
Waning-Sun's picture

As Still as the Brooding Dove

10.26.15 Good-night my baby. Bio's going to stay up. Thanks for all the art of my boy. I'll be putting them back up in a bit.
Salka's picture

Overlapping CSS request~ (solved, thank you! <3)

I have been seeing some really neat tricks with CSS lately, but one in particular has had my interest for quite a while: having a picture, or a portion of it, overlap a box/table.

A perfect example of this can be seen on Lats'vel's bio, and another variation can be found here. I would love to utilize it in my bios; it gives off such a lovely effect when executed correctly.

I understand that most people are normally iffy about sharing codes in public. If anyone is willing to indulge, but does not wish to reveal it in a comment, you can reach me at

This is just a casual request, and if no one wishes to respond then that is perfectly fine. Just thought I'd give it a shot! n_n ♥
Okotte 's picture

Someone please help

I see my own pictogram on an other andult deer but that deer don't have skin, mask nor antlers and when i magic something on that deer it disapear after a few minits. I'm a bit new so i dont know why i see this deer. If someone know why, please tell me.
Sirius's picture





Physical: 100% / Mental: 100% / Emotional: 100%

Waning-Sun's picture


Farelia's picture

tentacle lover queen

OwlCityWarrior's picture

Endless Forest RP~ALL WELCOME!!!

Ok guys- You'll need to make a character sheet. Some of my charries ARE NOT REAL, K?!?! I will make two below, just to add story! You guys only need to make one.

Mask- (If you have one)
Antlers- (If you have them)
Extras- (Like jewelry, or amulets, or auras)
Mate- (If you have one)
Crush- (If you have one)
Follower Of- (If you follow anyone)
Family- (If you have them)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name- Kamche
Gender- Female
Age- 12 Years Old
Pelt- Default/Devout Pelt
Mask- N/A
Antlers- N/A
Extras- Purple Diamond Earrings, Necklace, Flowers Behind Ears
Mate- N/A
Crush- N/A
Follower Of- Twin Gods
Family- Valru(Mother, Alive) Machriote(Father, Deceased)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name- Valru
Gender- Female
Age- 40 Years Old
Pelt- Peacock
Mask- Peacock
Antlers- Peacock Feathers
Extras- Purple Aura
Mate- Machriote, Deceased
Crush- N/A
Follower Of- Twin Gods
Family- Kamche(Daughter, Alive) Machriote (Husband, Deceased)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamche ran through the forest, crying. Her flowers fell off as her tears splattered the ground below.

"Kamche! Kamche, come back!" Valru's antlers waved in the breeze as she ran after her daughter. She had just told Kamche that her father had died, meeting wolves.
She herself was crying, and she could hardly keep up, for she was shaking in sadness.

Kamche tripped and fell, her necklace tearing off in the fall. She saw her mother's purple aura surround her as Valru knelt beside her.

"Kamche- I'm sorry," she whispered. "There's nothing that I could do."
OwlCityWarrior's picture

About Kamche

Kamche was born 7.16.2001.
She is vibrant, wild, and silly. She can also be cranky, and snap at other deer, but it usually doesn't mean anything.
But, when it's about the Twin Gods, she tones it down alot. She'll worship in quiet, which is saying something for Kamche.
She likes collecting purple flowers behind her ears, to match the purple she wears already.
Friends are like jewels to her, and loves making them. Enemies sadden her, but she'll fight anyway. She's a complicated fawn.
Sometimes you can find her at the Twin Gods statue, praying when she first wakes up. When she wants to show everyone that she is about to leave, she'll put on the pelt she got, and go to sleep.
Kamche is a wonderful fawn, who enjoys the forest.

(Ok, ok, I KNOW that I only just got on yesterday, but Kamche is 12, k? Laughing out loud)
riddledrhyme's picture

Ignore. Testing.

Hello friends from other countries. :D

Good night people!
I'm new here in the game. I am Brazilian. And maybe the only Brazilian here. Haha!
I can not speak english, forgive me. I'm using Google translator.
I hope to be well received by you because I loved the The Endless Forest. But I'm feeling alone. In the game, and the community.
I hope to make friends here. I see that you are very good friends, and I want to be one of them. Please? hehe

Thank you for your attention. Do not let me unanswered ... D:
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