MapleTree's blog

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My friend's opinion

Well, I got my friend to make their opinion on TEF.
It was very low.

Liking: Disliked
Thought: Needs violence/more plot
Sound(thought again): Not me, no talking, needs more talking.

"I just dislike it. There's no plot, no roleplay. No talking, no violence. The violence is exciting, it's a bit part in a game. TEF is just not me. It's sound! Ugh, I dislike it's sound, everything. Creepy(kind of). What is the point? There's no quests, the the f*** do you do?!(Note: This was opinion-ated in SoE, there is swearing there, as you know. if you play) I mean, No hunting, no animal chasing, no hunting for items(Again, something in SoE) What do you do? No Complex roleplays!!!"

"There was a war event, there is roleplaying, you cna pretend... but it's frowned upon."

That opinion I dislike greatly, but I know you can't change people and their opinions. (Sorry if there's typos. I have fast fingers XD)

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How would I be able to Get great graphics quality, but still have good FPS?
I run TEF in a window, I have no idea what my graphics card is, but I know:
I play TEF Windowed,
and I have Windows 7.

Could anyone help me?
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How to change the Camera angle?

I've seen people doing the camera that follows your fawn, I've got mine on where the deer goes in one direction, but you have to change the camera, how do you change it?
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MapleTree's Update blog #1!

Hey guys! I'm back from the dead! Happy late new years!
I got some updates for all of you lovelies out there =3

-I have a new OC(This is my /main/ deer); Trinity! She will be introduced soon.
- I did have a small bug in January.
- My Cat; Pixe, had 2 healthy babies! Dexter, and a Trinity! <3 I love them
- New Idea 's coming to my brain soon!
- I Will be playing TEF after school on: Mondays, Tuesdays, wendsdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays! So, whole week! When I can't, you won't see me on XD
- I am playing a lot of other games, so sometimes, I won't be on that frequently.
That's basically my update on my life! These Update Blogs will be every day, 1 per day. Seeya guys in the forest~
~ Trin
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The *Niavi* Watcher


"I am the Watcher, I watch from the skies and earth. You need not to stay, for I will look out for you. I am the Watcher, I bring peace."






Unicorn Blood

Mostly connected to nature, she is. So, it's like roots, trees, vines etc.

My Own voice ( You'll never know! Shocked )

Brown like silky, smooth, creamy dark chocolate.

In Game - *soon to be* Real Deer mask, Long Grey pelt, and Long Grey Pelt Antlers
*NOW* Space Beluga pelt, and regular antlers, flowers, no mask.
Out Game - Long grey and black mane. Deer face/Human, Secratary pelt and Zombie/Real-Deer Horns and sometimes pelt.


|Past Life|
Niavi used to be Human, she was sitting by a pond, with her cat then she poofed into the unknown world of The Endless Forest.

Loving, kind, and respectful umong her responsibility. Naivi is the Watcher, a protector. She'll watch over young deer, helping them whenever they are in need of a elder. Naivi will be there, even when no one can see her, she is the Watcher.

When she sees Stags, she flirts. Sometimes she likes to fit in with them and rustle around, knocking antlers at times. Naivi isn't a doe to be challenged my friend, she takes it very seriously. Her competitve side can be the best of her, and she will hurt.

Naivi is like a mother towards young Fawns, knowing their fragile legs and frail bodies could break with one slight kick. So, she teaches them to have fun but always take care of themselves.

|Favorite Place|
She roams and hangs around the swamp sometimes, but you'll mostly find her anywhere.
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Interactions with Zevi, Hunir, Kishmer, Ouri

Zevi - Orange
Kishmer - Maroon
Hunir - Grey
Ouri - Tan

These are all the deer you can interact with, you may interact often, recently, or just every second. Roleplay with them your way.
MapleTree's picture

Example Roleplay Sheet





Elven Fawn


Like elven magic, she is connected with nature. But, Anila's powers are unknown to her.

Green, like the leaves of a tree. Glow brighter green when magic is being used.


100-210 lbs.

|Past life|

Aniela is a kind and gentle soul. Her kindness mostly shows when she is near close friends, Anila becomes a bit nervous near the adult stags. Fearing they're not as gentle as a mother, or a caring family member would be. Anila loves to romp with the other young fawns, pretending to be a powerful, but gentle stag. She mostly would be around the young ones, due to her ... unknown past-life. Anila's remaining bits of her Past-Life, will remain in the wind, flowing high up above the clouds, away from listening ears ...

|Favorite Place|
She loves to hang around the De Drinkplaats, or near the calm pond. So, you will find her mostly near water or in tall grass.

Pawing at the ground = Come here, follow me to there, no.
Showing half of body + shivering - Scared, frightened, unsure.
Lower head = Go, I'm warning you, get away from me.
Nudge = Can we be friends?
Nudge + Sniff = I love you.
Bellowing = Hello! I'm over here!
Nod = Yes
Shake = No
Backs away = Not comfortable, uneasy, scared.
Half charge = Threat, aggressive intent
Lower head + direct eye contact = Angry, annoyed, warning
Bow = Sign of respect
Walk = Limping
Head tilt + sniff + nod = You're good
Head tilt + bellow = I'm not too sure

- Pinecones
- Trying her magic with the trees
- Drinking from the De Drinkplaats
- Romping around, hanging with other fawns
- Sitting with friends
- Dancing
- Friends.
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