Where did these cool Pictograms come from?

MapleTree's picture

(Note: If anyone sees that this is their picto, I am taking no percent in saying these are mine. These are yours, (c) to whoever owns them)

And so, how did people get these cool pictograms? Hard search through the "Name your Deer" Picto selector? Luck? I'd like to know, sometime now.
I've been baffled by how they got them.
All the, Triangles, Circles, Lines, Filled dots... How?

Staff's picture

These pictos are Gen2/Gen1's

These pictos are Gen2/Gen1's you can't get them anymore.

Siggy by Shey

MapleTree's picture

Aw! Drat... They're so cool

Aw! Drat... They're so cool xD I really like them. If I had heard about TEF ay back, I probably would have had one by now! *laughs*
Xemi's picture

Oh, that circular one at the

Oh, that circular one at the bottom is mine C: belongs to my character, Dexter.
I bet you could probably find some people giving away extra gen2's if you posted a thread about it.
MapleTree's picture

I will get ot that tommorow

I will get ot that tommorow xD
For tonight, or now.. I must go to bed.