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tigerart27's picture



WOWIE BOY THIs is a struggle to write... BUT...

I've been thinking... I might disappear over the next few days or weeks. Reason being is that this site/game has caused lots of emotional and mental damage mostly related to anxiety and the fact that I'm very sensitive emotionally (It's a curse, really). So I might leave the site to try and clear myself up and come back, no guarantees tho (let's be honest, you can never really LEAVE this place, it's a trap!).

I also want to take the time to apologize to anyone I may have wronged or hurt. I have a tendency to speak before I think and never really know if it affects anyone negatively or positively. So I carry on without a thought. I would appreciate if you/anyone I may have hurt with my careless words to tell me so I can properly apologize for my actions. I'm not perfect, I run away from my problems because I can't and don't know how to fix them without knowing what I did wrong and it eats me up inside. I take things too far out of context and can come off as guilt tripping, which is never, ever my intention (my parents pull it on me, so I don't don't want to use that on someone else, I know how horrible it is). I also can come off as manipulative, and I really don't mean to! I have a lot of mental disorders, and trying to keep them in check is a struggle, especially when one slips off unnoticed until it's to late.

I'll still be on discord, but I won't be in any groups, so don't be afraid to DM me for roleplay or anything of the sort. I'll miss this place like the dickens, but I fear the longer I wallow in the pit of this anxiety that it'll hurt me more than it already has in the past.

Thank you for understanding! And I'm very sorry.

E: WHOOpS FORgot TO add my DC smh.
DC: Raynold#2830 | FR: #48332


The name's F1. Yes, it is unusual, and no my mother didn't pick it.

I've been gone awhile...

Apoidea, GB, GlobalBeauty... Moss's player... umm...

Gods I have had a lot of stuff here in the past.

Well, I am back, and F1 is going to be my year-long character development project this year. Gonna start from zero. Brand new pictogram with nothing other than a title and a unique pictogram.

I'm not really going to do a Bio, I don't think... probably just going to start her in the Diary section instead.
StrawyberryTwist's picture


StrawyberryTwist's picture


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 4

I brought my heavy laptop home to Belgium over Christmas in order to finally figure out that nasty programming problem that had me stuck for weeks. And I did! Behold the Forest Magic in Unreal Engine! At least the first step towards it. I will be add the rest next.

Full report here.
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