QuadRaptor's blog

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Quad's Candid Camera - 4/14/09

I only took a few just now, and I'm not in the mood to caption them. I'm sorry, but it's not fair when your dad and one of your friends start fighting and you don't know who to help. It really hurts that every time I see Walter on, someone's always there stomping their hooves and making angry gestures at him. I'm afraid that one day I'll log on here and see this, but for real.

And I'm sorry to Laruna, Quamar, and everyone else who saw me get sad and angry. I hate having to pick sides, especially when it's a friend versus a family member.

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I'm playing it windowed and with a little less graphics and animations BUT IT DOESN'T CRASH AND I CAN GO INTO THE BIRCH FOREST!!!


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Alright, Fine! Any new QUESTIONS?

I love these blogs XD

So yeah, you can ask me or any of my deer some questions! My deer are:

Quad, Zephyr, Pent

Xylv - "If you had to choose who would be your favourite out of your deer and why?"
Quad handsdown. He's my most played deer, and I have the most fun with him, too.

"out of eachother, who do they like best?"
Quad and Zephyr would like each other because they're Father and Daughter. Pent would like Zephyr because he's never met Quad before. It's a little complicated.


Squeegie - "Quad - What do you look like maskless? o: Like a human form."
Quad: I thought someone picked that out for me once. Uhh...I don't have an official one yet but I'll choose this for now Eye


TwoEars - "What are each of your favorite foods?"

Me - I kinda like a lot of things, but I guess I'd say either fried shrimp or crab claws.
Quad - I have a thing for basil pesto penne. Eye
Zephyr - I don't know...organic apples?
Pent - JELLY BEANS!! *om nom nom!* Laughing out loud


Laruna - "What is your favorite book?"

Quad - I'm still a big fan of Robert T. Bakker's novel, 'Raptor Red'.
Zephyr - The Harry Potter series, especially 'The Chamber of Secrets'.
Pent - Alan Moore and David Gibbons 'Watchmen' Eye


Mazey - "who would quad, zephyr, and pent's voice actors be?"

Quad I always thought would be Mark Hamill
Zephyr would probably be Katey Segal
Pent would most likely be Billy Bob Thornton
quadraptor's picture

Divine Sanctuary - Prologue

"Tell us the story again!", the children asked.

Dusk had fallen on a small, quaint town. Outside the crickets were already chirping, and even the fireflies were starting to come out. Four children, all neighbors, were sitting around an older woman who sat in a large chair.

"Yeah, tell us again!", Francis asked his grandmother. The woman chuckled, "All right...", she agreed.

She adjusted in her seat, and clearing her throat, she began to say, "I was walking through a forest one day, and I saw someone passing by..."

"Who? Who was it?", the kids questioned, though they had heard the story before.

The woman smiled, "He was a great deer, a very kind soul. He had strong arms, great big red antlers," she held her hands up to her head, fanning them out like the antlers in the story, "and a gentle smile. I asked him, 'What is your name?' He stopped on his way, looked to me, and said, 'My name is Quad.'"

Divine Sanctuary

The town was silent. Francis was deep into a dream, remembering his grandmother's tale. He walked through a dense forest, feeling lost and alone. The place was completely silent - his footsteps seemed to echo with each step.

Then he heard something approach. A creature approached, a great stag who stopped and looked to him. His fur was a shaggy dark blue and white, and on his head were great red antlers. It's him!, Francis thought. He cleared his throat, and asked, "Quad?"

The deer's eyes began to glow red, and he let out a bloodcurdling shriek.

Francis awoke and sat up. He was back in his bed, and he was gasping for air. He looked around his room - the little bit of light coming from the window gave the room a slight blue tint. He took a deep breath and began to lay down when he noticed something near his closet. He rubbed his eyes and looked to see two red glowing eyes staring back at him in the darkness.
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Finding Plush Quad a Place at Home

So I've been looking around for somewhere to put my Quad Plushie that Jen made me. In the process, I made a short series of photos documenting his adventures around my home, so enjoy Eye

"Err...who the heck are all of you?!"

"Something tells me the top of the Xbox 360 is taken."

"This isn't bad! Hey, Saving Private Ryan is on!"

"Oooh, I get it. Deer in the pantry! How clever!"

"Ha ha, very funny. You ARE joking, right? RIGHT?! D:"



"This is kinda cool. I just hope I won't need stitches after a while."

"I don't think these fit..."

"This isn't bad. I'm like the king of the hill!"

So for right now, Quaddy's sitting on top of my computer! Maybe later I'll find somewhere else for him, but for now he's watching over me while I'm sitting here. Maybe later I'll find some more silly places to take pictures of him!


Quad's got a home now!

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OH MY GOD JEN!! I had completely forgotten that you said you were going to send me a package from Christmas!! It came today!!


Now who do you want me to kill? I've said before (and I quote), "I'd kill for a plushie of Quad." Laughing out loud Eye


Absolutely wonderful plushie of Quad, and I don't care about him not having antlers, this is great just like this! After all...he lost his antlers once before! XD


You also sent the drawing you did of him! This is really wonderful!

I will frame this when I find a frame that will fit it, too!

Lastly, you sent me a coin from Costa Rica! I don't have any coins from there, so this is another wonderful gift!

AND your letter! XD The drawings are so awesome on them, and YOU DON'T SUCK AT ALL JJJEEEENN!! There's absolutely nothing you have to apologize for! You really made my day today!!

Now the big question is where to put my new Quad plushie?! I gotta keep him away from Brandy and Boo - they both really like to chew (or in Brandy's case, destroy) plush animals.

And I wish someone was on that I could freak out with. The iScribble boards have been a little empty lately. I'll try to get on MSN more, and if anyone sees me pop on please feel free to talk to me - I hate to initiate conversations because I don't want to bug people, but I never get talked to so...
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Current Song Obsessions?

So what songs are you obsessed with right now? I have two that I just can't stop listening to:

Nickelback - This Afternoon

Bon Jovi - One Step Closer (couldn't find anything other than a live version of it)

Edit: Added another Eye

Buckcherry - Rescue Me
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...Another puppy! (New pics of Boo and Brandy!)

My parents decided to get a new toy poodle today.

No name yet, but he's an 11 week old toy poodle. And Brandy won't leave him alone.

I swear, this puppy looks like a lamb, and Brandy's acting like a dang wolf.

The official name is Boo-Que, or Boo for short.

Here are some pics from a while ago:

EDIT - New pics of Boo!

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Quad's Candid Camera - 3/19/09

We had a bridge party today. AND LIZARDFISH WAS ON!!!

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A journey to find yourself...

“Life is a journey to find yourself.” –Chrono Cross

I actually thought up this quote myself (had to look it up to see if it had been done before), but this is quite true.

I've always tried to figure out what kind of trait I had. My oldest brother I always saw as a strong person, and my middle brother is very smart. I always wondered what I was, and I think I know a little more about myself now.

I believe my trait is courage. I'm very adventurous, and I love to try new things. I'm very fond of talking to people from other countries and cultures to learn something new, and I love (and often yearn) to travel. I also am brave enough to face some of my fears and overcome them. For example, I used to be terrified of needles, but I tried donating blood, and now I'm a regular donor. I've donated over two gallons of my blood, and needles don't scare me anymore.

Yesterday I actually ate two slices of supreme pizza. I've never eaten supreme before without taking the olives and bell peppers off. I can't believe I've been missing out. I used to hate eating some vegetables, and now I'm getting used to them!

I've also started to explore some of my heritage. I've started to try more Mediterranean kinds of food, since we recently found out my dad's side of the family came from Sicily. I've recently fallen in love with pesto! I made penne pasta with pesto as a side dish and it was absolutely wonderful! I later had pesto on a panini with pastrami and pepperoni...probably one of the best sandwiches I've ever had in my LIFE! Maybe later I'll explore more of my German and Irish sides, but for now, I'm all about Italy, and anything Mediterranean! Eye
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