Redkora's blog

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Two Years...

As of March 14/15, I have been here for two years.

Two years.

I have seen the Forest change in those two years. New play areas, new life stage for deer, and new playing styles that have emerged.

I can't say that I have ever been in an online community for so long before. I believe that is a testament to how wonderful this game and community is.

Thank you, Michael, Auriea, and everyone else for a great two years. May there be many more to come!
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Humandeer Redkora Wishes You All a Happy Valentine's Day!

Yes, I've given in to the Humandeer thing. Basically, this if my in-forest personality was made into a preexisting fictional character.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Also: Loving Lovers Love song from MST3K.
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LOL Valenth

This site is a neat Steampunk-themed pix-pet page. Instead of eggs, you get egg/embryonic forms in incubators. The pets don't die, but they still need clicks to grow.

Here are mine. They are all named for characters from the awesome TV show, Mystery Science Theater 3,000.

Feed Me!

Adopted from Valenth

Feed Me!

Adopted from Valenth

Feed Me!

Adopted from Valenth

Feed Me!

Adopted from Valenth
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To Those Who Need Some Serious Uplifting

Note: I know little poems are not cure-alls for what may be clinical problems, but being someone who has deep, dark lows, I know they can help at least a little bit.

Also, this is religiously oriented, so it may not be welcome to those who are not of a religious orientation. Just take those religious parts out and keep the rest if you need to.

Additional warning: May be triggering.
Click here for the page.

I did not do this. I just saw it.

Please Do NOT Kill Yourself by HauntedFleurDeLys(MoreBusyThanNot).

Please do NOT kill yourself
It has to be said
And somehow I am the one
Appointed to say it

Please do not leave us here
In the wake of your suicide
If you're contemplating it
We'll be horrified, shocked
Crying, grief-stricken

Please I beg of you
Stop and think
How you would feel
If it was us taking our own lives
How much that would hurt you!

I know life is sometimes full of pain
Things don't go according to plan
People can disappoint you
People can be so cruel also
But someone cares for you

No life is worthless
All have value
Yours is forming .....

Think of walking on the beach again
Think of anything that will save you

Think how much you'll miss that
In truth
And hold on ....
And cling to life
Realizing this is only temporary

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness
We all make mistakes
We all need it
You don't have to be perfect
None of us are

We all get depressed
Suffer the blues
Please don't end it all
I'm not proud today
Begging you

For today if I can reach one person
Be it teen or any other
If I can work to never again
Know this pain
This left behind -
I will

God gave me a mission
Who am I to deny Him?
I'll pick up this cross
I'll carry my burden .......
I'll rest in Him also .....

And I am praying for you
That my words get through
Redkora's picture

Random LOVE

I just wanted to say that I really love this community. The drama gets silly, but communities are like that.

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 y'all.
Redkora's picture

Soft-Effect Setting?

I was wondering how people like to play the game soft-setting-wise, for fun. Personally, too much soft effect gives me a headache, and I usually just like to use none when I'm playing normally. I use the soft effect to get neat screencaps for further editing, though.

Maybe I'll go back to using no soft effect for screenshots, too. I don't know.

How about you?
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Redkora's Epiphany Abiogenesis Screenshots

Photobucket is really being a pain lately, so I uploaded them to Flickr in a set I made.

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Happy New Year from Stagleaf!

Everyone at Stagleaf would like to wish the community a Happy New Year!

Redkora (Admin), Jen, Laruna, & Wildbluesun
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It's Not Necessarily Over After December 25th!

Although stores and the media focus on December 25 when gifts are exchanged, Christmas celebrations did not really end until January 6. Traditionally, December 25 was the first day of Christmas, and January 6, or the Feast of the Epiphany (celebrating the three wise men/magi/kings' meeting with the infant Jesus), was the Twelfth Day of Christmas. To this day, many old fashioned Catholics leave their Christmas decorations up until after January 6.

Read more here.

Since Stagleaf is doing an Endless Forest Advent Calendar, I don't plan on doing something every day until January 6th. However, we'll leave the red and green colors until then.

So how long do all of you leave your decorations up? I generally leave mine up until after New Year's.
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