

ThinkingI have thoughts?!

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Riordan Reer-den || male || 25-30 yo mentally || Forest Name || Raven; The Rebel, The Unbroken; || [url=(IMAGEHERE)]Ref[/url] || Species x SCENT || OTHER


Kelan Kee-lan || male || 1.11.17; 15 yo mentally || Forest Name || Dove || #3 || || .... ||..... ||
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..: Outward :..

Physically, the child has changed as he aged. Baby pudge is gone, replaced with a lean body that mirrors his fathers, with a long neck and long legs on a lithe frame. The darker tones of his fur have lightened to a pale rose with gray overtones, but still mottled with the darker pink. A pale yellowish white speckles his underside and chest, mottling on the tops of his legs and into his neck. The color bleeds down from his chin and into the start of his throat. His longer, blackish wavy hair sports white strands both on his head and tail fur and his single black feather plumes from the top of his head. His hair is typically beaded with copper and silver, the occasional bell, or a multitude of feathers. Usually allowed loose, he sometimes pulls it back into a braid or loose pony tail when he is trying to focus. His skin tone has paled since birth, now boasts a pale skin tone with a dark grayish tinge. The left eye is gold, the right is silver.

The child typically moves in a slow, methodical pace; his stance proud. He has been anemic since his creation, though he doesn't really know what is wrong- just that exerting himself with bursts of play usually leaves him lethargic for a time after. It doesn't stop him from exploring his world though.

..: Inward :..

Blunt- Cold- Curious- Harsh- Arrogant- Distant-Quiet- Observant- Timid- Adventurous- Dreamer- Melancholy- Lethargic

From a carefree and giggly infant, Kelan has matured into a quiet older child. He comes across as distant and impassive-
a bit cold. He's quick to shrug off a dismissive response or offer some quiet remark, but not afraid to raise his voice and snap when his peace has been disrupted. The child has a quick temper and seems perpetually annoyed at the world around him- even those he's closest to may get snapped at or have their heads bitten off if they're not careful. To outsiders he appears wary and uncertain, staring them down and judging until he feels comfortable in their presence- which is slow to happen depending on what the other is like. He is a homebody, content to spend hours to days within his room and working on a hobby, and yet in reverse, he's just as quick to charge out into the world at first light and be gone until the last light starts to fade from the sky. He's always doing something, a busybody with his own secret agenda with his own secret plans and dreams. He's the type that is trying as much as he can to reside within his fathers rules, just as much as he's trying to be himself and follow his own life. That could account for his bluntness and aggression, manifesting from his constant anxieties. When alone and relaxed though, the child is one to smile or laugh, a gentler side emerging as he gets lost in his hobbies or his own mind. He can be kind, especially if the other takes an interest in what he does, and seems to work best in one-on-one situations.

...: Blood :..

:. Genty & Ymir .: Blood parents through magical means. Loves unconditionally, though finds himself in a constant fight
to maintain within the strict rules placed down to keep the child safe. Struggles to find creative ways to enjoy the things forbidden to him- the night, moths, unicorns- usually within the safety of the house, the stable, books or his mind. Softens his bluntness when around them, knows they only want what's best for him and his siblings, so loves them for that. Tries
to maintain an air of contentedness for their sake- doesn't want to disappoint them as much as he wants to be true to
who he is.

:. Gwydion .: Older brother. Finds him to be an annoyingly high strung individual that he still loves despite it, to the point where it wasn't normal that day if his brother hadn't had a fit about something. Protective of.

:. Eiriol .: Younger sister. Warmonger and the one he tends to play in the mud with. Helps her make golum armies to
take over the tiny world of their mudpit sandbox when they were younger, still does sometimes as they age. Quieter around her than anyone else, it seems, though no less prickly.

doesn't have any frands...

..: Possessions :..

• A tiny golum unicorn, given by his parents when young. Bewitched to act alive. Usually one of his constant companions.

• A small flock of fairy wrens that follow him everywhere.

• a few pink mantises that travel around clinging to his hair.

• an assortment of ink and quills, of parchments new and old, books new and old.

• various rocks, bird skulls, a fox skull, miscellaneous bones, sea shells, insect specimens with emphasis on butterflies
and moths, various feathers, some intact bird wings.

• Bells given by Chime, though does not know this. Knows as having them for as long as he could remember.

Spotify || Last Updated- 9.24.17

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