New World.

moonsoverwater's picture
The fawn woke in a sea of amber, gold, and green. It raised its tiny head and peered around through slitted eyes, pictogram glowing faintly between its huge ears. Hundreds of spots dotted the little deer's pelt, melting the fawn in to the surroundings. Blue smoke wafted to the sky not far off, and the sound of running water could be heard. The ears caught the sounds, down to the whisper of a dove's wings overhead. They became too much to handle, and the little fawn curled back up in to a small oval.

Tears stained the freckled, white cheeks of the little one as it now realized it was alone. They dripped down its face and on to the ground in soft, barely-audible clicks as it sobbed. The world was so big and bright, the fawn could not stand to stay in it, it thought. Terror caused it to cry out, leaving the safety of the tall grasses in search of a better place to hide from the terrifying world... little did the baby deer know that it was heading straight in to the heart of the Endless Forest and all of its little wonders.

A large, gray structure soon loomed over the little beast. Its heart beat as if a bird were trapped in its chest as it peered about, only finding sleeping beings. Not knowing what the beings were, the fawn thought it was safe. There were many places to hide, so the baby started with a bed of poppies. This was not enough protection. After several spots, the fawn settled down behind a tree, in an alcove of the ruins.

After a little bit of sleeping, two awake deer found the fawn. Big, green eyes were dazzled and terrified by their bone-faces as they tried to get the little deer to play. It drove off the strange creatures by lashing out with tiny, glass-like hooves. Upset. The second feeling the little deer had after Fear.

The fawn dozed off again in the innocent little curl fawns often do, unaware of the reality it was now facing. It was alive, and would have to come out of the alcove and enter the new world.

Anjali's picture

Beautiful writing.

Beautiful writing. Smiling
theano's picture

Flowing and such vivid

Flowing and such vivid descriptions. I like how you emphasized the emotions with the one word sentence *Upset* and capitalizing Fear. It made me pause and feel it. Marvelous.
moonsoverwater's picture

Thank you, Anjali. Thank

Thank you, Anjali.

Thank you, Theano.

It gives me felicity to know I have done so well in my writing!

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

I love the detail in this

I love the detail in this writing, I hope you write more of these. The stag you were sitting next to was mine. We enjoy your company
moonsoverwater's picture

Thank you, Geography. Hehe I

Thank you, Geography.

Hehe I think my fawn had a lot of fun learning new things today.... sorry I had to go so soon, my laptop needs to cool off a bit.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Wow... I love it... Please

Wow... I love it... Please can you wright more? I'm Addicted!