lucky24's blog

uuuhhhhhh help?

lucky was trotting around this even and stumble upon the pond and fell into it.

As you know she lost her pelt look like the original deers.
when she went on the little box and on the network to get it back she accidently clicked saved when she was still on the original deer form instead of pressing load

so i ask if anyone can help me on getting back my pelt horns and mask

oh gosh lucky feels empty

ps. hey look no misspelling this time

pelt overload

lucky met a mini herd today and had a bag loads of fun with them

one of their names had a raindrop-ish look with a bridge and a upside-down "t" and over it was a sideways "v"

lucky decided to nickname it pollen (because of course she does not know "pollen's" actual deer name)

"pollen" and lucky kept giving each other diffrent pelts to play with near the abiogenesis( i hope i said(typed) it right)

well if i ever see you again "pollen' thank you for the wonderful pelt color

watchin all dem young'uns on the forest yesterday

i dont celebrate halloween because im a christian and im extremely alright with it
though there is one thing that can always drive a kid to fall down and beg and thats candy

my mum brought some candy from her job that her students did not eat annnnndddd i now i know why they did not eat them xc

well at lleats i got to have some fun running around the forest darting around with fawns <3

i caaaannnuuuuuutttt resit them

today lucky went adventuring in the forest first thing she bleated

" oh my gosh theres fog everywhere!Exclaim!!"

(dearly excuse my mispelling sometimes im am in a hurry)

lucky staaahhhhhhp

lucky just pretty much was looking for some deers to hang out with at the forest yesterday (forever alone) x3 but since she got so bored she decided to take a rest.......

then a stag came along and greeted her so of course she greeted back
his firned also greeted her and the next you know they started they all started sending mask magic at each other faces.

the stag pretty much gave lucky a brown realisitic der mask....
she was not fond of it but liked it at the same time

later the staga nd lucky went to a pine trre and ended up giving each other entirely diffrent antler

( now lucky has the tiny tiny antlers)

and at the end they used their sleeping friend to givie each other diffrent pelts

now lucky has a orange with a blacki strip-like stripes on her back
like that deer on the front of the communnity page
welp they both had lots of fun and now lucky has a new wardrobe Frown

thinking about drawing in deviantart or sumthin

well i know this blog was quick right after the haloween blog but hey i llove this community and game Laughing out loud
anywho as the tile says im thinking of maybe sighning up to deviantart

im trying to do something close enough so i can reach my goal to becoe a character designer ,animator ect ect....

the only thing is that im not sure if they will sya if im too young or something
so im might need your guys opinions about this and moslty advice from expeiriences from devianatrt

my deer ego lucky and me

p.s forget about the mispellings

too many blogs sorreh

today i pretty much want to tell a story about lucky and my new little fawn friend named "jugha"

(i gave her/he that name)
since i could tell she was new i took her/him around the forest and showed her around its was fun with her . she/he was very timid and kind with me and whenever there was a another doe or stag around she/he would shiver until i come in to tell her its alright

i hope to see you agian i. if you remember me i was the doe with the pronghorn -like horns with gray pelt and the purple-ish theater mask

i think i remember your sighn n your heave it looks like my initials "vc"

i finally grew up!!!!!!!

i finally grew up to a doe so far a few deers helped with my coat ,maks and anlters my anlters lookes liek the ones that pronghorns have and my coat is gray with the slight of darker gray.

and my mask looks like a theater mask with bright colors

can anyone help me to get the brown deer mask /
it would be awesome if you do

i ahve no picture of my deer but try to imagine what lucky looks like form my descriptin

remember that picture question

you all know my question when i asked how to post up pictures right?

well i remember one of the comments telling me i must have the picture already posted somewhere else
well sadly y pictures are not posted anywhere else execpt my files . i do not have deviantart ( i wish i do) nor instagram ( i don't have the app nor a phone or ipad exct..exct...) i especially dont have a blog
( one of theses day i will but i wont promises it) ........ im so anxious to post my art up here but for some reason i cant <:c

welp on of these days i will just because i cant post up art does not mean i wills top playing my favorite game

im still alive!!!!!

Do not worry everyone I am still playing endless forest i know you all missed me and cried for me to return


anyone ......? T. T the reason I was gone for a while its that school is creeping up to us and were all doomed when its comes the day after tomorrow dun dun duuuuuuuuuun.

welp, i hope we all had a nice summer and we can see all of our wonderful friends out there becuase if we made it this far in life why not go farther eh govner?

adventuring through the forest

i went to get the drink at de drinkplaats and i turne to a baby-lookin bunny o3o it was amazing running around as the bunny (inside of de drinkplaats of course x3)

that wa suntil i turned back to a fawn l:I
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