Respect [..?/Rhys]

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Rhys thought they were beyond this. Yet it seemed another collapse was inevitable. He glanced sideways over to where the child sat and slowly quirked a brow.

"Are you going to say something this time, or just bottle it up until it bursts out through your head again?"

"As distasteful as the latter sounds...I may have to go that route.
Saving face.
You know the deal."

Rhys cocked his head to the side and looked out through the trees.

"No one has ever punished you for speaking out before."

The child considered this for some time before resting his face in his hands.

"Respect must be earned.
No person nor character is entitled by creation.
If you are a cowardly low spiteful person you will be treated as one.

No matter how high and mighty the stag's points rise it will not change the fact that they're still a child with low-self esteem who takes their emotions out on others..."

"Are you not generalizing?"

I feel I'm being rather specific about no one person in particular."

The two laid silently for some time in the ruins before Rhys slowly faded away to be replaced by another deer.
They found a nice spot of sunlight in a meadow of flowers to rest for the remainder of the day.
Serenai's picture


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