Created of the Pollen Itself, and As Quiet As a Dragonfly

moonsoverwater's picture
A continuation of 2 previous stories.

Phion Meets The Red.


A fawn's pelt glinted as she galloped through the Birch. Giggling, the baby Endless Forest Deer pranced and jumped with the grace of a dancer, birds flitting around her. She tumbled in the grass, wings tickling her fluffy coat as she squealed in delight. The birds played with the little fawn often now, as she had become less and less afraid of them. The woodland creatures, she found, would not hurt her. From the Squirrels down to the Butterflies, the fawn had experimented in ways to play. Though, she had not thought of anything bigger. No Big Ones wanted to just sit with a fawn. They always wanted to teach the fawn things. Phion didn't need to learn, only to practice what she was born knowing.

Her romp with the birds left pollen coating each strand of fur. Shaking, the young doe sent a cloud of gold in to the air. It shimmered as it fell, as if it were glitter in a snow-globe. The cloud was mesmerizing for a few moments, before the child decided to move on. She had things to do today, or so she thought. Today, things would turn out odd, but better.

The baby deer tred lightly in this part of the forest, her ears and nose assailed by the sounds and smells of Big Ones. There was only one around, and he seemed to be just dozing away in the sun. He was a big Big One. He was a beautiful one... a calm and peaceful one. The stag, whose pictogram glowed above his head just as hers, told him only as The Red. Phion decided she liked him. A slow walk brought her tiny form to his larger one, and the young doe peacefully set herself down next to the musky stag. His scent was that of a deer, musky and warm and earthy. The Red smelled as if he came from the earth itself, a set of trees for legs and a body of branches, maybe. She mused all of the methods of which he could have used to enter the world as she lay next to the deep-eyed stag.

For a brief moment, the ethereal fawn felt his eyes on her, and opened her green ones to look up at him. His eyes were deep chocolate and spoke of rolling hills... great forests looming overhead and long battles. His face was a mass of scars, ones that would not go away even if she kissed them... which she did. The fawn's humanoid lips kissed the scars on The Red's muzzle delicately. They remained, showing the powerful impact the fights had on her new friend. This may have been seen as odd, though it was more of a welcome from her than anything else.

Phion smiled and closed her eyes once again, burying her face in to the earthy scruff of the stag's mane. The smells and sights she imagined in The Red's life flashed before her closed eyelids, becoming a pool of light where her eyelashes kissed. A contentedness spread over the fawn as she drifted off in to the calming warmth and darkness of sleep.

She found herself running through the wilds of a place she had never known, The Red at her side. His deep breathing rasped with the joyous effort as hers squeaked. She dreamed of him laughing, his face not stoic or peaceful, but joyous and happy... his chocolate eyes shining with mirth. The dream...all too soon... was blanketed in darkness just as it had came.

Aureia and Michael spoke through the darkness, assuring their daughter that this was the right thing to do, meeting other deer. They were happy she was becoming one in the herd that called their forest home. A kiss from each, and both disappeared.

The Red was still at her side as she awoke, and enjoyed dozing with her throughout the day. They spent awake times soaking up the sun and sights of the Birch, and she conversed with the birds that flocked to his antlers to rest on the soft velvet that had grown there.

The fawn had created her first comrade in the forest... the first one she would think to protect if anything ever happened.
Hart's picture

I do love how you describe

I do love how you describe things. Smiling You have a fantastic use in words that I admire. Not repetitive, always new and a great pleasure to read.
I also admire how you describe places and beings. I enjoy your portrayal on my deer and I'm really really glad to have given you a good experience in the game.
I think he's really happy to have met Phion, too.


Daytime was the time for rest. The diurnal hours belonged to the daytime beings. That is why the Hart would spend most of the day resting; he dictates his life to live in the more nocturnal hours, and the pleasent orange purple hues of dawn and dusk.

A fawn's company can become one of the greatest enjoyments of the larger animal's life. He could adapt to the youngster's behavior, and was perfectly willing to. Today was spent in contentment with a fawn who was most happy to adapt to him, and the wordless stories they could share - The Red barely uttered a word.

They were often joined by a Robin bird. A tiny fellow with pride that could pose as a contender to some of the large skulled beings of the forest. The little bird would perch on the hart's velvet coated antlers and chatter away about happenings within the forest, and to reward this he would be fed easy catches of bugs(often of the parasitic variety) that would hang around deer at this time of year.

Eventually, as the little bird departed, and as dusk drew in to paint the birch to deeper colours, the deer started to become more active. Ready to spend the night grazing, scouting, and quite likely frolicking too.
moonsoverwater's picture

Thank you, I am always very

Thank you, I am always very happy to see my writing has made someone else feel good.


The robin redbreast brought much enjoyment for the fawn during the waking hours. She could listen to it prattle on about the goings-on of the daytime forest and of the deer that were woke during the time when the sun was high. Crazy beings, those daylight deer, often the ones that would have other-wise been killed, or had come as second lives of ones that were. The fawn knew much about who came and went in the forest mainly because gossiping butterflies or chattering squirrels had informed her. Though now most of the little beasts rested, the fawn sensed that it was time for her to get up. Arise, fair Child of the Forest, the world would call to her Come and see what the dusk has to share. And she would. Phion always would.

Her pictogram always seemed to glimmer a bit brighter, but that must be due to the world getting darker. The two green oculi situated in her head adjusted easily to the fading sunlight, barely noticing the difference between day and night, though her body did.

The fawn seemed to become ghostlike in the twilight hours. The stag next to her morphed in to a moving shadow, dark and foreboding though such a small and light-footed fawn played about his trunk-like legs. The evening had most definitely begun, and the forest's more instinctual inhabitants were driven from their daytime beds to join the land in a dance of fireflies, dew and moths.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!