Topaz100's blog

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My hamster D8

My hamster died today, i had only had him 4 months D8 I was really sad and cried,he loked so weak near the ned, but i think i did the right thing, he looked in so much pain. His name was biscuit, and i loved him alot, so this was just to say goodbye to my Biccy Sad He was so much fun, he used to fall of his wheel and do stupid stunts, i'll miss him, god, i have a headache from crying 80
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Twilight saga, the big question VAMPIRES or WEREWOLVES

Right, lets put it to vote, would you prefer the happy and protective werewolves or the cold, mysterious but nice vampires. Its VOTING time!!!

Vampires 4 Werewolves 17

I would probably go vampires, just because i can't decide and i think Bella and Edward are sweet. That isn't to say i don't like the werewolves, they are nice too and Jacob is sweet, your turn...
p.s. Plz say ur reason, i would loveee to knowwww lol
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New Moon Love

Went to see the Twilight Saga on Saturday and let me tell you it was busy, i never thought it would be, though it was only the second day of being out! I loved it, and although we had to get there an hour early to ensure we got good seats it did not damper my spirits, i was actually more excited, and when i got out i was well pleased! I loved it! And to say i knew nothing much of it, as i didn't see the first or read the books (soon to be changed, got the books on order x3.) Some of the characters i had ablind spot on like Charlie, Bellas dad, mentioned throughout the film but no mention of who "Charlie" was!!! But except little bits like that i loved it, and can't wait to see the first one too! But what do you think, any comments, what did you think of New Moon, how about Twilight, is that good? Which is better or is it hard to say, are the books good and just anything you want to say i would love to hear, because i thought this film was EPIC xDDDDD
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Black and white, finale

Right, i don't know why, or when i thought of this (actually i do, i was just sat here and i thought) i want to know all the things in the world that are black and white, i'll start it of and if anyone wants to add anything please do but if you think it is a crap idea... well, thats youuu xDDDDDDD
Wow, there are alot of things, wow, well, this is it, the last list and final call if anything wants to be added, it's been fun looking at all the ideassss, and oh, i just thought of anotherrrrr.

Zebra crossing
Border collie
Pieball horse
A dairy cow (thought of by ArrowDoe)
Old movies/pictures
A mime
Oreo cookie (thought of by Terabetha)
Killer whale
Panda bear (cute c8)
Southern right whale
Northern right whale
Hourglass (thought of by bubblywums)
A tuxedo cat
The top of a Napoleon pastry (great one!!!)
Those black and white cookies (thought of by Pegasicorn)
Dice (thought of by trigger_mortis, lol, simple but i didn't think of that :3)
Black diamond
Salt and Pepper
Crossword puzzles
Pirate flag
Soccer ball
Snoopy, the beagle
Black and white pictures
Black Nail polish
Garbage bag
Ying & Yang
Police Cars
Chess Pieces
Tuxedo's (thought of by ToxicCreed, wow, so many... xDDD)
Boston Terriers (thought of by Zergarikiaka)
Black and white rat (thanks Haru)
Brazilian tapiar
Hamster (me again x3)
The night sky
Swans (thought of by Tally)
Husky (thought of by okami90)
The song "Black or white" by MJ (me again)
Most drawings by MC Escher (thought of by triiger_mortis)
The 'inside' of a book
a referee's shirt
a badminton net (at least our's are)
the Wacken-open-air-logo xD
Street and its markings (coool!)
the Black copic-marker
grand piano (thought of by Alicev)
Music sheets
Clarinets (sort of, black and silver)
Laptop keys (well, mine anywayssss)
Rabbit (me again 8P)
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The Endless in The Endless Forest

The endless in the endless forest
Stands for alot of things
Like the sparkles in sparkle
And Diamonds in rings

It stands for the new, and the old too
Like the fountain, and the twin god statue
For all the differnet celebrations
Going on around the year

The endless in the endless forest
Gives the name more
And tells the reader, near or far
What is really at the forests core

It stands for the deer and the people inside
Like when you are in the forest how all the deer cry
And how you hear all the other animals too
And at the different places on the map

Right, extraa weirrrd poem, and i am confusled about it, so, erm, i hope you aren't :3
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Yay, community back in action, kicking bottom or what???

Wow, i just love the new look communtiy site, it is amazing and everyone will love it, i am sure :3 Thank you to anyone who contributed in making it this awesome and epic!!! Can't wait to post some new things xDDDDD Sorry, no excuse me for the title, i just had to put ittttttt
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Tea and me

Tea and me, are like two pods in a pea
Or rather two pees in a pod
We will walk all day, and run and play
And then sit down on our tods

Tea and me, we go way back
Well, as far as we can remember
Which in my case is Thursday
And Teas, last november

Tea and me, we are never appart
Except when we have to be
Which is lets say, a little while
Until Teacup wants some tetley tea!

Right, i know crap, so sorry for dumping it here, but it is kinda funny i feel, and anyway, Prongs wrote it xDDDDD
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Spare a thought 2... inspired by xylv

Spare a thought for the newbies
They have never seen the forest before
They'll jump and play all day long
Along the forests tender floor

Spare a thought for the smallest
They don't know their way round
They'll sniff and run, under the sun
And listen to the many animals sound

Have you ever thought, young sir
They need to be shown that and this
But some of us old also need to be told
Because i have the memory of a goldfish!

LOL, i hope you likeeeee!!! Especially xylv!Exclaim xDDDDDDD
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Clicking trade!!! Loko is almost there

Please could you click my squiby animals if you have time, there are only three, and you send me yours in comments and i shall click away 8DDD. Anyone want me to click one of theirs, i willll????

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My profile picture apologies

Right, i need to say this quick because there is alot to say but i am sorry about my profile picture, i know it sucks. I can't seem to get it to fit the screen and so that is a bummer. Seconds is that you can't see my picto very well in the corner but don't worry, you wouldn't want to see it, that sucks too! Once i have got a graphics tablet (on the list when i have scraped up enough £££!) i will redo the whole thing though i can't draw my picto in the first place, and to top that i can't seem to work the editing thing i have so that isn't very good. So all in all i am sorry, but even when i have a graphics tablet it won't much improve, i cannot draw!!! Sorry for clogging up the diary entries but few, i have done, you may leave and i shall hide, it has been a long day!!! Though first i will need to spell check, tones of mistakes, damn. Oh before i go on a happy note, i love border collies and that is why i picked that piccy, i actually know that cute dog in the piccy, want to know about her just ask! Ag, i feel marginly better, i love her to bits!!! xxxx
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