Soothsayers [..?]

Alecsander's picture
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Women of prophecy and ill omen.
Probably some foreboding in that but at the moment he was fixated on the gentle waters before him.
Soothing..yes that is how he got there as he thought about it.

He glanced briefly at the large deer curled by his side and stared down at the waters.

Solitude came easily to him. In moments of panic and distress he would curse the cold shoulder that the forest thrust towards him.

It was the words.
He always knew it was.
Envy, Hated, Jealousy, Annoyance.
Whatever or however they justified it he would always be an outsider looking in to them.
His form had first set him aside and now his attitudes, opinions, and self-confidence set him further apart.

It had been explained to him by an elder as a perfect metaphor for the tiny squabbles and he had inclined his head to agree.

It could consume you. They become obsessive and fixated on those little personal issues between each other.

He wondered vaguely whether they even knew that there was grass growing beneath their feet or dragonflies hovering over the surface of the water.

The dragon flies and lily pads in particular had always held a fascination for him.

He smiled weakly towards the waters and laid his head down to rest. It was going to be a good day and he could wish for nothing more than the pleasant comfort of his own mind.
Serenai's picture

I wonder what happens when he

I wonder what happens when he sleeps.
Icon Art © Beloved