QuadRaptor's blog

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Quad's Art Status [Slots Full] (Sarie's group done)

Okay guys, I've been finding myself to be really bored lately, so I've decided to open a request page.

If you'd like a scribble of your deer, please fill out the form below. I'll have 10 slots available for now, and when these are finished, I'll most likely open a second batch of 10 slots. Of course the usual stuff about requests, be patient, ect.

Taking a break, I'll add new slots soon though

I have two "kinds" of drawings I can do:

Scribble'd Headshot:

Color'd Fullbody:

So make sure to specify that as well. Here's the form:

Name -
Deer you want drawn (Link to pic please, or include their set) -
Scribble'd or Color'd -
Headshot or Fullbody -
Any special instructions -

I guess that's about it.

01. Pega (Radeon)

Arrow I was inspired by Edgar Figaro from FF6 for the pose Eye

02. Kaoori

Arrow *headtilt* XD

03. Kana (Air-O)

Arrow I wanted to try something with yours. I did Air-o's body in black and white, and the mask in color. Hope that was alright.

04. Raz (Draak)

Arrow Draak has big dreams. I was inspired do draw this when I saw the moon while coming home from work tonight. Eye

05. Ravenflight

Arrow Hope you don't mind that I tried something out. This greyscale blurring looks kinda cool to me. Smiling

06. Flyra (Shade)
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Divine Destiny - Epilogue


"The Endless Forest is diminishing.", Michael announced to all of the newly winged talux, "The magic that once flowed throughout the Forest was kept in the Twin Gods' statue. Soon the Forest will be no more."

Many of the deer began to chatter, questioning their future. Auriea cleared her throat to gain their attention, "There is hope, though. Now that you all have become talux, we can make the great journey to a special land where we can live undisturbed. Nubia...the Sacred Forest." Michael continued, "We also have...a confession.", he began, letting a sigh out. "It's okay, Michael. They need to know the truth.", Auriea assured him. Michael shook his head, "We're not gods...we're talux just like you."

This caused an outroar of the crowd. Michael looked to Auriea, "It's over...", he began to say, when the crowd started to settle. A path formed as the deer made way for a blue creature with great red antlers. The deer started to call out his name, "Quad? Quad's alive?"

Quad approached the Twin Gods. "Things must have been busy since I've been away.", he said. "Welcome back, Quad.", Auriea said to him. The stag looked back on the crowd. He never thought he'd see the day when they all had wings. "There are so many things I don't understand...", he began to say. Michael nodded, "We will explain soon enough." Quad nodded, continuing, "So...you guys were talux with some great powers, huh?" The two gods nodded. Quad chuckled, changing the subject, "Nubia, huh? Please tell me it's like The Endless Forest."

Auriea nodded, "It's exactly like our forest. But, Quad...", she let out a sigh and shook her head, "I'm sorry...but you aren't going to be able to come with us." "I don't understand.", Quad began to say, then realizing that the deer were all going to leave, he looked to all of his friends, "So this is it, then. I'm the one who has to stay."
quadraptor's picture

Quad's Candid Camera - 3/7/09

We just had an amazing dance party! *cues rave music XD*

Hanging out with my peeps before the party:

And then a great dance line!

Please let me know if your deer was dancing with us! I'd love to get to know everyone Eye
quadraptor's picture

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh bandwagon ;)

1. The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained Quad.
2. Quad is the largest of Saturn's moons!
3. Edinburgh imports three thousand kilograms of Quad every year.
4. There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Quad and water.
5. If you lick Quad ten times, you will consume one calorie.
6. While sleeping, fifteen percent of men snore, and ten percent grind their Quad.
7. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find Quad! (o_O'')
8. A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Quad can not.
9. South Australia was the first place to allow Quad to stand for parliament.
10. All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Quad.


1. Pent is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field!
2. Pent can fly at an average speed of fifteen kilometres an hour!
3. Penticide is the killing of Pent.
4. All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Pent!
5. Baby swans are called Pent!
6. Pentocracy is government by Pent!
7. Only twelve people have ever set foot on Pent.
8. Pent became extinct in England in 1486.
9. 99 percent of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as Pent.
10. US gold coins used to say 'In Pent we trust'!


1. Banging your head against Zephyr uses 150 calories an hour.
2. Zephyr is physically incapable of sticking her tongue out!
3. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Zephyr would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used her to decorate their battle shields.
4. You share your birthday with Zephyr!
5. Research indicates that Zephyr will be attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
quadraptor's picture

Questions for Quad....again?

Here's the old topic but I thought I'd make a new one. You can ask the real me (Chris) or Quad anything you'd like, and it can be any number of questions (Don't worry about duplicating questions, either. That topic was really....really old Eye )


Jadine (Wow that was quick XD) -

if you shake your head realy hard. does your neck get soar because of the massive weight of your antlers?

Quad: Not lately - they balance so well that I'm used to having the extra weight on my head. When Michael first gave me the antlers, I was always having neck aches because they were so much heavier than my gazelle antlers.

What's funny is that when I tilt my head, the antlers become unbalanced so my head wants to flop down with them, so pulling them back up takes a little extra effort. I'm still getting used to that. Eye

Kaoori -

How did you get your name? (Quad)

Before I came to TEF, I was a member of a First Person Shooter community for the video game Quake. When I played, I was originally named "Raptor", but I found out there were a bunch of people who played by that name, so I added "Quad" to the name because there is a powerup called "Quad Damage" (which temporarily allows you to deal four times as much damage as you usually would) and I thought it sounded good. When I came here, I registered as QuadRaptor, and not to confuse anyone, I called my deer Quad.

Laruna -

*Cracks knuckles* XD

Uhh I've always wanted to know what Quad thought of my deer, and what you think of me.
quadraptor's picture

Quad's Candid Camera - 3/3/09


Wake being silly

We were sad to see them leave, though...

GREEN PARTY! Laruna and I cast pelt spells on each other until we matched, then I cast the spell on this new deer and...it just HAPPENED to be the green pelt, too!


quadraptor's picture

Quad's Candid Camera - 3/2/09 (EPHRA?!)

Okay this was earlier in the week:


I see that smirk on her face!

(She's trying to be like her son!) /flashback to Quad losing his antlers while Auriea was testing stuff:

That was a sad day for Quad (because he loves his antlers, and had does all over him trying to lose THEIR antlers too!)

Anyway, here's today's screenies:

Quad's skeered!

Quad regrets making fun of this nameless stag's antlerflowers. Ouch!


Dance Party!

Hanging out with some more friends!

This stag apparently timed out.

Us being silly Eye
quadraptor's picture

Why do I love you so much?

For 21 years I never knew you.
Were you always there, just waiting to be created...just waiting to be born? Were you watching over me, like some kind of guardian?
You were born in the fall...my favorite season. Is that a coincidence?
Do you remember being a Phase 2 deer? I got to see a glimpse of who you would become before you became a Phase 3 fawn. I remember it took you some time to understand the Forest and to meet other deer.
Do you remember those days? That was funny, you wore those red flowers in your ears and everyone thought you were a girl. You used to laugh and run, and you loved to dance on the Pond.

You grew up, and became a great friend to so many deer. I'm glad that you're so friendly.

I love when you dance. You look so happy, and I know you love when everyone else joins in with you. I love how silly you can be, and how you can make your friends laugh.
I love how kind and polite you are, and how you go out of your way to enchant other deer when they don't have any spells.
Did you know that I think about you every day? I even doodle pictures of you in my notebooks.
I wish I could hug you in real life. You just seem like such a soft and warm deer, who would love a hug.

I guess what I mean is...

Dammit, Quad. Why do I love you so much?

Feel free to write one of these for your own deer. It has officially been bandwagon'd
quadraptor's picture

A show of hooves, please?

I need to get a vote -

I'm about to finish Divine Destiny, the 4th story in my Divine series. I had plans on writing a 5th story, which would be the absolute final one, but the question comes up if anyone is interested.

The stories will eventually be published in a hard copy that will be available for purchase for those who had a tough time reading them on the computer. The proceeds will go to Tale of Tales when I have that available.

Anyway, the big question is, should I end the series with Divine Destiny, or write the final story?

Here's a brief synopsis of the 5th story if I write it:

The story takes place several years after the events of Divine Destiny. A small town has been built near the site of the Endless Forest, and many of the people there often wander into the forest to pay homage to a statue of a deer who seems to protect them. In sudden events, dark creatures begin to appear and haunt the townsfolk...the remnants of the infectious creature known as The Stoat. A young boy flees into the forest and is able to awaken Quad from his slumber. His task is to destroy the infection once and for all (maybe with his deer-friends' help as well)...

In any event, if I write the final story or not, I had a lot of fun writing this series, and I thank everyone who took the time to enjoy it as much as I did. I appreciate any feedback about this development, and will have a decision soon.

Edit - The majority thinks I should write the story. The biggest problem is trying to find places to fit the other deer in...maybe I could have them appear and help Quad with the various things he has to do...I need some ideas on how to include other people's deer in the story.

But it would be kind of abrupt if I ended it with Divine Destiny, so I dunno...
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Quad on Zune!

So I finally figured out how to fix some of the sorting problems I've had on my MP3 player. I'd have albums that should be listed under a band be put in "Unknown Album", problems with cover art, ect. (Ex: Fall Out Boy's album "Infinity on High" was one that didn't show the cover art and was put in that "unknown" section) I figured it out that you can edit this stuff on the Zune software, and it'll fix it on the MP3 player. So all of the albums that I needed the cover art for, I google'd them and was able to add the art.

Well I had a lot of artists that had only one or a couple of songs, especially the stuff from Rock Band, so I grouped those all into one section that I called "Quad's Misc Stuff"....

And for the coverart...

So any time my MP3 player picks one of those songs, instead of showing the band's cover art, it'll show Quad's sexy butt! Eye

XP (Oh and at that time it was playing "Still Alive" by GLaDOS!)

I'm ingenious!
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