Colours for visualizing, not my fault if you go blind. :B
(may 23, reworked link section. USE BBCODE INSTEAD OF FILTERED HTML )
Remember to put your CSS under the cut!
Set your Input Format to BBCode!
Write all CSS in one line!
You don't need to credit me for anything.
CSS Templates
The easiest way yo use these templates is to change #ffffff hex colours and replace background images.
Experiment with the colours to see what is what.
simplest and easiest to edit; lacking refinement
simple, easy to edit; slight transparency effects
refined, transparency effects, right-aligned sidebar; code for 'normal' sidebar in comments (page 2)
3 Versions. refined, heavy page altering, lots of transparency
This Blog
This blog is only useful to you when you have any
pre-knowledge of CSS!
Otherwise you will not gain much from it. This blog shows the "names" of different parts through different colours.
If you want to understand CSS, check out
* {CSS Basics} How Do I CSS?
Colours for Sidebar Links
(includes: #logo #header #header-region #center .sidebar .menu .item-list
anything pink and red here)
(includes: .menu)
(includes .sidebar .menu .item-list)
(includes: .menu .item-list)
#wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner
(includes: .breadcrumb .node .submitted(blog only) #tabs-wrapper .picture .links
anything blue)
(in comments and blog)
(includes: .comment.odd, tr.odd tr.even, .comment.even)
(only visible when you have "background:none" on .comment.odd, tr.odd and tr.even, .comment.even )
.comment.odd, tr.odd
(darker comments)
tr.even, .comment.even
(lighter comments)
(the "New" that appears by a new comment)
.comment div.links
("edit" and "reply" buttons, although I am not sure if it affects all links in comments)
CSS rule set
I am not a professional, so I can't guarantee accuracy. My english is not perfect either, but I hope this will help you understand CSS a little bit better.
Very helpful site if you want to understand CSS better. I highly recommend looking through it sometime.
Build of a basic CSS code:
start tag and the
end tag define where your CSS code starts and where it ends.
Selector "selects" the element of the page that is affected by the rule set. If you want to define more than one Selector at once, you can seperate them with a comma.
body, .sidebar {color:#ffff00}
Declaration Block is the container for
Declarations. It stands between curly brackets.
Declarations tell the browser how to draw the selected element.
(Not pictured: A Declaration splits up into
Property and
Value. The Property is the aspect that you chose to style (like font, background), while the Value is the exact style for this Property (like font style, background color).)
Link colours
To change the colour of links in different parts, you have to add an
"a" at the end of your
body a {color:#ff00ff}
If you want to change the link-color when you hover your mouse over it, you additionally have to add
:hover, which is a so-called
body a:hover {color:#00ffff}
You can apply these
Pseudo-Classes not only to links, but pretty much any Selector.
Read more about it
If you have any problems, questions, ideas or find any mistakes here, please let me know!
Enjoy. ♥
ArrowDoe, you're everywhere
Ugh sorry sorry sorry I
Rell, I'm afraid I don't exactly understand. :x What do you mean by borders around the background?
Uitleger, sorry :( I know I've managed to change the link colour there before but I can't find the code at the moment. I've been looking into it.
.form-item a{color:#336699}a:link{color:#996633}
Again, sorry for the long wait. :/
Can i request A css? please?
I don't do CSS-Requests but I
oh.. ok well um I dont get
Well, for starters you can
You could use the code of one of the blogs I linked in the big white box above as your "base" coding.
The code from this CSS Help is the most basic one. It just changes background colours, no text colour or borders, unless you add them yourself.
This blog is also very basic, but it already has stuff like text and border colours changed. I'd call it an upgraded (and not as eye-searing) version of this blog.
And this one has a bit more of fancy stuff in it compared to the others.
If you use these and just change the #hex-colours not much can go wrong, and it really doesn't require any CSS-knowledge.
If you want to do something with a more "personal" touch you could always look more into CSS, but this is the quick and easy method. :b
ok thanks!
Hey, I was wondering if you
There's something wrong with it, that I completely don't understand, Do you see those awkward and random lines (like it would be a uh.. glitched div that doesn't exist?) around the tabs box? They appear only on the tabs pages, and it changes place on the 'Pathways.' tab.
Do you know how they got there and how I can get rid of them? .-.
I'm not exactly sure what you
This is what it looks like on all the other tabs. o:
(I use google chrome btw, if that makes sense..)
By the looks of it I'd say
s between the different tab-boxes.Yes! Thank you! 8D
Do you think it might be
I don't think it's possible
Aww. 8C Oh well! Thanks for
I was wondering, could you
Also, how do we put sliding boxes in the My Blog page? I know the code for them, but is it contained in that page, or in one of the blogs of that page? :'?
Little bump? Don't know if
Daaaang looks like I really
I'm kinda confused by what you mean with the tutorial (examples by what you mean?), but the code for the "My Blogs"-Box is put into one of the blogs, in the (top) Summary-Box, with having "Show summary in full view" turned off.
Ohh *slaps self* About the
About the tutorials, it's just this blog is very useful for those who already know about CSS but don't know how to apply it in their blogs (...right?) but what about people who don't know anything about CSS (me) to begin with?
All I can really do is change the colors, because I get really confused when it comes to use, uhm, codes to make paragraphs and repeat a certain code without writing it all over again... Just a short tutorial about each of those base tags? Because I don't know anything and don't seem to find a coherent "How To" in the entire Internet D:
/uh, made sense? ,:p -again, might be just because I'm dumb&lazy-
Okay, I thiiiink I understand
Do you mean how CSS generally works? That's a lot of stuff to take in, I could never cover everything in one single tutorial (plus the fact that I'm anything but a pro at CSS). You could check out Selectutorial, it explains a lot of stuff really well.
Also, I made this once, which just explains the general build of a CSS code. Don't know if it's helpful:
CSS rule set
I am not a professional, so I can't guarantee accuracy. My english is not perfect either, but I hope this will help you understand CSS a little bit better.
Build of a basic CSS code:
The start tag and the end tag define where your CSS code starts and where it ends.
The Selector "selects" the element of the page that is affected by the rule set. If you want to define more than one Selector at once, you can seperate them with a comma.
body, .sidebar {color:#ffff00}
The Declaration Block is the container for Declarations. It stands between curly brackets.
The Declarations tell the browser how to draw the selected element. A list of declarations you can apply is located here.
YES! Thank you so much :D I
Do you know how to do a
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
It's just a normal background
"background: url('URL HERE');"
Hmmm but if you were to look
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
You need to remove the
Ok I did that, but now the
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Hmm, try using this
<body style="background-image: url('');background-repeat:repeat">
Oh YAY! Ok one more thing
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
I thought you asked for a
Oh my bad, I didn't mean to
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
If you want one image to fill
Well heck.... :/ Thank you
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
i am i bit confused. Which
You could compare this page
If you use the "CSS from Unplugged's * (Testing, ignore #4)", you already have a mainly black base though, so it might be easier to work with that one.
also which one changes the
edit: thanks, the second code worked
...You are my hero~ This will
Hey Unplugged can you help me
I want to have a scroll box that the scroll only goes horizontally, so all the words are in one line, not a paragraph but one line. So not a vertical scroll where you go up and down, but a horizontal that goes from side to side
Thank you!
Try this: <div style="width:
<div style="width: 400px;height:50px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:auto;">#one #one #more #another #one #more #again #one #one #more #another #one #more #again #one #one #more #another #one #more #again</div>
Perfect! just what I wanted
Nope, unfortunately there is
Awe that sucks That would've
Hnn... I looked around in
I looked around in the comments, and can't seem to find anything.
Is there a code that can allow you to get rid of the line between the blog title, and the blog itself?
This part, I mean?
EDIT: Also, is there any way to get rid of the little "Tale of Tales" thing at the top, along with the "Game info," etc links?
For the Tale Of Tales/Top
Code to remove black line:
Omg yesss Thank you so
Thank you so much.
Is there a code that makes
Is it possible to keep a
Rhyolite-- Sorry for the late
I think what you mean is removing everything but the blog itself?
"visibility:hidden". Just use it for anything you want removed. For example, to remove the sidebar
to remove the TEF-Logo
rinse and repeat for anything you want to hide.
EternalWanderer-- I'm afraid I don't really understand. :x Could you show me an example or something?
I keep confusing you with my