Colours for visualizing, not my fault if you go blind. :B
(may 23, reworked link section. USE BBCODE INSTEAD OF FILTERED HTML )
Remember to put your CSS under the cut!
Set your Input Format to BBCode!
Write all CSS in one line!
You don't need to credit me for anything.
CSS Templates
The easiest way yo use these templates is to change #ffffff hex colours and replace background images.
Experiment with the colours to see what is what.
simplest and easiest to edit; lacking refinement
simple, easy to edit; slight transparency effects
refined, transparency effects, right-aligned sidebar; code for 'normal' sidebar in comments (page 2)
3 Versions. refined, heavy page altering, lots of transparency
This Blog
This blog is only useful to you when you have any
pre-knowledge of CSS!
Otherwise you will not gain much from it. This blog shows the "names" of different parts through different colours.
If you want to understand CSS, check out
* {CSS Basics} How Do I CSS?
Colours for Sidebar Links
(includes: #logo #header #header-region #center .sidebar .menu .item-list
anything pink and red here)
(includes: .menu)
(includes .sidebar .menu .item-list)
(includes: .menu .item-list)
#wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner
(includes: .breadcrumb .node .submitted(blog only) #tabs-wrapper .picture .links
anything blue)
(in comments and blog)
(includes: .comment.odd, tr.odd tr.even, .comment.even)
(only visible when you have "background:none" on .comment.odd, tr.odd and tr.even, .comment.even )
.comment.odd, tr.odd
(darker comments)
tr.even, .comment.even
(lighter comments)
(the "New" that appears by a new comment)
.comment div.links
("edit" and "reply" buttons, although I am not sure if it affects all links in comments)
CSS rule set
I am not a professional, so I can't guarantee accuracy. My english is not perfect either, but I hope this will help you understand CSS a little bit better.
Very helpful site if you want to understand CSS better. I highly recommend looking through it sometime.
Build of a basic CSS code:
start tag and the
end tag define where your CSS code starts and where it ends.
Selector "selects" the element of the page that is affected by the rule set. If you want to define more than one Selector at once, you can seperate them with a comma.
body, .sidebar {color:#ffff00}
Declaration Block is the container for
Declarations. It stands between curly brackets.
Declarations tell the browser how to draw the selected element.
(Not pictured: A Declaration splits up into
Property and
Value. The Property is the aspect that you chose to style (like font, background), while the Value is the exact style for this Property (like font style, background color).)
Link colours
To change the colour of links in different parts, you have to add an
"a" at the end of your
body a {color:#ff00ff}
If you want to change the link-color when you hover your mouse over it, you additionally have to add
:hover, which is a so-called
body a:hover {color:#00ffff}
You can apply these
Pseudo-Classes not only to links, but pretty much any Selector.
Read more about it
If you have any problems, questions, ideas or find any mistakes here, please let me know!
Enjoy. ♥
Comment 101! >
Links & Info
ggliden-- you did everything
Thankies for this it really
I did struggle to get the inside (darker blue) to work though, not sure what I did wrong there but I messed around with it and it finally worked but I honestly have no idea how I did it :3
I meant to type #center,
EDIT: I figured it out. New question, do you know how to change the color text off to the left? Not the text when you write a blog, bio, diary entery, etc, but all those links?
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
I accidentally put coding in
gglidden-- I have the code
OokamiLugia-- I fixed that for you now. :]
How do I make it so the comments are the same size as the black boxes above?
Also, I don't want certain images to be transparent, and I don't want my borders to be transparent.
How do I fix this?
I don't think it's possible
About the certain images - what images do you mean?
As for the comments, maybe try using a "width:"-code for the ".comment.odd, tr.odd," and "tr.even, .comment.even"..
It's the picture of
When I use the width thing, it aligns to the left instead of centering.
It looks weird. :/
Any idea on how to fix this?
And thank you for helping me... <3
Hmm. Can I snatch the code
Thank you.
Found the code surprisingly
should center them. :)
You are so amazing and
Um. Where do I insert this? :/
You got a ".comment {border:
That didn't work for
There right ?
Hm. :/ Do you use
Do you use Firefox?
Did you add the width codes for the .odd and .even comments?
I got it. I took the width
I took the width out before I inserted the margin code.
Thank you so much. <3 Haha.
I put you through hell with these things. ):
This is much, much more fun
"Please bother me again
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
One more thing. I don't like
I don't like the gap on my biography, and every time I get rid of the < br >, the other boxes become visible...
Is there a way to get rid of it without having the other boxes scroll up?
The link is broken, but if
Why doesn't Mozart's do it
That is because in Mozart's
Making all boxes the same size to scroll through is a possible solution, now that you mention it, yes...
Haha. Okay. ...What.
I have no idea what I just
Um, haha.
Where do I insert the scroll boxes?
Do you just want the code and work on it whenever you have time?
I don't know either, but
But judging by the code it seems as though you did everything right..
And yesss, code would be awesome. *grabby hands*
Wow, thank you so much for
But I have two questions. ^^;
1. Do you know how to change the color of the date/time that appears in every post/blog? (i.e. June 6, 2010 - 7:18pm)
2. How do you change the font for a whole blog entry?
Sorry if these were already asked. It's kinda hard to read through this. xD;;
Thanks in advance. ;D
There you go! Date -
Date -
.submitted{color:#0000ff !important}
Font -
.node{font: 11px verdana;color:#ffff00}
I'm not sure if that's exatly what you mean though. xD
Nope, that's exactly what I
Thanks so much! <3
Edit: Okay... So I've run into a few more things that I need help with.. xD
1. The links aren't turning another color when I hover my mouse over them. But I have the code up. (#block-primary-links a:hover, #tabs-wrapper a:hover{color:#B2AC97}) What am I doing wrong? ;o
2. How do you change the colors of the purple/grey lines that appear between comments?
3. How do you change the color of the "New" sign that appears on new posts?
4. How do you change the font in the 'reply' boxes?
I feel egocentric for asking you all these questions... I need to pay you back. xD How's about some fan art? ;3
double post
Thank you for the code. It's
Is it possible to make the
Tried that before, but so far
Unplugged. Can you tell me
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
I find it kinda hard to
Comment resize:
And if you want to center them, add this:
Em...for the tabs thing, sure
um...also, can you make it so the comment border goes all the way around?
Edit: Finally. In your blog page, the box is funny!
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Thankyou :)
Is there a way to remove only
Is there a code to change all
Like 'Add new comment' and your name? ;o
Is there a code to make it
Spirituelle - Here, I think that's all. Unplugged's codes.
Thank you! What's the code
What's the code for the '>' and the title? For this bio.
Quote:Is there a way to
Tried before, but no, nothing that I know of, sorry.
I don't think that's possible, but I'm going to try and experiment a little, maybe I'll find some trick.
breadcrumb{color:#ffff00 !important}
#squeeze h2{color:#00fffff}
I think I found something
I see only this?
Oh.. It looks different on my
How can I add an image rather
You write {background:
{background: url('URL') #ffffff}
for a normal background-image.