MapleTree's blog

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Where did these cool Pictograms come from?

(Note: If anyone sees that this is their picto, I am taking no percent in saying these are mine. These are yours, (c) to whoever owns them)

And so, how did people get these cool pictograms? Hard search through the "Name your Deer" Picto selector? Luck? I'd like to know, sometime now.
I've been baffled by how they got them.
All the, Triangles, Circles, Lines, Filled dots... How?

MapleTree's picture

Someone's unhappy

Trinity's a bit unhappy. She wants some mushrooms, but she can't find any! And she suspects the giant flowres are replacing them, she's very angry. How do I get the mushroom trees back?
MapleTree's picture

A look at my menu/graphics on TEF

My sound:

My menu FPS:

Yes, that's not fake. that's the real FPS, for some odd reason.

Game graphics/options for them:

Uh, I have them that way, but I'll expalin the FPS I get that probably is linked to them.

In-game framerate:

Excuse the yellow arrow, but yes. I get about... from 13 to the 20's in FPS? If anyone has any helpful suggestions on how I could get 50 fps, or higher, comment below about that. Smiling

Also! My cursor(out of menu) is kind of at a laggy move speed. Could anyone help with that? Anywho, this is what I have set for my game, thank you for reading.

MapleTree's picture

[Trinity] The "Carrot" Doe


Mental: 99% Physical: 98% Emotional: 97%
Had bad dreams. Some scars. Deer Attack(Panic Attack)


Teen, almost adult

Female - doe - ?


White-tailed Deer

Pine, Chocolate, Oranges, Water

(In-Game) Noh Pelt, Real Deer mask, Default antlers w/ Candles.
(Out-game) All of the above, just a real deer face/muzzle.

Foes - None
Friends - None
Aquaintances - Some, but unknown
Mate(s) - None

In depth

Deceased - All

Trinity, the "Carrot" coloured doe is a kind, helpful soul. Steering away from her tragic yet unknown past, she is kind, cute, funny, smart, brave, adventurous, and many other descriptions. If you wish to seek the personality of her dark side: Sad, depressed, alone, broken, and paranoid. If she is having what she calls: "Nerve Attack" or, "Deer Attack" it's because she's overly paranoid, and she'll be seen shaking, gasping for air, sobbing. But, you'll rarely see that in public areas. She does this alone, so she doesn't have to be found out about it. Otherwise, she's a happy soul whenever.

Had a Deer Attack, alone. After, went to smell some of the flowers; then go to her sleeping area. An unknown deer bellowed at her and told her it was their sleeping area. She went over to the ruins to find a cozy place to sleep, which she is now sleeping in.


April, 1: 2013
Awoke in a cloud of dense fog, scared and frightened; went to find shelter in the Great Oak. Hearing wolves and owls, decided to go asleep.
She had no one to sleep with, but held up. Went to sleep, bad dreams infecting her head.
MapleTree's picture


All of the cool Bios out there....
How did they get that cool look? All the boxes, pictures, info, hovers!
How? I'd like to know what they used for all of that stuff. Pleaaase.


MapleTree's picture

~The Protector~

The Protector

Finally getting the candles to stay on her antlers, she turned her head... and saw two young fawns, bowing at her and, jumping around happily. Trinity smiled, and jumped with them. Her candles held hard onto her antlers, they wouldn't fall off now. The doe looked after opening her eyes, and she gasped. The fawns had left! Trinity looked around and spotted them near another deer, ears perked to listen to something. Being a doe, she ran after them and skid next to the young ones. The fawns mooed at the deer that stood, and it moved. Frightened it seemed, by the stranger's movements, the fawns romped off. Trinity followed, she wouldn't let them go now. Coming to the rippling lake, the doe huffed. "Hmh..." she chuckled, and walked towards them. The young ones played, letting her join in rears and laughs. The playing went on for a bit, and they chased each other around the glistening pond; before the sun began to silently drift down in the sky. Had it been that long? Trinity thought, but laid down. The two young fawns laid next to her, and their candles flickered, and burst on. Trinity's flickered, too. Before they opened into small tiny flames. The doe sighed, and nuzzled the youngsters. "Hm..." one said, and giggled. "M...Mo-," one said, then it felt into a night sleep. The other one, smiled, but its eyes told everything, everything Trinity had dreamed for. After the two young fawns laid their heads on her... Trinity looked to the sky, and said, "Thank you..." before she rested too.


These cute fawns... I couldn't help it! xD One looks oddly farmiliar Smiling Eye
The one with the circle pictogram, and triangle. I can take a quess.
MapleTree's picture

Holy Herla!

Images from Oakley:

Images from EarthStar:

Hello Herla! Smiling
I'm that fawn lying near you, if you see this xD

MapleTree's picture

MASSIVE lag in Menu Screen?

Any time I go on TEF, and I want to go into the menu screen...
The FPS drops to 5-7 in the menu. I have no dea why though.
My game is fine, sometimes bouncing low a bit, but I've grown used to it.
I play TEF Full-screen now, 1280x1024 in resolution/screen size|type.

Could anyone help me with how in the world this happens? It ALWAYS does this, even if my TEF game is up to 19-23 FPS(Best fps on there, I get).

Thank you.
MapleTree's picture

Who are you? +Little story!

Who is this cute adorable fawn?
I noticed they were glued to me, lying near me.
It's nothing bad, just it was so adorable! And Trinity loved the company! Smiling
Especially how the fawn sticked to her like if she was her/his mother!
*Huggles Stranger fawn to death 83*

Noticing that day that she was indeed grateful of that odd deer who helped her with appearance, Trinity was joyful. Stopping by the rippling, bubbly lake; she found a group of fawns. Five or so, galloping around a star-fallen deer with spells casting at every glance. Trinity helped cast, and one particular fawn... stayed close, and that it just wouldn't let her go for the time. Trinity, being a doe with the instincts of a mother, kept close. The doe had never had fawns before, but she simply adored their joyful, happy personalities. Lying down to rest from the funny group, that one fawn laid next to her, and let its head rest in her warm pelt. Trinity looked down, to see it's eyes closed, content in a small rest. The doe smiled, and saw that she would get up, she carefully nudged the small one's head off, but it awoke. Bleating, like a small fawn/calf, etc... it had not learn to speak yet, but Trinity understood yet. Trinity licked it's soft cheeck and mooed, but it stuck close. She giggled and nuzzled it and, the small one nuzzled back too. With a bow of respect to Trinity, and after she bowed back, the fawn galloped off, dust clouds rolling behind the fragile baby.
Trinity smiled, and ran off in the other direction. She would remember that fawn... forever.

MapleTree's picture


Would anyone like to RP?
I prefer Literate dwellers Smiling
If anyone wants to rp with me, post below, and once I have enough people, I'll start an RP blog just for us! Eye
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