Colours for visualizing, not my fault if you go blind. :B
(may 23, reworked link section. USE BBCODE INSTEAD OF FILTERED HTML )
Remember to put your CSS under the cut!
Set your Input Format to BBCode!
Write all CSS in one line!
You don't need to credit me for anything.
CSS Templates
The easiest way yo use these templates is to change #ffffff hex colours and replace background images.
Experiment with the colours to see what is what.
simplest and easiest to edit; lacking refinement
simple, easy to edit; slight transparency effects
refined, transparency effects, right-aligned sidebar; code for 'normal' sidebar in comments (page 2)
3 Versions. refined, heavy page altering, lots of transparency
This Blog
This blog is only useful to you when you have any
pre-knowledge of CSS!
Otherwise you will not gain much from it. This blog shows the "names" of different parts through different colours.
If you want to understand CSS, check out
* {CSS Basics} How Do I CSS?
Colours for Sidebar Links
(includes: #logo #header #header-region #center .sidebar .menu .item-list
anything pink and red here)
(includes: .menu)
(includes .sidebar .menu .item-list)
(includes: .menu .item-list)
#wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner
(includes: .breadcrumb .node .submitted(blog only) #tabs-wrapper .picture .links
anything blue)
(in comments and blog)
(includes: .comment.odd, tr.odd tr.even, .comment.even)
(only visible when you have "background:none" on .comment.odd, tr.odd and tr.even, .comment.even )
.comment.odd, tr.odd
(darker comments)
tr.even, .comment.even
(lighter comments)
(the "New" that appears by a new comment)
.comment div.links
("edit" and "reply" buttons, although I am not sure if it affects all links in comments)
CSS rule set
I am not a professional, so I can't guarantee accuracy. My english is not perfect either, but I hope this will help you understand CSS a little bit better.
Very helpful site if you want to understand CSS better. I highly recommend looking through it sometime.
Build of a basic CSS code:
start tag and the
end tag define where your CSS code starts and where it ends.
Selector "selects" the element of the page that is affected by the rule set. If you want to define more than one Selector at once, you can seperate them with a comma.
body, .sidebar {color:#ffff00}
Declaration Block is the container for
Declarations. It stands between curly brackets.
Declarations tell the browser how to draw the selected element.
(Not pictured: A Declaration splits up into
Property and
Value. The Property is the aspect that you chose to style (like font, background), while the Value is the exact style for this Property (like font style, background color).)
Link colours
To change the colour of links in different parts, you have to add an
"a" at the end of your
body a {color:#ff00ff}
If you want to change the link-color when you hover your mouse over it, you additionally have to add
:hover, which is a so-called
body a:hover {color:#00ffff}
You can apply these
Pseudo-Classes not only to links, but pretty much any Selector.
Read more about it
If you have any problems, questions, ideas or find any mistakes here, please let me know!
Enjoy. ♥
That worked. Thank you. (:
Omg thanks Unplugged!!! ^_^
~ C.S. Lewis
Hey Unplugged Would you
Would you mind, when you get the time, to help me a bit...? It's about the #wrapper #container and so on, going all to the top and all to the bottom.
I know you said it wasn't possible with both, but instead covering the top only was, but I just thought, is it possible to do so with the bottom instead...?
Sorry Tulloh, I can't help
You can try the code I gave you previously and change the numbers (-120 px and 120px), but I'm not sure how far that will get you.
#wrapper #container #center{position:relative;top:-120px;z-index:-1;}#wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner{padding-top:120px;}
Veri interesting indeed. I
I already tried a bit with that. Somehow, I am unable to cover the last perhaps 3-5 px at the very bottom. Watch this
I've been refraining from
Is there a way to make my body background image in a fixed position? So the image doesn't scroll with the rest of the blog. I have a BG i want to use, but it's not big enough and doesn't repeat, but I hate how ugly it looks when it does the repeated pattern from the comments and stuff. So yes, am I able to fix a BG in it's set position without it scrolling with the rest of the blog?
Thanks in advance!
body{background:url(' url
body{background:url(' url here ') fixed}
^^ that should actually do the trick.
You can also max out the size of your bg by adding "body{background-size:100%}" if you'd like that, though obviously that one has all the drawbacks of resizing a picture.
It worked! Thanks : D!
._. Hey Unplugged. I need
I have a noobie question: How can I make the hovering in the div where it says "1) text text hover" to stop going inside the div and stretch it?
retracking to find this
Oi. Two little problems.
The bright yellow box by the "reply" buttons. I can't make it be the color I want it to be.
And also. I somehow lost my "add new comment" button, as well.
/problems. <.>
I was just wondering how I
I take that back; I solved my
Jinx: #wrapper #container
#wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner{-moz-border-radius: 15px;border-radius: 15px;}
Hello! I'm not sure what's
As I'm not around anymore I won't be checking this thread either. There are plenty of other css-savy people around here and a good amount of you already ask in seperate blog entries when they need help.
However, if there's anything, I'm more than willing to help out. If you're stuck with something, feel free to pop me an e-mail at at any time. Usually it's pretty easy to reach me plus I like doing css.
Hay ♥ I just need
I just need some help with my css, and I hope that you can help me. (-:
1: How do i center the '''July 25, 2011 - 6:01pm — Corell''
2: How do i take away the user-picture on the top of the bio?
3: And how do i center the ''Add new comment'' on the bottom of the bio?
Sorry if it is to much ;;
Hey Corell. :3 I think this
.node .submitted{text-align:center !important}
.node .picture{display:none !important}
.node .links, .comment .links{text-align:center}
Omg, yes! It all worked. Your
Hii. I need some help with
How do I center the ''Add new comment'' text?
I tested < style >.node .links, .comment .links{text-align:center}< /style > but it didn't work.
You can see how it looks here:
Hello there unplugged! I
I would have to ask for your help again it seems.
Currently I made a new blog called "{jua}" and I wanted to do some adjustments.
I would love to change the header section + content background to a lighter colortone
but I dont have a clue how to change it , even though I looked through the code;;;
I kinda changed the comments section instead but not the elements that I wanted to.
Hope you can help me out and thank you in advance!
Hello, I hope to be around
Omg thnx this is sooo
Hi Unplugged! I need your
I found out how to change the colors of the various sections, but I can not fix it as I would like.
How do I do it all entirely black?
I have read the old comments that you gave your msn contact, now that there's more you're on skype?
Because explain on skype would be more comfortable, because I don't want making two million questions here, bothering everyone else.
Sorry for the noise!!!
Hey there It is very easy
It is very easy to change the color to all black if you use the "Empty Base Template" from my blog CSS Quick Reference.
My Skype name is "artsja". I am happy to help!
How do you make rounded
Hello Unplugged, one of your
one of your templates - the two - was exactly what I was looking for!
I have used it on bio of my newest character. Hope you don't mind, credit is given anyway.
So... Click me!
I know this is an insanely
No matter what I do, the 3rd box on that page has this giant gap between the top of it and the first line of text. All of those boxes use the same exact code, the only difference is in the sizes. It's really annoying me. :/ Here's the entire code for it.
@Mjrn Is the paragraph break
Also I was waiting for this to get bumped because I didn't want to do it myself :x Was curious which part of the CSS controls the color of the text that displays the date of the the submission. I've been able to change the font of the date and the font of the link to the poster's account, but I can't for the life of me change the color.
Sorry, didn't mean to take so
AlisonRobin-- This should do the trick.
Mjrn-- Looks like AlisonRobin figured it out already. It does seem to be because of the line break between
andThe Roster
. For all other boxes, you have those in the same line....I feel so stupid for not
Thank you, both of you. (:
Thanks Unplugged! This has
Mjrn I was seeing your notes on the title of the page you were working on the other night and I just wanted to bring you hot chocolate and a blanket and tell you everything would be okay.
Ahaha, awww. Yeah, CSS is
Oh, one more thing: How to
.node .picture{display:none}
I believe this is the code for it. I just went through my blog and looked for similarities in the coding, I'm pretty sure that's the one you're looking for.
Thanks, that did the trick!
Hello, I need some help with
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Hello CSS gods! I have a
On this blogpost here:
Everything is not perfectly centered. The whole thing itself, it sticks more to the left rather. How do I make it perfectly centered? (:
Quick ref track
Skatmat, try adding this to
body.sidebar-left #center, body.sidebar-left #squeeze{margin-left:0}
That did it! Thank you! (:
my favorite thing. tracking