A look at my menu/graphics on TEF

MapleTree's picture
My sound:

My menu FPS:

Yes, that's not fake. that's the real FPS, for some odd reason.

Game graphics/options for them:

Uh, I have them that way, but I'll expalin the FPS I get that probably is linked to them.

In-game framerate:

Excuse the yellow arrow, but yes. I get about... from 13 to the 20's in FPS? If anyone has any helpful suggestions on how I could get 50 fps, or higher, comment below about that. Smiling

Also! My cursor(out of menu) is kind of at a laggy move speed. Could anyone help with that? Anywho, this is what I have set for my game, thank you for reading.

WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Holy... I can't help at all.

Holy... I can't help at all. Just..23 FPS? Damn. ;;
Apoidea's picture

Your fps is the same as what

Your fps is the same as what I get. Works fine for me.
wocio's picture

I think your FPS is good ._.

I think your FPS is good ._. the highest I get is around 12-15..

gosh in my game i get 5-6

gosh in my game i get 5-6 sometimes 7 FPS and menu i get 3-4 FPS well i'm on a Windows XP its not the fastest comp -_-
MapleTree's picture

Hm... What about the menu

Hm... What about the menu FPS? I'm baffled by why it's always so... laggy. Game fps too fast for it? I have no clue, but it annoys me. I have to click on something about five times for it to respond.
Aivilo's picture

Quote:If anyone has any

If anyone has any helpful suggestions on how I could get 50 fps, or higher, comment below about that.

lol... The highest I've personally seen is 25 FPS. I've never even heard of anyone getting very far over that. It just doesn't happen.

As for the menu FPS... It always goes down some, but I don't know why yours is dipping THAT low. Mine usually hangs around 15-20 (compared to game FPS, which is usually around 20-23).

Try turning your character detail down from high to "variable." It makes things closer to you high detail, but deer further away are less detailed. Helps my frame rate a lot in general.
wocio's picture

Yes, the FPS seem to drop

Yes, the FPS seem to drop when you're on the menu screen. Mine gets a bit laggy too, although not that much as you say D:
MapleTree's picture

Eep. [e] Ha... Haha... HAHA!


[e] Ha... Haha... HAHA! xD The Menu FPS is SO MUCH HIGHER when I'm not connected.
Wait... wtf... *Puzzled look*
Apoidea's picture

When you are connected you

When you are connected you share the server with everyone. Fps drops.
StrangelyUnusual's picture

23 fpc? I'd die to get that

23 fpc? I'd die to get that Laughing out loud I think the best framerate I ever got was around 20, but that was with my details turned down at around 6 AM with no-one else online.
I'm really shy to ask, but I've been looking for ways to improve mine for a year now, but nothing really helps. Does anyone have any ideas?

[e] I'm wondering, could it possibly be my laptop, perhaps not good enough to play TEF?
(Also, I'm sorry to sound moan-y or demanding, it's just playing at between 2 and 8 fpc gets frustrating ._.)
Apoidea's picture

Have you tried hooking up to

Have you tried hooking up to wired?
StrangelyUnusual's picture

I may be. Though I'll have to

I may be. Though I'll have to ask my father, as I vaguely remember him saying I didn't need to be (I'm a n00blet with these things, so... Not a clue)
Apoidea's picture

You may not need to be for

You may not need to be for general surfing, but if you don't want anything interfering with your signal then wired is the way to go.
MapleTree's picture

Oh, explains why... I just

Oh, explains why...

I just need to know now why my menu FPS horribly drops. I've tried character detail, nature detail, etc. But, NOTHING works.
Apoidea's picture

I don't think any of those

I don't think any of those detail things work for the menu. You really don't need high fps in the menu anyway.
CydaLuva83's picture

Well, an old bud of mine

Well, an old bud of mine played TEF with 60 fps offline. It went down to about 30 fps when online and all detail turned up. However, he had a mega gaming computer that might make some hardcore gamers a bit jealous. The price of it make me curl up protectively around my piggy bank full of pennies...
Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst
Flyleaf's picture

I have 60 fps offline too

I have 60 fps offline too ...when i connect i can play with 30 fps ...only if there are not too much people around .
My Fps are dropping too when i open the menu ....
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
MapleTree's picture

Hm, you have a point

Hm, you have a point Apoidea(sorry if I spelled the name wrong).

I'll just suck it up, and keep it this way.