thank you everyone that i met at the forest today
one of the people i met was a fawn with red flowers on its head like mine. i took "buddy" (that what i called my friend because i don't know its real name sorry) almost everywhere , we worhsiped the twin gods and pranced all over the place happily , i kept on getting farther than "buddy" but since i was worried of losing "buddy" i tried my best to slow down for her..( or him (sorry i cant exactly tell sorry xc) after a while of adventuring we took a small rest at the oak it was nice and quiet .
i wish i will get to run into "buddy " tomorrow and for on
it's really nice how people
i'm still trying to get used to recognizing pictograms rather than appearance so aren't sure who my buddies are, but i really like that you'll never end up alone with a little looking :')
yea im trying to remember