Why do I love you so much? (bandwagons)

Mystress why is it that I love you so much? Quad brought my attention back to you, and how much I truly do love you... I mean, you're just me in deer form Mystress. And I have this love for you like I've never had for anything... it's hard to explain and I'm sure I'm just crazy... but I really do love you, and I can't remember life, before you. It seems like we've ben teaching eachother forever.

Dear one, you have given me yourself, so that I may live. I am not you, child. But I am everything you hope to be in your lifetime one day. I am everything you're not afraid to show. I am everything most humans are not. Know that I love you, as I love the nameless and fawns. As much as the lights upon my antlers... as much as my R'un. Nothing will ever take that away dear one, for I am with you always. And I love you ...

I had to do it. Dammit Quad why do you have to come up with such awesome stuff? I hope you don't mind me making a bandwagon out of it.... and if anyone else has one, and really dosen't want to make another diary entry, you're sure to get one read out of me, and possibly a comment or two if you post it here! ;') I'll be drawing a picture to go with this, as soon as I get my head on straight.

quadraptor's picture

No problem at all. If

No problem at all. If anyone else wants to write one, they're more than welcome to! Eye

It feels really good writing down what you think about your deer. Mystress couldn't have gotten a better friend than you.

Quad's Bio
The Divine Series

Oh, Quad! I'm

Oh, Quad! I'm speechless!

I'm just inspired by how much you love Quad. It's a love, that nothing can break. I'd give anything to meet Mystress... Quad is really lucky to have someone love him so much... he really is!! I know he loves you too.
Maybe one day I'll work with Elks.

Founder of The Lightbringers