[Trinity] The "Carrot" Doe

MapleTree's picture


Mental: 99% Physical: 98% Emotional: 97%
Had bad dreams. Some scars. Deer Attack(Panic Attack)


Teen, almost adult

Female - doe - ?


White-tailed Deer

Pine, Chocolate, Oranges, Water

(In-Game) Noh Pelt, Real Deer mask, Default antlers w/ Candles.
(Out-game) All of the above, just a real deer face/muzzle.

Foes - None
Friends - None
Aquaintances - Some, but unknown
Mate(s) - None

In depth

Deceased - All

Trinity, the "Carrot" coloured doe is a kind, helpful soul. Steering away from her tragic yet unknown past, she is kind, cute, funny, smart, brave, adventurous, and many other descriptions. If you wish to seek the personality of her dark side: Sad, depressed, alone, broken, and paranoid. If she is having what she calls: "Nerve Attack" or, "Deer Attack" it's because she's overly paranoid, and she'll be seen shaking, gasping for air, sobbing. But, you'll rarely see that in public areas. She does this alone, so she doesn't have to be found out about it. Otherwise, she's a happy soul whenever.

Had a Deer Attack, alone. After, went to smell some of the flowers; then go to her sleeping area. An unknown deer bellowed at her and told her it was their sleeping area. She went over to the ruins to find a cozy place to sleep, which she is now sleeping in.


April, 1: 2013
Awoke in a cloud of dense fog, scared and frightened; went to find shelter in the Great Oak. Hearing wolves and owls, decided to go asleep.
She had no one to sleep with, but held up. Went to sleep, bad dreams infecting her head. Awoke once more from her nightmares, still shrouded in dense fog.

Journal is work in progress | Progress: 10%

Overall progress of bio: 95%

((I'm still working on it))

Feel free to interact with her here! I'd appreciate it if I got some good comments/interactions/tracks! Eye

Flyleaf's picture

Hello to you

Hello to you Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

Trackin'! She's very pretty

Trackin'! She's very pretty
MapleTree's picture

Flyleaf: Hello, Fly! Proud:

Flyleaf: Hello, Fly! Smiling

Proud: Thank you for the kind words and track! Eye

Is the RP being moved on

Is the RP being moved on here? Smiling
MapleTree's picture

No, only interactions

No, only interactions Smiling.

Anyone is free to interact with her.

Here is how I'll deal with multiple Interactions/rps:
My format:

Person 1: rp post here.

My post:

Person 1's name: (My rp post)

Etc etc.
So, I'll put someone's name, and then I'll rp to them. Its cleaner Smiling

Okay, because I noticed the

Okay, because I noticed the RP we started disappeared. xD!
MapleTree's picture

Nika: Hm, I accidentally

Nika: Hm, I accidentally deleted it. But, you cna interact with Trinity here. I only want deer with deer though xD. If that's fine by you.

Awesome character c: She's

Awesome character c: She's very pretty!
MapleTree's picture

Thank you, caselab!

Thank you, caselab! Smiling

I prefer player her as a

I prefer player her as a human. Smiling

If you didn't want to RP with her you could've said "no". xD! I'm not mad or trying to be mean, I'm just saying it seems strange that all of a sudden it's "deer only". Maybe we can RP some other time? Smiling
MapleTree's picture

Hm, sure!

Hm, sure!

Yeah, next time just be

next time just be straight with me, I wouldn't have been mad at you, I could've chosen a different character to rp with. Smiling

MapleTree's picture

Hm. You can! *Notices it a

Hm. You can!

*Notices it a lot quiter in Comments here than it was earlier*

I have a stag and a fawn,

I have a stag and a fawn, which would you like? Smiling
MapleTree's picture

Your choice XD.

Your choice XD.

OOC: Maybe my stag, Himmel.

OOC: Maybe my stag, Himmel. Smiling

Himmel sat near the river, basking in the sun. His ears twitched whenever he heard a noise, but then disregarded it as a running fawn or a mooing deer. He was getting more and more used to the forest, though still missing his human ammendities.
MapleTree's picture

A orange-ish doe laid under a

A orange-ish doe laid under a weeping willow... or, the ones with huge draping leaves. She didn't care so much as what it was called. She kept her eyes on the small Koi's that swam the lake. They were beautiful, and exotic.

He looked over at the one of

He looked over at the one of the willows, and saw the young, orange doe beneath it. He was not one to come forward and make conversation, but thought he would ask her about the giant flowers that sprang up in the forest. He slowly rose and trotted towards her.

"Excuse me miss, do you know why these flowers have appeared?" he asked, gesturing his head towards one of them. He knew of the Twin Gods and their power, and assumed it could've been them, or that these flowers grew here every year.
MapleTree's picture

"Hm? she murmured, and looked

"Hm? she murmured, and looked over at one of the flowers.

"Oh! They're for spring. Thw Twin Gods, I believe; have made a special tweak to the forest. Giant tulips are here now." the doe said, and smiled friendly.
Her candle adorned female like antlers flickered.

He looked at the flowers once

He looked at the flowers once more, "I see. Thank you." He examined the doe's antlers; it seemed improbably to naturally have candles lit upon one's antlers. He himself didn't have his since he intentionally sawed them off, but knew that if he was to stay here for a while that he would have to let them grow.

He sat down in front of her. "How do you have candles?" His curiosity got the best of him.
MapleTree's picture

I gtg, but we will continue

I gtg, but we will continue tommorow. Once I get out of school.))