Name: Valentin
Nicknames: Val, Tintin
Titles: Sugarbones, Rosytoes, Sunchaser, Aureate, Clingstone
Pictogram: hookvine
Age: fresh
Size: infant-sized
FC: Rain Dove
Reference: here
Gender: male
Sex: ehehehehheeh
Orientation: what
Status: legal
Scent: fresh puppy smell, young grass, bitter cocoa, peaches, pancakes
Diet: carnivore + photosynthesis + energy consumption
Profession: baby
Tumblr x Toyhou.se x Pup Interaction Server
* almost healthy again due to staying in and sleeping like a log
resurfaced fresh, fragrant and chubbier than ever after a long and fruitful summer! curious and aching for family and friends both new and old
played with a couple of new faces which turned into a LOT of new faces which made his evening even better. loves being back
Had a lovely talk with a lovely Cannibriel.
A productive day of being a pillow for Tomo, good stuff!
Groggy and slow with periods of quicksilver clarity as the sickness grows, resting in the den. Met Cannibriel, RP ongoing.
Lethargic and sleepy today, feeling a heat in his head and shortness of breath. Snuggled with his brothers and listened to Tomo's life lessons that included absorbing tallness by eating dead things and general introduction to death by crunching bugs. Finds inflicting death impolite and still expects it to be fixed somehow, but Tomo's brief, matter-of-fact "the world is impolite" gave him enough peace of mind to go on another daring spree with his brothers, this time about eating bugs. Sampled an earthworm. I don't know what to do with this information.
Was enjoying more snugtimes with brothers when a Rose appeared and insulted them, thinking they were Tomo's kids? Unbothered by the poke at his appearance as he knows he and his family are fabulous but definitely bothered by the tone, not recognizing a tease. Butted in on the emotional conversation, understanding only that Tomo was crying and Rose was at fault, then fINALLY shut up and let the gals catch up. Still fairly clueless about it all but Tomo seemed more happy than sad and his eyes were closing again so he dozed off again and let them be.
Eventful day.
Woke up early for once and had some time alone with Dad. Was shown snow and romped in it for a bit before standing for a while between Dad's big paws. Didn't know how to properly channel the excitement so asked dumb questions just to be talked to and ended up being taught that 'sexy' is a perfectly fine descriptor for anything or anyone visually appealing. Was lead to the Drinkplaatz and showed off his
Who may or may not have influenced Dad to introduce the concept of bathing. Absolutely detested the cold water, turned awfully bratty and submitted to not one but TWO lightning-fast soaks when Dad threatened to drag him in by the scruff. Bought time by discussing whether they counted but luckily Dad had other things on mind.
Such as a new den!! A Good and Warm hidey he took to immediately, especially after Dad bribed him with his old rabbit blanket and a fresh bun to chomp on. <.< Gratified by the news Sin was in trouble too for Associating With Unsafe Individuals (i'm sensing a leitmotif here) and witnessed a doozy of an argument wherein important lessons about the nature of big and strange people were introduced. Interrogated Sin briefly about his stranger and pulled a :I face when Sin announced he wanted a bath too. Why would you ever... bleh.
Luckily there was a Nix in the water and Dad got tense so he wandered off with Sin to pelt each other with mask spells. Had his renewed, ahem, aroma pointed out and practiced insults with Sin about it. Played dead to prove he was in the right (*cough* afkolepsy *cough*) and made up immediately after. Snuggled with Dad and Sin for a while and dozed of for real, only to wAke UP ALONE. Unduly spooked and pouted into Sin's fur about it. The nearby Fight Club drew his attention though as well as a shy smol Delphini peeking from a tree.
That soured as well as a spooky (Raizel) kept staring and inching closer to the boys. Was wavering between looking for Dad's protection in this weird and unfamiliar situation and the instinct to keep his brother safe himself when a Brille intervened and he got to see Sin's stranger from earlier. Impressed by her fancy patterns but dutifully trotted after his family as they made their retreat to the new den.
Rested for a bit before spotting a Tomo looking at them from a distance. As they have both zero impulse control and fucks to give the boys yET AGAIN went to say hi to a stranger but this one turned out super nice! Though it's apparently her den they're staying in. Um. Oops? Anywho, dared Sin to lick her and got threatened with a bite in turn. Sin's fearless however so despite Val's reservations went in... and got absolutely, horrifyingly slobbered on. Had a drool fight that turned into |Art| as Tomo stuck leaves to the lads and instantly became Super Cool.
Had a staring contest with Sin, then got herded to the Pond once more, this time with Kani. Absolutely refused to freeze for the sake of hygiene again and led Dad on a merry chase through the mud. Petulantly tested the borders of Dad's patience but got picked up and tossed in anyway. Figured out that the water's easier to bear if he never stops moving so he romped with Kani and a few other fawns in order to stay warm. Later dozed off again as Dad groomed them.
Woke up late and alone, was absolutely not afraid for a moment until he spied Sin a little ways off with an entire partyful of new people. Hopped over to Jude's tree and met a Kani who is very good at hugs and also at dancing. After some fun ended up peering curiously at Jude with bro and Kani and trying to place the older boy's familiar voice, pretty sure it's from the underground era.
More play with the gang, Val found a sunspot and Kani a hideyhole, before Dad appeared and also became a hidey for Sin. Sat and panted a while with Dad, Sin, Kani and Þórunnr, making a pretty neat pupgarden. Kani has stronger batteries though and was vivacious enough Dad broke out the ultimate disciplinary measure - adoption. Took it in stride because how could Kani not be a sib what with being fun as heck, then promtply fell asleep and apparently missed a goodnight story.
Later even more puppers appeared including a Florus and the pupocalypse began in earnest (sorry Dad). Alas he is small and fresh and couldn't keep up for very long, so he kept dozing off between bouts of mad hopping.
Had a blast pawing at and licking some meat with Sin while slowly drawing Dad closer to madness and then naps. Put those partial deer genes to good use and went on a daring adventure with lil bro to work out this leg thing and also to say hi to a couple of

Uuuntil it did. D: Shared a smack of a tail with bro for Unsafe Conduct and Inviting Stranger Danger then went on the worst field trip ever. Walked for 50 000 years all the way to the Oak where Dad introduced them to the concept of staying put and went away, possibly to visit a therapist.
Explored the Oak a lil with bro, especially its echo properties. Showed off his howl and yapped about meat and getting a piggyback ride from Dad while Sin whispered secretful secrets. Dad came back with rabbits which, it turns out, are also meat if they don't move. Tried to tackle them with bro but soon exchanging bits of food and snatching it out of the air became more interesting. Curled up and slept soon after, still patiently waiting for Ma to come back from the ground.
Dug his way out of his collapsed seed and into his parents' care. Announced his arrival with many tired, displeased squeaks, but calmed down quickly as he was groomed by Cereja, soaking in the scent and love of family.
Welcomed a silent Sindile a little later, nosing at Cer's snoot as his breathing slowed. Yipped a little as Amaroq transported the pups to a nearby tree, though accepted him as well when hugs were deployed.
Away from the irritant his pull on the world eased up, though too late for his parent.
©CSS "Evergreen" © Unplugged.
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
Character @ me
Art @ respective artists
lineart @ areot, design @ me
dingbats @ 1001 Fonts
background image @
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
Character @ me
Art @ respective artists
lineart @ areot, design @ me
dingbats @ 1001 Fonts
background image @
bab y
woof intensifies!
Moar puppers aaaaaaaa
(No subject)
Track c:
By Draak ♥
Ohohoho look at that art xD
BOOF im late