Hey everyone. You may have seen my previous post regarding my
Project Greenleaf shop.
As you may or may not know, I am in graduate school for a Master's in Human Factors. Getting a Master's degree is nothing like getting a Bachelor's degree. It's far more than showing up for classes and taking tests. It requires everyone you have within to get through a semester in between projects, experiments, papers,
and classes and tests.
Especially when you have my advisor (they're like a boss). She's not a bad person, but she does expect a lot since it's a newer program and everyone has to help to make the program what it could be. This is why I am not on here much--my time is taken mostly by work. While I have done some great work academically, I don't have much time to develop other areas in my life.
That said, I am seriously considering closing my Project Greenleaf shop. I started it before I got entangled in everything my advisor wants me to do. Believe me, that situation is more complicated than you can imagine. Anyway, I digress. I don't have the time, and I don't a whole lot of money. Also, I have not been making enough of a profit that would help me pay for supplies while donating. To be honest, I have only been able to donate maybe $5 every once in awhile to Project Greenleaf when I could be saving my money and donating as much as $50 if I save my money.
Here is what I have sold through my Project Greenleaf shop on Etsy. Please take a look, and tell me whether or not I should continue. Be honest.