The Protector
Finally getting the candles to stay on her antlers, she turned her head... and saw two young fawns, bowing at her and, jumping around happily. Trinity smiled, and jumped with them. Her candles held hard onto her antlers, they wouldn't fall off now. The doe looked after opening her eyes, and she gasped. The fawns had left! Trinity looked around and spotted them near another deer, ears perked to listen to something. Being a doe, she ran after them and skid next to the young ones. The fawns mooed at the deer that stood, and it moved. Frightened it seemed, by the stranger's movements, the fawns romped off. Trinity followed, she wouldn't let them go now. Coming to the rippling lake, the doe huffed. "Hmh..." she chuckled, and walked towards them. The young ones played, letting her join in rears and laughs. The playing went on for a bit, and they chased each other around the glistening pond; before the sun began to silently drift down in the sky. Had it been that long? Trinity thought, but laid down. The two young fawns laid next to her, and their candles flickered, and burst on. Trinity's flickered, too. Before they opened into small tiny flames. The doe sighed, and nuzzled the youngsters. "Hm..." one said, and giggled. "M...Mo-," one said, then it felt into a night sleep. The other one, smiled, but its eyes told everything, everything Trinity had dreamed for. After the two young fawns laid their heads on her... Trinity looked to the sky, and said, "Thank you..." before she rested too.
These cute fawns... I couldn't help it! xD One looks oddly farmiliar

The one with the circle pictogram, and triangle. I can take a quess.
The other one, I don't know who they are, but I had a great time you two, before I logged off to write this up.
Awwww....this is really cute
The other fawn with candles was my friend Cu played by Pink
Thank you, Fly! Really love
Really love the compliment
Thank you for telling me who that other cute fawn was!
Hi Mapletree, Fly is always
Fly is always so fast
The fawn on the right is my littel Cu. Normally I play him as a mini (maybe you have seen me later as a mini).
I take the same picture of us!!! Funny!
And I like this little story!
see you
It's like it was our destiny
I loved your guy's comapny