Clicking trade!!! Loko is almost there

Topaz100's picture
Please could you click my squiby animals if you have time, there are only three, and you send me yours in comments and i shall click away 8DDD. Anyone want me to click one of theirs, i willll????

Calypta's picture


Tally's picture

*clicked* :3 Click my

*clicked* :3
Click my pathetic little egg? XD;;
Topaz100's picture

Thx, ill click them all, and

Thx, ill click them all, and hey, its my twinnnn pictoooo!!!!
Custard's picture

Clicked! ALSO. I'm sorry,

Clicked! ALSO. I'm sorry, msn won't lemme sign in D8< I keep trying and stuff.
Is it letting you...? :\

Topaz100's picture

Yes, but erm, your on now

Yes, but erm, your on now <8D
Topaz100's picture

*Thx as well (sos forgot to

*Thx as well (sos forgot to add it in)


Clicked! :3
Doe's picture

I leveled up Codie! _ _ _ _

I leveled up Codie! Laughing out loud

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Topaz100's picture

Thank you, you guyssss

Thank you, you guyssss
Tally's picture


Topaz100's picture

Thx! And i leveled up

Thx! And i leveled up Clecks, will do tomoz too, thanks picto partnerrrr
Tally's picture

picto partners=win. X3

picto partners=win. X3

i have clickables to if your

i have clickables to if your bored XD i have details in each section on which are fully evolved and what not, but i ask if you do the hyeans or the ginga section i wish that they all be clicked together to keep even leveling Laughing out loud or don't click any XD but if you were to i'd greatly appreciate it <3

My clickables
Topaz100's picture

I have clicked most of the,

I have clicked most of the, but it is really slow today so i will have to click the rest tomoz, is that alright Smiling