trait she most deplores in others?
When they forget.

What does she most value in her friends?
Love in return for her own.

Who are her heroes in real life?
Wudiin, Poltergeist, Aegle, Quamar and Raunun, the poppies.

Which living person does she most admire?
Aegle. Though she is missing.

On what occasions does she lie?
Like I said, she's very open. I don't really see her lying, unless in a life or death situation where her survival instinct comes though.

If she could change one thing about herself, what would it be?
She is trying to be more independent.

How would she like to die?
She wouldn't like to.

If she was to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A flower.

I might put a couple of other

I might put a couple of other characters here to.

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Kestrel, her true name is never disclosed only to those that she trusts.

Seda is his true name. his nick names are Sed, Eda, or the little prince. "Light bright" by his sister.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
As a human her hair color is black but she has a white streak through her bang. her eyes are a dull lavender,thogh due to her connection with the fish they have become blue and red.

Seda's hair color is platinum blonde though as a human he tends to dye it different colors, his eye color is violet.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
on her left cheek there is a crecent scar that signify's outcasts of her kind.

He doesnt really have any distinguishing facial feathers though you hardly ever see him without a surgical mask, gasmask, or other things. at times he has a little heart under his left eye.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
She doesnt have a birth mark but her coloring isnt as vibrant and more monochromatic then the vibrant hues that her kind have. as for scars her body is scattered with them though they dont show from under her feathers. as a human you can see them more prominently. the one that seems to be the most noticable is the one that she keeps under constant wrapping, the scar its self seems to be from a leg binding like a teather that had cut into the skin. she rarely speaks of how she got these scars.

Seda doesn't really have any birthmarks if he does he's not aware of them. as for scars there is one across his chest where his heart was torn out.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish she were closest to?
Kestrel doesnt have family, she never knew her parents having been raised and abandoned by her matriach. She did have a husband, and a child but both passed away. As for who she surrounds her self with, she tends to stick to her self for the most part but when she wants company there are a few that she will go to some she'll go to no matter what. Those closest would be Shilo, Santiago, Terrant,Sparrow and Brighteyes. as for who she wishes she was closes to...i dont really know that my self.

Seda's family is dead, though his god mother is jorogumo, and he's adopted Aeis and family as his own. Tends to stick close to his sister tesa. his best friend is Seth, he's also freinds with Pandora who he was closest to.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
She was born on the floating islands above the crystal forest, and as for where she's lived she's live in many different places, the most recent place she lived was a rather dark city which is where she fled from to the forest where she calls home now.

Seda was born in the forest on halloween. he's lived a few different places but still calls the forest home.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
Her nest, she gets angry quite alot and so pouts in her nest or she will go lash out at the birch trees and calm her self by watching the magic at de drink plaats.

Seda goes Away from the forest

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Her biggest fear is getting extreemly attatched to someone, she rarely will tell any of her firends this because she doesnt want to seem weak. if she had told someone of this it was when she wasnt very concious of it or during an emotional break down, so thus cannot remember it.

his fear is to be alone, he has abandonment issues. The only one to know this is Tesa, and he wouldnt really tell anyone else cause it could ruin his bad boy reputation

• Does she have a secret?
They both have many.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Children, and childish behaviour. it makes her gigle,she finds a few things rather hillarious and laughs quite frequently. recently she hasnt been her self, so it takes alot to make her laugh or smile.

Toying wit others, Mind games, he tends to laugh at jealousy and often provokes negative reactions to things. life in general makes him laugh.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
She was a few years ago which was the last time she had her heart broken as well. She doesn't trust love anymore.

He has felt love, and he has had a broken heart very recently..

I must do this sometime

I must do this sometime soon.

Tracking for now.
Zergarikiaka's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?

Darkweaver - Darkalark, Dark, Darky, Demon.
Pathweaver - Path, Shineyflashythinggy.
Mar Sart - Mar, Goat, Marmar.
Zergarikiaka - Zerg, Zergalerg, Zergy, Random ball of hyper, zergablablabla, inexplicibly long name.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?

Dark: Black hair, crimson eyes.
Path: Silvery white hair, blue or silver eyes.
Mar: Gray/white hair, red eyes.
Zerg: Silver hair, reddish-brown eyes.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?

Dark: Tendrils, demonic teeth, cracked skull mask, six eyes.
Path: Glowing color-changing swirl markings.
Mar: Nothing special.
Zerg: Nothing special.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?

Dark: Many many scars from countless fights.
Path: Nothing noticible.
Mar: None.
Zerg: None.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

Dark: "Hnn... too many... questions." - Children; Archelius, Laoise, Adrastos, Loki. Mate: Laghodessa, Taylor. Brother: Pathweaver. Best friend/Son or daughter to him: Bastilion, Amary.
Path: Hasn't really gotten close to anyone yet. New to forest. Big Brother to Darkweaver.
Mar: Little brother to Zergarikiaka. Uncle to Oisin and Midnight, brother in law to Scape, Magnet, ect.
Zerg: Sister to Mar Sart, mated to Scape. Children are Midnight and Oisin.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?

Dark: First generation of the endless forest deer's existance after creation. (Like Cain and Abel)
Path: First generation of the endless forest deer's existance after creation. (Like Cain and Abel)
Mar: A few years ago in Fall.
Zerg: A few years ago in Summer.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?

Dark: The ruins, or on a hunt.
Path: Anywhere quiet to calm down.
Mar: Under the slanted rock in the playground.
Zerg: ..... She doesn't get angry far as I know.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?

Dark: No fears known.
Path: Unknown.
Mar: Germs. Germ-phobia. Pretty much anyone can tell he is a phobic.
Zerg: Aggression. She's a passivist.

• Does she have a secret?

Dark: Most likely a few secrets, some more know to others than other secrets.
Path: Probably.
Mar: Yes.
Zerg: Nope. Open book.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?

Dark: The misery of enemies, some friends, goofing off, his own sarcastic dry humor.
Path: Fawns, slapstick, ect.
Mar: Friends who can actually get him to loosen up.
Zerg: Just about everything.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?

Dark: Yes.
Path: No.
Mar: Yes.
Zerg: Yes to love, no to broken heart.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

Dark: "Hnn..."
Path: "Very well."
Mar: *Whimper.*
Zerg: "Mk." Laughing out loud

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?

Dark: 1. MEAT. 2. Whatever junk he's hoarded. 3. A cane perhaps. 4. Bones, garbage.
Path: 1. Fruits and whatnot. 2. furnature. 3. A lamp. 4. No garbage. Recycling bin.
Mar: 1. FOOD and agar plates. 2. Nothing that shouldn't be there, save for maybe a labcoat. 3. Many many scientific notes. 4. typical trash, broken test tubes, ect.
Zerg: 1. Coffee beans, normal foods and drinks. Many random things as well. 2. STUFF. 3. MORE STUFF. 4. GARBAGES and maybe a rubber chicken.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?

Dark: Black Hooves, golden shackles, blood.
Path: Grayish White Hooves.
Mar: Gray Hooves.
Zerg: Black Hooves, worn down from running/bouncing/jumping around.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?

Dark: "Hnn..."
Path: "Sadly it has been too many years to maintain a clear memory of those days."
Mar: Cookies or something.
Zerg: Totally cookies.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?

Dark: "Hnn... Why do I... still have this?" *throws out a corpse that's been mostly eaten.*
Path: *finds anything to be disposable.*
Mar: *Will throw out anything GERMY. But will keep anything SCIENTIFIC or nerdy.*
Zerg: "I can keep this right?" *random stuff.*

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?

Dark: *Sleeping next to Laghodessa's grave. In the dirt.*
Path: *Meditating, on nothing but a rock surrounded by grass.*
Mar: *Studying birds or something.*
Zerg: *DANCING or playing with Scape and Seed.*

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

Dark: The death of his parents during an abiogenisis. That's scarring for life.
Path: Wandering out of the forest as a fawn. Wound up in China.
Mar: Many many crushes and broken hearts. Unlucky in love.
Zerg: Finding Scape, ect.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?

Dark: He will be protecting a grave. Nothing fancy.
Path: Going to a fancy chinese restraunt. Wearing a white robe and wooden hoof sandles.
Mar: He stays in KTHXBAI. In his labcoat and blue-tinted goggles.
Zerg: Wherever the wind takes her in whatever she finds first to wear.

J!n's picture

This is S if he was a

This is S if he was a human.

- What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Two names, saosin and susano, each representing different parts of him. Nicknames would be sao, s, sin, say, saysay, sosin, sus, susanito, gayosin... Hah. I never decided on his real human name.

- What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
He's a natural redhead with bright blue eyes.

- What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Hn, his face is just very sharp and angular. His left eye squints slightly inwards, a vision disorder.

- Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
Haven't really given that much thought to birthmarks, a small heart shaped one on his butt cheek would be kinda cute though, given the meaning of his name, heh. Several scars are shattered across his skin, mostly due to careless fights and riots, but there are also ones deliberately made by his partner.

- Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround himself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
He shares a small and shitty apartment with a few other guys and the occasional girl who mainly just drink and sleep when they're there, probably heavier drugs involved as well. Just living his life the only way he knows how, seeking a rush. He doesn't take as much part of it as he used to though, as he has found a healthier and more powerful substitute for it.

- Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
He lives in a dirtier and darker part of a larger city. Home is wherever his gf is, which is usually anywhere.

- Where does your character go when he’s angry?
When he's pissed he either goes for a ride in the car, or hangs out at the rooftop of his favorite club, a place that holds special meaning to him. He generally gets very aggressive when he's angry, wouldn't be uncommon for him to go look for a fight either.

- What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
Jeez, he doesn't really fear much, life doesn't hold much meaning to him. At least it didn't, I'm guessing whatever his fears are concerns his loved one now.

- Does he have a secret?
Ah, yeah. It wouldn't be a secret if it was to be revealed though, hm.

- What makes your character laugh out loud?
His gf stealing stuff or wearing his clothes, which happens rather often.

- When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
He's only been in love once, but been in plenty of shallow and short relationships that he never cared for. Somehow his gf stands out, probably reminds him of his mother or something, hah. She's older than him, which is rather odd as well. I imagine she comes and goes as she pleases, not wanting to be tied down, and that breaks his heart, that in turn leading to him seeking compensation.

- What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On his bedroom floor? On his nightstand? In his garbage can?
His floor is littered with porn and alcohol and the occasional passed out roommate, a few sofas, an old tv and some heavy speakers. If there's a nightstand it probably has a cigarette ashtray and some lighters.

- Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
He wears combat boots.

- When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it? Why is that smell so resonant for him?
Shame and sweat, or no clue really.

- Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out? What is difficult for him to part with? Why?
No he's not, hahahah. I guess he doesn't like anyone touching his stuff though. Everyone's supposed to clean up after themselves where he lives.

- It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If he’s stretching out in his backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does he lie on?
He's sleeping like a pig on a tattered mattress in the middle of the living room, or on a ratty faded red couch that's covered by a darker and cleaner curtain, whichever. The drapes in the window cast awesome shadows across his bare chest or back.

- What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
No idea yet. But his past home is either heavily control based, or lacking it completely.

- Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?
He wears a thin and white long sleeved shirt. His pants are ripped, light jeans. His short hair has just been combed through with his fingers. He's going down to his club, where he gets his money. The club is probably the closest thing to a home he's got. Eh, so tired of writing nowww.
Kumiko's picture

What is your character’s

What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?

Names in general bother him. He hates introducing himself and often tries to avoid greetings if possible, preferring that others give him nicknames or figure out his "name" on their own. When he is finally confronted and forced to give a name, he will reluctantly spat out "Cypher" - the name given to him by Dr. Heung; the name he has known for the pass sixteen years. However, he feels incredibly disconnected from it as if it is not his true name.

Of course it isn't, but he has no recollection of what his true name is. There is, however, a first name that stands out to him. He never mentions it nor ever brings it up in conversation but has made references to it before.

There is one other name he will, at times, go by: John Smith. Typical and generic, "John Smith" is his alas with the Agency. It is the name he has been ordered to give when speaking to clients in order to avoid awkward suspensions caused by using "Cypher". Or, at times, it is the name he will use when he wants to avoid any personal ties to others.

What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?

Depending on the lighting he is standing in, his hair tends to linger somewhere between a rich brown color and dark mahogany like his mother's. Eyes are a gorgeous crystal blue, as vibrant in color as his father's.

What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?

Diamond-shaped and long, Cypher is a prime example of a youthful gentleman. Nose long and pointed as it runs down the center of his always shaven face. Predominant, pointed cheek bones line not far beneath his eyes as his cheeks somewhat sink in, partly from genetics and partly as a result of malnutrition from starvation in the asylum. His lips are average in side and extremely soft, although...

Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?

A scar has formed near the right corner of his bottom lip. Caused by countless beatings from Jack upon his entrance to the Forest, the wound was constantly reopened and never properly healed. He has a few small scars here and there over his body. Particular rough knicks from his knuckles all caused from careless decisions out on the field with his work for the Agency.

Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround himself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

He remembers no one from his childhood outside of the two doctors (Heung and Hayes) who he say every day, though he does tend to have blurred dreams regarding his mother and often has unknown, resurfacing feelings about her. At the moment, he finds himself in the company of Bright, Migisi, or Sonne the most, with Kestrel, Sax, and a few others often following him. He has been trying to handle the very disturbing Stockholm Syndrome he has regarding Jack, as the white reminds him of Dr. Hayes. He also has a bit of fatherly intentions towards Mos.

Outside of the Forest, he knows Jacob Walters who is his superior with the Agency.

Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?

Born in Chelmsford, Essex - England, he has no memories of his childhood home. However, he will occasionally have distant memories of the country house he lived in before the kidnapping took place. Between the ages of nine and twenty, he lived within Westbury Sanitarium before Dr. Heung unwillingly forced him to join the Agency in order to be freed from the asylum and gain protection against Dr. Hayes. Now he resides in a small one-bedroom home in the suburbs of Manchester, England which is currently sitting untouched while he investigates the Endless Forest.

Where does your character go when he’s angry?

There is no place in particular he goes when angry, but he does tend to rest beside the pillar where Migisi built her nest when upset. Though while on the topic of anger, his accent does tend to grow thicker and slang slips into his speech as he gets aggravated.

What is her biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to?

The most obvious fear he has is his aquaphobia, caused by years of near drowning attempts and emotional/psychological torture by Dr. Hayes during hydrotherapy sessions. The sight of large bodies of water as well as the sound and smell put him on edge as they cause repressed memories to resurface. He has never right out explained the source of his phobia to anyone outside of the Agency and Dr. Heung. However, most of his friends are familiar with his fear of water, as he refuses to go near it and often mumbles about how it can kill.

He is also extremely paranoid and anxious, afraid that those closest to him will be harmed as a way to stab at him since it happened once before.

He does what he can to keep his fears hidden, but his actions speak for him.

Does he have a secret?

His whole life is a secret, even to himself.

What makes your character laugh out loud?

Cypher has a twisted sense of humor favoring grim, dark humor over lighthearted humor. Though he tends to get amusement from childish antics of young ones since they cater to his growing desire to be a father.

When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?

There have been two girls in his life but both have been repressed within his mind. The first was Olivia Baker, a lovely girl he had a crush in while attending boarding school. He was often picked on by the other boys for his interest in a girl at such a young age and she always turned down his offers to be his "girlfriend". After the kidnapping, he never saw her again.

The second girl was one of the six children who were used in Dr. Hayes' brainwashing experiments. Codenamed "Ana", she was the first of the six to be taken in. He vaguely knew her from the experiment sessions but grew closer with time. Using each other as strength to endure the tortures they both faced until Ana's sessions became more aggressive as Dr. Hayes began to realize he could use her pain as away to emotional torture Cypher.

He never saw her again after she was "released" from the asylum. Unbeknown to him, she committed suicide in hopes of escaping the pain she lived with. As far as he knows, she returned home to Anglesey.

What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On his bedroom floor? On his nightstand? In his garbage can?

The refrigerator is fairly bare. He has very basic cooking skills so expect to see the essentials to any household: milk, butter, eggs, packets of cheese, pre-sliced lunch meats, containers of leftover take-out, etc... His bedroom is neat, clean, and organized like the rest of his home. A simple dark colored rug rests in the center of the room to give him something warm to walk on instead of cold hardwood floors, but nothing more. His nightstand is where he rests his cell phone at night, plugged into the same outlet as his alarm clock and bedside table lamp. Then of course trash is in his garbage can; he's not that weird.

Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there.

A pair of polished, well kept leather loafers. He owns two pairs: one black and one brown.

When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it?

Again, he does not remember anything from his childhood but has a very strange attraction to the scent of freshly cooked shepherd's pie tends to put him at ease.

Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out? What is difficult for him to part with? Why?

Most possessions are easy for him to part with. Generally, he is not a very sentimental person. He has no pictures of loved ones hanging in the house, no personal gifts from others, and frankly does not see the need to own much. Rarely spends his money on useless things therefore he does not have too much to worry about throwing out other than his revolver 'gifted' to him by the Agency to use on missions, but there is a box he keeps secured in his closet that he does not show to anyone. Inside the box is a stuffed bear that he had since he was nine and a few nicknacks that he believes has ties to his family, as well as the pocket watch he carries with him daily.

It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details.

God only knows what Cypher is doing on a Saturday afternoon. His job has him traveling the world at even given moment on a whim. One Saturday he might be on a train to some remote location in Europe or flying on a plane to America or Japan. Next Saturday, he might find himself twiddling about in the office filling out the necessary paperwork. Another Saturday might have him fighting for his life against some great entity and another Saturday might have him blindfolded and tied to a support beam in a cult's basement.

On one of the rare occasions that he is not on a mission, he is trying to catch up on the sleep he has lost from earlier in the week or tending to wounds. Often watching some classic horror or noir film with a freshly poured gin and tonic in his hand. Listening to jazz music while he polishes his revolver, tinkers with his investigation equipment, or reads. If he feels a bit bored, he might conduct an unofficial investigation, taking pleasure in testing out myths or local legends. Basically doing anything he can to avoid resulting to playing Russian Roulette or the knife game.

What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

There is no single memory he remembers from his childhood. Small fragments of his past tend to blend together, often overloading his mind and overly stressing him emotionally. If one memory stood out there, it would be the memories of his mother; she is, after all, the one reoccurring vision he has in his dreams. When growing up, she was the closest to him. Fussing over him a great deal and spoiling him, always encouraging his imagination and tending to him like any loving mother would.

Sadly though, she is forgotten but she has never forgotten him. Even to this day, sixteen years after his disappearance, she searches for him and waits for her son to return home.

Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?

More chances than none, Cypher would wear what he wears almost every day: a fine pressed white-cotton, button up shirt (long sleeve) beneath a black polyester vest. Pressed black slacks and his trademarked fedora. But if he were trying to impress someone or was looking at the evening as a casual meeting, he might settle for a pressed black blazer with a dark, solid color button-up shirt beneath it, perhaps a silver, maroon, or dark blue one, or just stick with white. He would still favor slacks but may wear a pair of dark jeans, against depending on the situation. Of course, his fedora almost never leaves his head just as his pocket watch almost never leaves his pocket.

If he is not meeting a client, then he is hitting up the local jazz bar for a drink with Migisi with him since, despite his desires for a relationship and a few women swooning over his charm, he is actually very bad at handling women.
quadraptor's picture

I'll do this for Quad

I'll do this for Quad Human

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Quad. He is also known as The Man in the White Kimono, and rarely he is called the Peacock Samurai

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
His hair is a dark grown, and his eyes are blue

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
He has a brown goatee

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmarks or scars. He has only gotten minor cuts and scrapes in the few fights he has ever gotten into.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
He is a lone traveler, does not discuss friends or family for personal reasons. He is very friendly towards others, however, but does not make lasting friendships.

• Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
He was born in Japan, but he knows very little of his home. He still lives in Japan but he does not have a home. He is generally welcomed in Buddhist monasteries throughout the land, as he may one day give up his old ways and become a monk.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
He sits in a zen garden and suppresses his anger through meditation

• What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
His biggest fear is the death of an innocent by his doing. He has only shared this with a few of the monks he has spoken to. Otherwise, he would never reveal this to anyone he does not trust enough.

• Does he have a secret?
Yes...something that happened in his early years as a samurai...

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Animals being funny, mostly.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
No, he has never had a love interest.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On his bedroom floor? On his nightstand? In his garbage can?
Fridge - Leftover sushi
Bedroom floor - his sandals
Nightstand - His shurikens, other throwing weapons, and money pouch
Garbage can - used chopsticks

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Currently he is barefoot, but he generally wears samurai-style sandals.

• When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for him?
Mostly the smells of rice, soy sauce, and miso soup, as they are commonly what he would have eaten.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out? What is difficult for him to part with? Why?
He would gladly throw out anything except the clothes he wears and his weapons. He has no need for personal effects as he is a wanderer.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If he’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does he lie on?
At noon he would be practicing throwing his shurikens. He would miss often, but then remember what he has learned from Zen and meditation, and relaxing, he would start to hit the target. He occasionally would have to go recover a shuriken that flew off somewhere.
For breakfast, he would most likely eat whatever was available. Probably vegetables, rice, and maybe eggs
He would lie on the grass without a blanket or towel if he sunbathed.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
He remembers standing in a field with dragonflies buzzing overhead. Then out of nowhere, he saw a peacock emerge and stare at him. It is one of the few peaceful memories from his childhood, and thus why he likes peacocks so much.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?
Most likely he would wander off alone into the bamboo forest. He would wear his kimono, sandogasa, and sandals, and would carry his sword and weapons with him. He would be alone (unless someone was seeking him out).
BluedeerLegend18's picture

I'll do this with Pierce,

I'll do this with Pierce, Voice, Dareh, Aiattaua, and Waterstar. Yes, they are a lot but I have trouble playing them, because I have a really hard time playing as a different person, especially one with a totally different personality. I hope this makes playing my characters easier...


What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Pierce. No nicknames, however he is known as "The Prince of Darkness" or "The Prince of Peace", and even more commonly known as "The Prince of Peace and Darkness".
Voice. No nicknames.
Dareh. No nicknames.
Aiattaua. He prefers the name "Aiatt", however, and is also known as "Atti".
Waterstar. No nicknames. However, when she was born she was known as Waterkit, and then as Snowy. Then when she became an apprentice she was Waterpaw. When she was a warrior and then deputy she was Waterheart. Then when she became leader of her clan, she finally earned the name Waterstar.

What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Short, black hair and green eyes.
As a human, Voice would probably have black hair permanently dyed gray, like a wolf's pelt, with highlights of white and black. I've always imagined her with dark blue eyes.
As a human, he would have dark brown hair, and has yellow eyes
As a human, Aiatt would a dirty blonde hair color. He has an odd eye color, like the color of mustard.
Black hair. Her right eye is green on the right side, the other side is blue. Her left eye, which was clawed out, was an aqua color.

What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Usually Pierce wears a mask, and the only thing on his face would be two small scars made from a fight long ago.
Not really anything except for some scars and her mask.
Not really anything. Dareh doesn't fight.
Aiatt has a trunk like an elephant, and hides it under his long white and red mask.
Her left eye was clawed out, and she wears a red bandanna over the scars. She also has a scar across her muzzle.

Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
He has small, unimportant scars mostly around his legs and belly. He also has a huge scar on his belly made from attempted suicide.
Many wounds and scars all over her body.
Her left eye was clawed out, leaving a very big scar across where her eye should be, one on her muzzle, three around her neck, and some around her body.

Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish he were closest to?
Pierce's mother was the King of Darkness, and his mother was the Queen of Peace. His adoptive mother in Angel, making Cooper his deceased brother and Filline his sister in-law. He is very close to Angel and wishes he were closer to some of the friends he had made when he was a fawn.
All of her friends and family (except for Pierce) are dead.
He loves his family, however he does not remember them.
Aiatt trusts Mariposa and wishes they could became closer in the future.
Most of the ones she loved are far away, hate her, or are dead.

Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Although his mother conceived him in a Medieval Kingdom, he was born in the Endless Forest and has lived there ever since.
She was born, lived, and died in the Endless Forest.
Dareh was born somewhere in Africa, but after a bump on the head he found himself in the forest and has lived there ever since.
Aiatt was born in a forest, but was captured and lived in a circus for a few years. He escaped and found himself in the Endless Forest, and this is where he now calls home.
Waterstar was born in a forest and lived in a clan with other feral cats, called Riverclan. After she nearly drowned in a river she was rescued by humans, and lived with them under the name Snowy. But feeling the call of the wild she escaped and wandered on until she found another clan, Thunderclan.The cats trusted her and she was trained to become a warrior, and soon became leader. But after she accidentally walked into a portal that lead to this forest, she now lives in the forest.

What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Pierce's biggest fear is that he will hurt someone. The Darkness side of him makes him short-tempered and bloodthirsty, but at the same time his Peace side wants the world to be happy and at ease. He has only told this to Angel and a few other deer.
Her biggest fear is that she'll be dead forever and her spirit will never live in peace.
Dareh has no fears. He just simply has a carefree life! ...Well, he sorta does get nervous around big deer, knowing that they are much more powerful then him, but other than that Dareh always seems to be happy.
He is afraid someone will find out about his trunk.
She is afraid of her own mother, who abused her as a kit because she was a runt.

Does she have a secret?
Pierce only know fragments of his past: That he is some type of prince; his mother was a queen, but her husband is not Pierce's father; that his father was a killer and a horrible King, and that his mother's husband sent an assassin to kill both him and his mother (it succeeded to kill his mother, but not him). He has told it to few deer.
Her past is also a secret.
Dareh knows no secrets
He has a trunk like an elephant's.
Waterstar's mother, and how she abused her.

What makes your character laugh out loud?
Derping with friends!
Also derping with friends!
Many things
Sometimes, a funny joke can get Waterstar into a happy mood.

When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
He had once been in love with a doe, but when she was taken his heart was shattered. He still has a crush on her, but he is more in love with another doe right now.
She is currently in love with another buck, but too afraid to propose her love for him.
He has never been in love.
No, not yet, as he is looking for someone who doesn't mind his ugliness.
Yes, and yes.

I will do the deeper questions later.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Her name is Alice.
Nicknames she has are not many, but friends may call her Ali.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Out of forest, she was a white mane on top and below her. She has a pale pelt with a red swirly line running across it. Eye color is blue.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Red fur over her eyes, though it's hard to see with her mask on.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
No birthmarks, but has a large scar on her right hind leg, like I do.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish he were closest to?
She knows some people around the forest who she will play with, and all of Sybil's characters end up meeting her somehow. :')

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
She was born in the birch. She just roams around the forest, really.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
To the Twin Gods' statues...

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Her biggest fear? Well, walls and inclosed spaces, horrible sounds... she never told anyone.

• Does she have a secret?

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Just... anything, really. Playing with other deer I guess.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Yes, but does not have a real mate yet. No...
GuardianGhost's picture

This questionnaire is epic. I

This questionnaire is epic.
I really enjoyed reading what the others wrote.
I'll try to do it as soon as possible.
siggy by Pegasicorn

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Her name is Talla.
Hn. Far as nicknames go, she’s not had many. Tal, TalTal and other variations on occasion. I can’t remember anything else presently. It's 2 AM ;;

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Well, as a deer she is blue. The blue of her coat varies into darker shades just above and over the legs. And white. Her eyes are a dark brown; they may nearly be described as warm.

Seeing as she doesn’t really have a human form, I’ll briefly speak of her raven body. Typical of a raven, really. Dark feathering, and in her species bright eyes that were nearly white but took a slightly green hue.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
As a deer, Talla wears a mask over her face. Don’t know if that really counts as a facial feature. Apart from the fact it’s blue, she’s pretty typical for a roe deer.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmark found to date. xD
As for scars, let’s see. Her new one is at the back of the neck, several circular marks in the shape of a bite. She has some on the legs, rump and chest. Mainly the back end, though, seeing as that’s the first place chasing predators tend to hit. Not many are noticeable through the fur, but some definitely are. I’m just too lazy to draw a reference for them.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish he were closest to?
Listed on her biography. Perhaps the two closest are Jorogumo and Umay, as they are listed as family, however Talla adores many of her friends very dearly. Some as family, even if they aren’t officially listed as such.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
A forest, typically. In a tree, originally. On the lower branches of a tree, however. Then the forest. Currently, she calls the Forest home.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
Talla will often go to her favourite tree when angry or upset. I’ve noticed that when feeling especially insecure, she will sit facing the other direction. She’s only done this over one thing so far, and for her it was extreme. Otherwise, she may just roam the Forest or snuggle up with someone to help her feel better.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Severe pain. I don’t know if physical or emotional pain is feared more, but I think it may be emotional pain. Rejection severely affects Talla. The closer they are, the more it hurts and such. When such things happen, she may start doubting other bonds and in general become increasingly jumpy the longer she is exposed to it. Physical pain also makes her jumpy, ‘course. I don’t think Talla would withhold this information if asked, she likes to be honest. Maybe one of those who frighten her she wouldn’t tell for fear may exploit it.

• Does she have a secret?
Not really.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Anything that amuses her may cause her to laugh. Frolicking, humour, it’s not a great challenge to make her laugh.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
She does love, but hasn’t been in love, though she’s been close to crushing on a few on one or two occasions. It’s not something she’s aware of a lot of the time.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
No human Talla :c. Doesn’t have a refrigerator. Where she sleeps... it’s pretty clean, I guess. She doesn’t have anything to leave lying around, sooo. I suppose if she had a bedroom and was human it would be reasonably neat.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does she wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is she in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is she wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by her grandmother?
Navy hooves. If she wore shoes, I’d be concerned.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
As a raven, usually she was insectivorous. Though, she would take carrion if it was available. As well as fruits and the like.
The deer feeds on grass and berries, young shoots and other such food sources.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
I don’t think Talla would part with the small range of items she has collected. Few as they are, they’re not a problem in regard to space. They mean something to her.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
Um. May be taking a short nap or something. If she was ‘stretching out’, there’s no way she’s use a blanket, silly.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Not exactly from her ‘childhood’, but she was a very young doe. She remembers a conversation she had with Atvana, which led to a butterfly being present nearly all of the time, if not two.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?
Ooh. Let’s think~ Her fur coat with matching hooves and her only mask. She’ll be with the butterflies and... whoever she trusts that is there, too. She’s going about the forest. They'll do things that are... deer-ish. Maybe. They might just sleep. ff
Mis's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Odio. Though he generally goes by ‘Gehirn’, ‘Geh’ or the Irish. Sometimes also by jerk.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Black tuft of longer fur on his head. Red eyes.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Big nose, pointy ears unlike most of the fluffy ears. His hair is longer at the chin and jaw, indicating a bit of a beard. Few scars.

• Does your character havea birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
Gehirn has quite a few scars. Fights, accidents, arguments.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Mostly with Virgil and Herla, and all the kids Herla brings over to them. Other companions are often Ciel, Ephiré, Ravenflight, and everyone I am forgetting.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Born in a place outside of TEF. Has spend most of his youth there, only coming to TEF a few years ago.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Nowhere specific. Away from the person he is mad with. Red hill?

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
A pretty common fear, but I think Gehirn is terrified of loss through close ones their death. Having gone through this a few times now, it hasn’t made him happier about it. He doesn’t talk about those things a lot specifically.

• Does he have a secret?
Who doesn’t? He doesn’t tell everyone about his firstborn son, nor about the environment he came from. I suppose, his whole past is a ‘secret’.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Scaring the feck out of others. Perverted jokes. The right reply at the right time.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Plenty of times. I don’t think everyone sees it that way, but realizing you cannot continue your relationship with another is already a form of a broken heart. You don’t need to be the one dumped to be sad about it. So Gehirn broke his own a few times, and has watched it shatter when his trust in beloved ones broke.

• What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Becoming a father.

• What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A calm day, relaxing in the sun. No drama, and Virgil and Herla on each of my sides.

• What is your current state of mind?
Doubtful, somewhat insecure. And hating on this goddamn rain.

• What is your favorite occupation?

• What is your most treasured possession?
Eh.. I don’t really stash any items.

• What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Hard to say. You all want me to choose. I refuse.

• What is your favorite journey?

• What is your most marked characteristic?
I suppose my pride. How does one say that about themselves?

• When and where were you the happiest?
When I became a father for the first time, and found out both child and doe were alright.

• What is it that you most dislike?
Seeing my loved ones hurt. Being the one to cause hurt. And well, being alone.

• What is your greatest fear?
Losing them.

• Which living person do you most despise?
Let’s not throw names about now shall we.

• What is your greatest regret?
Cheating on my partner. Nothing is ever going to justify that.

• Which talent would you most like to have?
Killing others with my stare. It’s not –killing- them yet, you see?

• Where would you like to live?
Somewhere safe..

• What is the quality you most like in a man?
Honour. Humour. Respect.

• What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Elegance, love.

• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
My temper. I throw tantrums quite a bit.

• What is the trait you most deplore in others?

• What do you most value in your friends?
Eh. Each is an individual, I doubt I could name one thing.

• Which living person do you most admire?
Virgil and Herla both. Virgil is quite the magnificent stag in all he does, really. I admire him for sticking to his beliefs, for being himself.
And Herla, well. She must be the little mother of this forest, always caring and such a beam of support.

• On what occasions do you lie?
I don’t tend to. I tend to not tell. But in that case, on occasions where it would hurt the other. When I am afraid of them.

• Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Eh. “hm” is often repeated? And ‘love’. I think.

• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My temper. My demands of others.

• How would you like to die?
Not. Hahah, eh, in peace. I’ve always thought a warrior-kinda death would be sort of cool. But that’d mean I had been defending someone. If I defend someone, and I die during, I have done an extremely shitty job.

• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A BIRD. Right Herla?


Deleted all my human answers. I don't think I've developed him enough to be able to answer like that. These are pretty short, I think. Sooorryyy.
Snowsauria's picture

Not counting Illrose's human

Not counting Illrose's human form when answering this, since it is only on rare occasions she decides to become a human. c:

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Deer; Illrose.
Dragon doe, Illis, Ill, L'Rose, morning star, Ghost, Smells-like-serpent, Illy-Rose, 'Rose, 'fat lizard', Pretty Fur, Rosedeer.
Dragon; Illrose.
Friendly black dragon, Black shadow.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Deer; White hair, white eyes.
Dragon; ^

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Deer; 'Narrow' facial shape with high cheekbones and a straight nose. Lips are quite full, but the mouth is still not very large. Dark eyebrows and eyelashes.
Dragon; Some scars, not much else that distinguish her facial features from other dragons of her breed.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
Deer; No birthmarks. Many smaller scars from various fights all over body. A large scar on her right side from fighting a rock hound. Shallow wounds on throat and sides from the 'black deer' - infection. Those wounds are not very painful, but doesn't seem to heal up either.
Dragon; No birthmarks. Barely visible scars from various fights.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Deer; Her friends and family can be found under 'Relationships' in her biography. There is no one she wishes to be closest to at the moment, quite the contrary there are those she thinks are too close, but distancing herself seem difficult.
Dragon; Doesn't have friends, doesn't know if any family members is still alive.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Deer; Was reborn into the forest. Have lived both in and outside the forest since then. See the forest as some kind of a home, but doesn't really want to call it that.
Dragon; Born in a dragon colony named D.D. Have lived various places after that, in the end settled down in a cave far away from the colony, after it had been destroyed by humans. Calls this cave home now.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Deer; If she needs to let off some steam, she goes to attack the Old Oak - because she really don't like the noise it makes. Or else she just sit and rage in silence somewhere.
Dragon; She most likely goes on a rampage in some village.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Deer; Her biggest fear must be to lose a child, whether adopted or biological one. Haven't told this to anyone, since it isn't exactly something she goes around being scared of all the time.
Dragon; Doesn't have any fears.

• Does she have a secret?
Deer; Yes.
Dragon; No.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Deer; Those random moments one can have in the forest. Like when a big, buff stag is changed into a mini, or if two deer spellspam each other and end up with the same pelt, antlers or whatever.
Dragon; Striking fear into someone's hearts, watching villages crumble and become burning piles. Or simply soar around in the air.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Deer; Was in love with Gustiro, it broke her heart when she understood it would never work between them. Still cares very much for the stag, and at times regrets she said no to him when he offered to give up anything for them to be together.
Dragon; No.

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:
• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
Deer; Doesn't have any of it. xD
Dragon; On her 'bedroom' floor there would be whatever one finds in a dragon cave. Carcasses, bones, pelts, rocks, dirt. She is not the kind of dragon that guard treasures, though.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
Deer; Large hooves in the color of bones.
Dragon; Clawed feet with black scales.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
Deer; The many, various smells of the forest.
Dragon; Cold, fresh air, raw meat.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
Deer; Probably resting or romping around with friends. If resting, she would probably sit either at the Ruins, by the pond, or by Blue's grave.
Dragon; Taking a nap in her cave after she have been out hunting. Perhaps she would transform into a human later and visit a tavern or something in the nearby village.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Deer; The first day in her forest, after awaking by the Twin Gods hill she found 'Smiling' Jack and a group of fawns. Joined them in frolicking around. Especially remember that Jack gave her the great white antlers, and they sparred. This is a powerful memory because Jack has been a part of her life ever since, and later became her best friend.
Dragon; She remembers laying in the nest with her siblings, they were all waiting to grow big and strong enough to fly. They would hear a thundering roar, and a great shadow would appear from above among the clouds. Their mother, coming to feed them before taking off into the skies again. Pretty much the only childhood memory she have.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?

Character Questionnaire 2
• What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Deer; "Helping fight off the rock hounds and the Great Wolf threatening the forest."
Dragon; "I revenged all the dragons who lost their lives when the humans took our colony with force. I revenged them by killing the humans and destroy what they had built in our homes."

• What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Deer; "Being with those I care about, knowing everyone is healthy and content."
Dragon; "Flying, with no boundaries and no purpose."

• What is your current state of mind?
Deer; "Conflicted. I want to be there for my friends, but I begin to think I perhaps have to put my own happiness first, or else I will go under."
Dragon; "Content."

• What is your favorite occupation?
Deer; "Romping around, having fun in the company of others. I don't mind a good fight every now and then either."
Dragon; "Flying, hunting, destroying."

• What is your most treasured possession?
Deer; "The luchador mask Velocity gave me."
Dragon; "I don't need any material goods."

• What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Deer; "I'm not sure if I even know what love truly is."
Dragon; "Nothing, no one."

• What is your favorite journey?
Deer; "I would like to go home."
Dragon; "I like it here."

• What is your most marked characteristic?
Deer;"I don't know anymore."
Dragon; "I'm powerful."

• When and where were you the happiest?
Deer; After giving birth to my children, when I finally had them by my side and could finally take a look at them."
Dragon; "..."

• What is it that you most dislike?
Deer; "Those who hurt children."
Dragon; "Humans."

• What is your greatest fear?
Deer; "I'm not sure if I really fear anything..."
Dragon; "Hah, I have no fear!"

• What is your greatest extravagance?

• Which living person do you most despise?
Deer; "There is no one I really despise at the moment."
Dragon; "Humans."

• What is your greatest regret?
Deer; "I do sometimes regret saying no to Gustiro, I still care very much about him. And sometimes I regret letting certain deer become too close to me."
Dragon; "Leaving the colony. If I had stayed, I could have helped the other dragons before it was too late."

• Which talent would you most like to have?
Deer; "I would like to be carefree."
Dragon; "I really don't need any more talents than those I have."

• Where would you like to live?
Deer; "Home."
Dragon; "Again, I like it here."

• What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

• What is the quality you most like in a man?
Deer; "Trust, strength and faithfulness."
Dragon; "Power, self-confidence.

• What is the quality you most like in a woman?

• What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Deer; "My confusing mind."
Dragon; "Nothing."

• What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Deer; "Ignorance."
Dragon; "..."

• What do you most value in your friends?
Deer; "Them simply being there for me."
Dragon; "..."

• Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

• Whose are your heroes in real life?

• Which living person do you most admire?
Deer; "Jorogumo."
Dragon; "..."

• What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

• On what occasions do you lie?
Deer; "If a little lie can save lives, then I lie. But I prefer to tell the truth."
Dragon; "I don't."

• Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Deer; "I would like to care less than I do."
Dragon; "Don't wanna change anything."

• What are your favorite names?

• How would you like to die?
Deer; "Preferably peaceful."
Dragon; "I wouldn't mind dying while fighting for my species, or my family if I should ever see any of them again."

• If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
Deer; "I would like to come back as a dragon - and I'm pretty sure that is what I would have if I died."
Dragon; "Dragon."

• What is your motto?

Spoilers for Silence,

Spoilers for Silence, etc.

What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
His full name is Sebastion Scott. His 'show' name is Silence and is what he prefers to be called.

What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
His hair is essentially black. His eyes changed from green to bright orange during his childhood. However as an adult he used a particular dye to change the color to brown. In forest they appear orange and his fur is a dark blue.

What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
He has high, sharp cheek bones and a straight nose that points downward ever slightly. Everything about his face is sharp and triangular. Dark circles exist beneath his eyes.

Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
He doesn't have any birthmarks. But he does have many, many scars. (At least as a human.) Here's a few:
-Upside-down cross on his left pectoral – Brand received from Taji, burnt onto the skin via cattle prod.
-Triangle with T inscribed inside of it on the back of his neck – Another brand given to him by Taji, also burned into his skin.
-Lighter scar that wraps around the base of his neck – From his experience of nearly being burned at the stake, the rope around his neck caught fire an burned off the skin.
-Lighter marks that wrap around both wrists and ankles – Years of enslavement left scars of agitating bindings that constantly wore at the flesh.
-Indentation of the skin/lighter color over lower right rib – Taji’s cruel lesson on how to withstand pain after Taji cut out a large chunk of Silence’s rib without anesthetic.
-Vertical cuts on the side of his face, hidden by his sideburns – Result of an escape act gone wrong after Hamza sabotaged Silence’s show in retribution for his disappearance from Persia. He was sliced by Hamza's dagger attacks.
-An uncountable amount of thin lines that criss cross his entire back – Caused from Taji’s constant whippings for when Silence disobeyed him.
-Thicker lines that criss cross his back in the shape of an "S" - Taji's cruelest beating, whipped into unconciousness from the injuries after attempting to defy Taji
-Constantly opening wound on his left ring finger beneath a lion ring - Ring contains spikes which disallow the ring's removal from the finger, scars warp all around the digit indicating Silence's attempts to remove it. Wears gloves to cover the wound and prevent infection.
As a deer these scars are hidden beneath his fur.

Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Silence still holds ties to many people he was familiar with as a human. Past loves, long terms friends. However, he had no living family at the time of his emergence into the forest, and considers Taji his stepfather. He wishes to be back with Esperanza most of all, though.

Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
Silence was born in Bussana Vecchia, Liguria. It lies right on the present Italian-French border and was essentially destroyed in an earthquake shortly after Taji took ownership over Silence and ushered him out of his hometown. Thanks to Taji's frequent travels he has been to countless countries, and before entering the forest he lived in Vienna, Austria.
Now of course, he lives in TEF. For now.

Where does your character go when he’s angry?
In forest he will generally flee to the Birch as to spare the TEF inhabitants of his vile temper. (Less deer congregate there.)

What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
His biggest fear is losing his memory. He has told this to Esperanza only, and Taji erased all of his previous fears the hard way so that he no longer has them. Taji is also aware of this lingering fear.

Does he have a secret?
Of course he does. But he is a magician, and he wouldn't want me to give the secret away! ;D

What makes your character laugh out loud?
Deer with 'attitudes', his own antics, whenever he tricks another into thinking something else, many things.

When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Yes. Many, many times. But Silence always had trouble staying faithful to those he cared about.


oh hey look spoilers everywhere...whelp
I'm just trying to fit in don't mind me ahaha.



Reyy's picture

The Human • What is your

The Human

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Ravyn, and no. She doesn't.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
It's dark brown. So dark it looks black. Her eyes are dark too.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Her face is very angular, smooth. Olive skin. Very pale in winter and tan in the summer.
Her eyes are almond and expressive, very much unlike her actual facial expressions..

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
She has a beauty mark on the right side of her mouth. Small, faded into her olive skin, & brown.
She has scars on her inner thighs. Saosin gave them to her. Scars on her hands too from roaming so much. Who knows.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does s/he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to?
Ravyn lives with her father in a very large, expensive house on the outskirts of a city.
It's usually very empty and cold.
Her mom left.
Ravyn is usually wandering alone. You see her now and then until she vanishes in a crowd. She's almost impossible to catch and even harder to get to know and understand.
She is closest to Saosin, and when she isn't alone she's with him.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
The city.
She wanders, really. Always moving. Besides her room, S's apartment, and on the roof of towering buildings, she's usually always on the go.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
To Sao's. She's always loved heights though, and has taken a liking to a particular roof of a building.
Maybe it's on top of a club.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
I'm not sure. She fears men and their perverseness. It's something to fear in a city...

• Does she have a secret?
Probably a lot. She starves herself.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Saosin's crude humor, definitely.

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand?
Expensive tastes in wine, cocktails, and finger foods for the business parties her father throws.
No home-cooked meals. Just quick, on-the-go things. Old take-out food.
She eats none of it.
Her bedroom floor is very clean and very plain.
Her favorite bag occupies her nightstand. She has everything she needs in it.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there.
Plain black velvet flats with a pointed toe. She looks very clean.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it?
Italian food.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
She throws out everything because she can just replace it all and it holds no value. Her father is very wealthy. She's quite careless with material things. Abusive too.
A book her mom gave her. It's called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing?
Napping, probably with Saosin. The heat and the sun make her tired. When she wakes up she'll probably go vandalize property with spray paint and roam.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Horses. Because her mom raised her with them before they left.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?
Wherever with Saosin.
Her style is minimalistic and clean, but kept edgy with something spiked / studded.
A button-up shirt she tucks in her pants. Light denim. Flats. Very odd jewelry.

The end.

Shiori's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Darcy. Will also answer to 'D' or 'Dar' or...well, any other nickname, he isn't too uptight. Just don't call him 'sir'.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
'Human' hair color is dark brown. As a deer it fades into the dark chocolatey brown base color of his fur – not black. His eyes are amber, or a dark golden yellow.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
His most distinguishing 'natural' feature is his nose. It's narrow and comes to a slightly lifted point, straight except near the top of the bridge where it appears crooked from an old healed break. He also has some facial hair, trimmed to a goatee. As for unnatural features, the scars on his face can't be missed. The deepest streak across his forehead, one jagged one dragging down through his eyebrow and across his eye to the right side of his face. Wider, shallower ones mark the bridge of his nose, his left cheek and down the right side of both lips.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
Aside from the natural formation of his markings themselves, he has no 'irregular' marks to be counted as a birth mark. As for scars? The ones on his face already mentioned, the rest of his body is covered in them, his chest and sides taking most of the damage. Some are deep the hair refuses to grow back...others have grown in white, or are simply covered beneath thicker fur. Accumulated over time from abuse at a young age to many fights and self-harming as an adult.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround himself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Darcy perceives friends and family as very separate things. His view on family is a little...'idealistic', not having much of one growing up and only guessing at what one is supposed to be like. His mother is dead and he suspects the same fate befell his brother. It is therefor hard for him to 'visualize' family, only strong emotional attachments. He counts on his friend quite a bit, barely able to tolerate being alone anymore. His current closest friends are probably Kumiko, Obake, Talla, Dinah and Reed. He wishes he was closest to Eraline.

• Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
Darcy was born 'as' a deer in 'another' forest. If he had any human life before this one, he doesn't recall it. He has been to three different 'forests', one as a fawn, one as a teenager, the the one he resides in now. He doesn't call any specific place 'home', though his fondest area is near the Crying Idol and his daughter's grave. It's here he feels the most comfortable. He will not climb the 'Red Hill', and avoids the Playground and the Poppy Garden when he can.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Generally, he doesn't like to stay any one place too long. When he gets angry he gets antsy and aggressive and will pace, run, self-harm...or try to calm himself down. Find him at a mushroom tree, poppy patch or standing beneath the tears of the Crying Idol to cool off.

• What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
His biggest fear is 'snapping'; hurting those he loves and losing control of himself. While he is rather ashamed of this and doesn't openly speak of it, it isn't really a secret...In fact, most who know him well enough could pick up on it quite easily. He is careful to the point of being overly cautious and paranoid, unintentionally driving friends away for the sake of keeping them safe. What he fails to realize is the loss of these friends only triggers his breakdowns...

• Does he have a secret?
Some have viewed him as a 'secretive' individual, but Darcy himself sees it differently. There are many things that he hasn't told anyone, and things he'd be reluctant to share...but he has no real 'secrets'. If someone were to ask for the information, he would divulge it, though he rarely gives anyone a reason to dig into his past, barely mentioning it himself. He doesn't think himself 'important' enough to keep secrets.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
He has a very open, casual sense of humor, though he is often subdued in showing it. Only when he is truly enjoying himself will he laugh openly and freely, and this can be at anything from a well phrased joke to the thrill of battle.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Darcy is no stranger to love. As a fawn he was mostly devoid of it, so as a young stag he let himself love openly and...perhaps a little too freely for his own good. It took only two 'young love' blunders to subdue him, and then he mate his mate. In time, she too would leave him, and in a way took a large piece of him with her. Darcy is now hesitant to love that deeply ever again – unsure if he even can.

I'm gonna try this with a new

I'm gonna try this with a new character.

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Dulce Maria, Du for short

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Multiple shades of brown and blond, eyes are a dark brown.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Her eyelashes, they're thick and long.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
She doesn't have any birthmarks, but a small scar on the inside of her back left leg from falling as a fawn.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
She currently has not met anyone.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Born on a Spanish island, she found her way into this forest. She currently calls this home.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
She reverts to somewhere enclosed, under the slanted rock, the bridge, inside the oak, etc.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
She is terrified of crickets. Nasty little things. She would never tell this to an enemy.

• Does she have a secret?
Not as of now.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Those who are smaller than her, also, rejoicing for no reason.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
She is a hopeless romantic, and falls in love quickly, but falls out just as quick.
Freyja's picture

My characters don't quite

My characters don't quite have a human version yet. I might finish them later.


What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Quite possibly was born with a different name than the one she goes by, but known as Sorrel. No nicknames yet( but I like to call her Ginger ).

What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Almost chocolate brown with bright orange areas and spots. Faded lavender eyes.

What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
A narrow, sharp-featured face. Maybe not feminine, but rather strong in appearence. A bristly, thick mane of gold hair runs from the top of her head to the bottom of her neck, almost like a zebra's.

Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
No birthmarks, probably has scars but they're not visible over the fur. From her past mate.

Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish she were closest to?
She's quite nervous on this subject, and believes that a lot of her friends are very good to her and close, but is always afraid that they don't see her in the same light. Talla is her best friend, with quite a few other good friends that she likes to be around. She wishes she were closer to most of those around her.

Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
The exact location of where she was born is unstated but somewhere outside of the forest. Since then, she calls the forest home.

Where does your character go when she’s angry?
Inside the crying idol, or just beside it. Or Yew's grave.

What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Being left alone forever. Hasn't told anyone because it's rather subconcious to her.

Does she have a secret?
Yes, but she's told people before and it's more out of privacy than protection

What makes your character laugh out loud?
Anything, particularly strange things. And fish; she finds fish very funny.

When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Yes, and yes. The way she retells her past with Camomile is probably incorrect and there were many faults on her behalf, but apparently he became overwhelmed with leadership and neglected/abused her. The fact is that it was probably the other way around; she became jealous when he had no time for her, and abused him.
DEERTH's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Her name is Violet. She has an another name what she named herself: Rosie. Both names are actually named by herself. But people call Violet/Rosie mostly Violet, Rosie isn't such an used name.
Violet has no nicknames, except that some stags called her: little flower as a fawn. She really liked that compliment.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Violet has no hair as a deer, but if she was a human, her hair colour would be as her natural pelt; light brown. Although, if she is a deer or not, her eyes stay always the light emerald green what always sparkle in sunlight.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
"Facial features? Come on, none..." that what she could say when she has no Forest Magic pelt on her. But if she has, her facial features are excactly the same like on the pelt would. With Magpie Pelt: white face. With Peacock pelt: dark blue in a white frame face.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did she get them?
Violet's birthmark would be her human face. Why? Because when she was born, she lived outside the magical Endless Forest. Because The Endless Forest deer went to another land, centuries ago, and Violet doesn't know anything about it. As her people were killed by wolves outside The Endless Forest, her deceased mother once told her: "When there is terrible danger... Go find The Endless Forest." and Violet returned to her ancestral lands.

About scars, she might say that she has inner scars, although she is very young and inexperienced. For a teenage, she's relatively calm, but impressively shy (and crazy) and emotional. Her inner scars came from her early death of her parents as they were killed by wolves. Violet was the only one who could escape. She was still living by mother's milk then, but survived with clever food. From that time on, she feared everyone, growing into The Forest with kind deer. And with her other crazy friends, she slowly became a little insane, but often, her pure mind comes back and she is a polite deer with great manners.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish he were closest to?
Violet has surrounded herself with many friends as she herself is often playful and friendly (often strange). She'd love to surround herself with best friends and the deer she deems family, whom she could include: Federweber, Honigmund Habasi, Nayu, Rumen, Flyleaf, even Big Bunny! Violet once had a strange adopted mother named Carae who soon mysteriously disappeared from The Forest. Carae had almost two sould inside: One seeking for love, the other a merciless killer. But Violet was too pure to be killed, yet somehow. She also loves Azura's company, who acts also as a mother for Violet. Violet deemed three deer as motherly figures: Federweber, Azura and Carae. But her greatest wish she could be back with her roots, her parents and real relatives.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
Violet was born outside The Endless Forest, in another mythical forest what's name escapes Violet's mind. Barely some months spent there, she could only remember the great lush oaks, redwood trees, birches, lovely blue waterfalls and rocky places, and sunlight through aspen trees. And a strange altar what guided her to The Endless Forest which she lives now. But she believes The Endless Forest is the right place for her. She never, ever wants to leave that forest now. Never back to the dangerous paradise where she was born.

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?
She's barely angry. She cannot be angry. That emotion is almost impossible to come through her. She can be a little irritated, but never angry. She mostly suffers blows of sadness or loneliness, that because of her emotionality. SHE NEEDS A DOCTOR! HALP! When that occurs, she usually finds peace somewhere where she thinks there is peaceful. Currently, she goes deeper, lost into The Forest to be alone. Or goes to a special secret spot in The Birch where she is kept accompanied by a white dove, called White Dove. Violet calls her Whitey.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Biggest fear? I'm afraid that she has none that I could know of. She has no big fears or phobias. In fact, I think she's afraid of nothing, except when she thinks something is scary. But that changes every now and then.

• Does she have a secret?
Violet doesn't know of one, but she only tells about her past when she feels comfortable with someone. Violet knows whom she can trust.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
ABSOLUTELY everything she thinks funny.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
No, she's still a young teenage who knows nothing about love, much. And she has no broken heart yet.

The answers to the questions go mostly around deer Violet.

TITAN POST! I might repost this back to Violet's bio, in the comments... Although I'll post about other characters later. xD
Wow, this questionnaire reminded me of many memories with Violet and reminded myself she's special! 8D Somehow, I love this questionnaire. xD
Too bad I can't play her in-forest. I've got to get a normal internet!
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

Only using 3 or else it would

Only using 3 or else it would get boring to read. Cut down the questions, too.

I haven't answered fully all questions, because it would spoil the fun. Only revealed a little.


• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Alec, no
Luca, no
Seikin, Sei', Seisei', ticking bomb

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Dark, dusty/black hair.
Dark grey/blue eyes.

Dark brown hair.
Unneutral striking amber eyes.

Rusty, different shades of brown with a slightly red shine.
Green eyes.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Underneath skull, a somewhat feminine face. Strong marked eyelashes. Pale smooth skin. A bit thinner than normal, but still looks young: A bit like a mature 16 year old, who's experienced a lot.
Underneath skull, a bit sharp facial structure. Straight, slightly sharp nose, high cheekbones. Long eyelashes. He may be considered handsome.
Wears a mask. And it's emo.
Never takes it off.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmark, nor scars.
No. Earned som scars from a fight with Casanova over his (now) mate. Mainly on his neck and chest, a few on his back and legs.
No. But got some scars from a fight with Nat-Nat.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
Alec likes everyone, but haven't officially called anyone 'friends'. Family is not spoken of. He often tries to get close to others, for one or another reason.
Luca awoke alone by a tree in the forest as an adult. If he has any family, he is not aware. But he does have some he has gotten a positive impression of, though the list is few: Umay, Reez, Kody and of course Dakota.
He spends a lot of time with the last one, since she's his mate, and she is the closest person to him. He might watch over Umay sometimes, though, since she is pregnant. She always sleeps.
He doesn't wish he were 'closest' to anyone beside his mate. He would like to get to know the others more, though.

Depending on his mood, he has some or no friends. His family is not spoken of. His friends might disagree of his friendlist, but he doesn't really know. He considers everyone his 'friends' (usually), though. This is just the official list of those he walks to imediately: Nat-Nat & Beren.
He normally clings to Natou, though she has developed an odd behaviour off running (tag?). Beren doesn't nuzzle him anymore, too (odd).
He wish he was closer to both, to everyone. Though he considers himself that already, and doesn't restrain from invading other's personal space.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
In the human world.
Arrived at the forest later, though. He doesn't calls anything in particular 'home'.

In the forest. Continues his life there. He doesn't call anything 'home', but likes the wall on the ruins (has taken a liking to high places).
In the human world.
The forest.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
He haven't gotten angry yet, since he is new in the forest.
His wall or any places where there are nobody. He has sit by the tree he awoke by, once.
Everywhere. No specific place.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
No one.
No one. Because he doesn't want to inform others about things like that.

Once it was...: To lose Dakota. Especially to a jerk.
No one.
To Casanova. He was once his rival. He wouldn't do such a stupid thing as show him a weak spot, to show him his uncertainess.

No one.
And anyone except just one. Because he doesn't want to.

• Does she have a secret?
Yes, though 'secrets' would fit better.
Yes, but he isn't aware.
Way too many.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
When he is fascinated or surprised. Jokes, too. He is fond of the crude ones.
Jokes, happiness. Sillyness.
Depending on the mood: Playing. Fighting. Killing.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
He is now. After some struggle he finally succed. But he had been depressing for a period of time before archieving his goal, though.
Yes. And yes.

The end. ._.

ThunderMint's picture

Alo and Neria • What is your

Alo and Neria

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Alo, and no.
Neria, maybe Neri?

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
What's hair? You mean my fur? Well, brown and white of course...eye color would be navy blue.
I used to have brown hair...oh, and I have gold eyes

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
Well, I'm a deer, so a muzzle and big ears? Though I do have cuts on my ears...don't ask...
Besides gold eyes? Then that would be a scar running from my cheek to the bridge of my nose.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
I'm afraid I don't have a birthmark...could you count cuts in your ears as scars? Yes? No?
No, no birthmark. Yes to a scar. Lets just say I got on the wrong side of a thug once, and leave it as that.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
I don't have any friends or family, though that would be nice. I wish I was close to a pair of older deers...but I don't have the guts to approach them.
I have nobody. I don't care who I'm surrounded with so long as their friendly. I've gone to long without anyone to talk to...

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
I don't remember where I was born, I just know I wound up here, and it's what I call home now.
Please don't remind me where I was born. It was a horrible place and I'm glad none of you will ever end up there. And I call the forest my home of course!

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
Angry? I don't get angry. But if it was any where, I guess it would be the Great Oak. I just sit there with my face against the bark and my back to everyone.
I don't go anywhere. If I get angry I just bolt around the forest until I cool down. It's quite effective really.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
A big raven. There always seems to be one at my ruins! Why can't it just leave? Its unnerving...but I didn't tell you that. Nobody knows about it...
My biggest fear? That would be making the Twin Gods so upset that they send me back to where I came...and seeing as I have no friends yet, I haven't told any deer.

• Does she have a secret?
If I do, then it's a secret to even me.
My name means thief, and I was one when I was a human.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
How fawn-like the adults can get sometimes.
Pretty much everything...especially playing with other fawns and just having a good time!

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Never? I'm still a fawn!
You're getting kinda personal, ain't ya?

Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
Whaaaaa? What do those words mean? I've never heard of
I never owned any of that when I was human. Though I did hide some simple weapons in trash cans...always had to be ready to fight since I was the smallest out there.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
I have hooves? .....what are shoes?
When I was human, I never owned any shoes or socks. They made running and climbing a lot more difficult.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
Why do you keep using weird terms?! The only smell I remember from my childhood is heather, and then a really nasty smelling smoke.
Honey Buns. The one time I got anything worth eating, it was a honey bun.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
Spring cleaning? You mean like eating all the yummy dandilions?
Pu-leaz! I never worried about that. Why clean if it was just going to get messy again the next day?

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
I would be having lunch. Nothing is better than eating those red flowers and some blueberries before washing it all down with a drink at the pond.
When I was human, I was lucky if I ever ate at that time. Mostly, I just slept during the days and went to "work" at night.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
I don't know what it means, but I have this dream of me crossing a hard serface and getting blinded by two huge lights before hearing a loud howl, then getting hit with something really hard, and really cold. It's then that I always wake up from it...
A fuming wealthy guy who's screaming at me for stealing his money from his coat pocket and having the cops chase after me with dogs (ugh, I hate canines). It was the last thing that happened to me as a human...

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?
You ask strange questions. If it's night, wouldn't I be sleeping? Fawns gotta sleep at some point. And I wouldn't be wearing anything. Though when I'm older I would like to wear the real deer set. Smiling
Evil A night out? I would just be cruising the streets then. I would pull out my clothes that didn't have many holes in them, or dirt stains. I'd be alone of course! Jeez, who ever heard of pick-pocketing in a group? That's just bad business.
Petite's picture

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?

Teagen Charley Finch. Also known as 'Vendetta'

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?

Human: naturally has chocolate coloured hair. It's dyed neon green and streaked black however. Gray eyes
Deer: Neon green and black, eyes are like mirrors.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?

Long eyelashes, softly defined cheeks, sharp nose.

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?

Nah, as for scars? a few small ones that she doesn't remember getting.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does she wish she were closest to?

Her best friend? Sianna. She's not really close to anyone else yet.

• Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?

Boston city born and raised. And happily still there

• Where does your character go when she’s angry?

The forest, or home.

• What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?

She's terrified of growing old. Nobody knows this.

• Does she have a secret?


• What makes your character laugh out loud?

Stupid people when they aren't annoying her.

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?

Love is weird with Ven' she's polygamous, but she adores everyone that she falls in love with.

• What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?

Refrigerator: Cheap beer. Whatever food was on clearance.
Bedroom floor: a mattress, beer cans and bottles. Not too many however.
Nightstand: N/A
Garbage: a ziplock bag or two, more cans/bottles.

• Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?

Sneakers, usually.

• When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?

Cleaning supplies, vinegar. Her mother was obsessed with perfection.

• Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?

Ven? Spring cleaning?

• It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?

Probably waking up, or sleeping.

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

Her mother's constant need for perfection. It pretty much shaped Ven into what she is now, the opposite of everything her mother wanted her to be.

• Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?

Bar, Club, Party. Torn up jeans, T-shirt with an oversized hoodie. She'll be with whomever she comes across no doubt.

• What is your character’s

• What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Lucamo. Luca, 'Mo, Lucy, etc.

• What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
Purple and dark gray, mostly. His eyes are an amber color.

• What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
He doesn't really have much, at this point. I suppose his little scruffy goatee would count?

• Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
No birthmarks, no scars.

• Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does he surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
He has his mother, Dinamo, and his estranged father, Lucifer. He also has his best friend Amelia, as well as Herla and Gehirn. There are also quite a few deer he is friendly with that he doesn't see as often.

• Where was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call home?
He was born in TEF, he has always lived in TEF, and he always will call the entirety of TEF home.

• Where does your character go when he’s angry?
He just stomps around until he feels better.

• What is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to? Why?
He doesn't really have any actual, big fears. The most he's afraid of at this point is to be abandoned.

• Does he have a secret?
Not really, no.

• What makes your character laugh out loud?
Jokes... B|

• When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
Not proper love, but he has had a couple of crushes.

Someday, I will do this, for

Someday, I will do this, for both my girls.