QuadRaptor's blog

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The Slumbering Tree (Officially ended)

Thank you all for the participation, this has been a great event! I still have a few dreams to write but they'll be done very soon!


The weary blackbuck's body has morphed. His body no longer covered in black and white fur, but rather bark of green and khaki.

His newly grown antlers fan out and become branches and leaves.

He curls his body, he rests his head. His eyes shut.

And then his body does not move again.
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Blessings of Sun, Moon, and Stars (QHB Poem)

Sons and daughters of the mighty Sun
Those burning with the fires of strength
Upon golden wings you shall endure
The tests of power, cunning, and tactics
Blessed are you who remember the fallen
Their sacrifice shall not have been in vain
For you carry their strength on your back

Sons and daughters of the changing Moon
Those who dwell with the essence of wisdom
Let the waves of inspiration flow through your mind
Those who seek balance and understanding
Shall be rewarded with splendors eternal
Go forth and be the leaders of free thinkers
And teach the world all that should be

Sons and daughters of the Stars above
Those who the virtue of courage favor
For generations shall be told your tales
Of compassion and humility, and endless will
Live, dream, explore, walk without worry
For mountains and oceans shall test your dedication
And you will endure and conquer all obstacles

Sun, Moon, and Stars, bless our children
Harmony of strength, wisdom, and courage
For we are all bound together through each other
The strong need the wise,
The wise need the courageous,
And the courageous need the strong
May we all live forever in perfect unity

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Quad Hummingbird's Ear Cleaning Service!

Personal hygiene is a difficult thing for deer to maintain
So for a simple little bird, I only wish to help
Have you had a hard time hearing deer calls?
Do your ears feel clogged up?
I shall clean them out for you, for free
Just ask this humble servant
And I shall serve a humble purpose

Quad Hummingbird has offered to clean out your deers' ears for free! Feel free to write a response from your deer, and/or draw a picture or sketch of them interacting with him.

Just for fun guys XD
quadraptor's picture

Questions Asked [Ask Quad Hummingbird] Answers Given

Quad Hummingbird enjoys answering questions, much like Quad Wolf does. So please feel free to ask him anything, and he will do his best to answer.

He will most likely take a philosophical side to his answers, by the way Eye


The little one is ready to answer
He has many answers to give
What bothers you? What is on your mind?
Tell me what it is you would like to know about
And inspiration in flight will try to answer
So come forth, all you dreamers
Questions asked, answers given
quadraptor's picture

What inspires you? [Quad Hummingbird]


Friends and loved ones, young and old
My time has come, I shall depart from this Forest
The Hummingbird Migration is not a permanent destination
But rather our yearly pilgrimage to better ourselves
Shed no tears, my journey will be safely traveled
And look to the trees once Spring has blossomed
For I will return to share my enlightenment next year

By the amazingly awesome Trigger_Mortis

To all dreamers and artists of all kinds,
Gaze your eyes on the world around you.
The small ones are always watching,
Looking for the one moment to appear.
And on the day they come to you,
Count your blessings, and answer their question:
"What inspires you?"

By the amazingly awesome Xylv

Quad Hummingbird
The Inspirer
Honorary Pony
Speaks in poems of 7 lines

By the amazingly awesome SnowSauria

We Believe by David Cook
World by Five for Fighting
Wake Up by The Arcade Fire

By the amazingly awesome Anjali

In-game appearance:
Dove spell

[=5]By the amazingl
quadraptor's picture

Humming Harmony (poem)

Continuation of this


Nightly nectar, hung on the tree,
Ready for the early morning.
My friend, I am pleased.
You kept your word, yet we shall see,
Whether the nectar is just right...
Too sweet...or not sweet enough...
It will have to wait until the morning.

You have done well today, hopeful soul.
This gesture of kindness is appreciated.
But do not falter, remember my friends...
The cardinals, the blue jays, the mourning doves.
They ask you to remember the seed on the sundial,
And keeping the water clean in the birdbath.
Do not forget them, sweet one.

Remember to visit as well, remember to step away,
From the busy life you have struggled through.
Remember to look outside, and watch your friends eat.
They always will come to bring many gifts.
Hope, inspiration, love, and beauty,
Through song and colors of vividness.
Watch them accept the gift, lovely child.

The morning shall come soon, and you will see,
Birds of all clans come to your paradise.
And watch closely, with your mind clear,
For one visitor shall be with you very soon.
We met once before, only a brief moment ago,
But we have known each other for countless years.
The tiniest of all birds is the most inspiring...

Remember...nectar in exchange for harmony...

quadraptor's picture

Presence (Non-TEF Poem)

Inspired by my encounter with a hummingbird


Come away, oh troubled soul,
From the pain and suffering you endure.
Let your dreams no longer haunt you.
Let your past failures cease to burden.
A flash of glistening plumage, and then you see me.
I am a simple creature, who worries not in this world.
And in a glimpse, I vanish before you.

Our chance encounter was not coincidence.
I have graced you with my presence.
A moment of tranquility as our eyes met.
And that was all it took.
A simple moment's flutter,
A glimpse of small, simple beauty,
And you were thus inspired.

We shall meet again, worried one,
Your oath has already been set.
All I would ever ask of you
Is an offering of the sweetest nectar.
And when you share your generosity,
So, too, shall I share my protection.
And thus your troubles shall be no more.

Keep your mind always looking forward.
Continue to take care of your body.
Lead your heart on the right path.
Do not lose sight of your goals.
Remain hopeful to the future.
And my promise will be kept.
You shall be granted peace and harmony.

I am always watching, brave soul.

quadraptor's picture

Ayya's Tale (Shortstory)

Related to my python character, Ayya, and his origin.


A gentle hiss continues, the serpent's eyes meet yours. He flicks his tongue gently.

And you start to hear his story.


"I remember the first day I opened by eyes...and there was his face. A great man. A great ruler. He picked me up for the first time, stroking my back so gently that my hisses were soft and peaceful.

His name was King Natakamani. The Queen, Amanitore, gave him a baby python one day, one of his first treasures. And he named his treasure Ayya.

I remember the throne so very well. Scarabs made of beautiful jade and turquoise, shimmering golden objects, fine silks from many places...it was truly a paradise. The King gave me my very own place to sit at his side. I remember the feel of gold and silk beneath my belly, I miss it so much. There was even my very own jeweled scarab, but I lost it long ago.

In fact...I may have eaten it by mistake. I remember being hungry and finding a bug that was oddly very, very tough to swallow. Oh well...

My King...he was the one that gave me this Ankh around my neck."
, he shows a small golden pendant around his throat. It is easy to miss as it is the same color as his belly.

He continues the story. Aaaassssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss....

"I lived for many years by my master's side. But soon, things...seemed to happen very quickly. Food became scarce in the land..."

((To be continued))
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Your servant [Ayya] for Treasure



"I require a teacher to learn how to read this...'English'...language. I am willing to work for the lesson. Please, I really want to read this 'Bible' treasure I was given."

The Great Serpent Unearthed

(Short version)

(Long version)



Place of origin - Meroë Pyramids, Sudan

Species - Overgrown python


Not played in-forest, but is rather written of on TEFc.

Favorite place in the Forest is the Ruins, as it is similar to his old home in Sudan.

History -
Ayya was the guardian of a pyramid's treasure. He stayed hidden for countless years, protecting the treasure by killing the few treasurehunters who entered the tomb. He lived off of burrowing bugs that crawled inside the tomb. Eventually he grew weary of guarding the treasure, which had become old and worn, so he crawled out of the pyramid and left the old tomb.

After wandering, he found himself in the Endless Forest.

Defining characteristics -
- Loyal to those who it serves, seeks out those who appear to have leadership roles.
- Not poisonous, but excellent at constricting prey and enemies.
- Will do jobs for "treasure", which can actually be anything. Something sentimental, something random.
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The Great Serpent Unearthed

Potential new character, may become an important ally or a devastating monster. Or could just become a character unrelated to TEF entirely. Haven't gotten that far yet.

Color code - #437C17



"Sealed away, imprisoned. Sand and brick entomb its body."


"Created it to be a guardian of treasure."


"Treasure of greedy masters who left this world!"


"The pyramid was long forgotten. It claimed the lives of the few foolish ones who braved the darkness..."


"It grew weary of staying in the tomb. The golden objects were worn and ugly..."


"It was relieved from the duty entrusted to it, it climbed out of the pyramid, and moved on."


"The Great Serpent seeks a new master..."


"Are you worthy to be called 'Master'?"


Facts and notes -

Place of origin - Meroë Pyramids, Sudan

Species and color undetermined, though I really like the look of this snake. Could potentially be a cobra instead. I'm happy to get suggestions.

About the size of a large python, maybe larger.

Defining characteristics - loyal to those who it serves, seeks out those who appear to have leadership roles.
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