You ruined it.

Yeah. Rant.

I'll probably come off as a bitch by saying so, but, in my opinion, this sudden infestation of 'fandeer' is ridiculous.
It all started with Kingdom Hearts. Then Hetalia. Final Fantasy. Yu-Gi-Oh! and now Harry Potter? C'mon.
I mean, don't get me wrong; I love all these shows/games/movies/book just as much as the next person, but it kind of ruined the forest experience for me. For me.
Also, don't act all bad ass and strut around ignoring the rest of us. You have no right. What, you're totally oblivious to us because a few of your other 'exclusive' buddies are around? No. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

But whatever..
Trickster's picture

One thing to say: TEF isn't

One thing to say:

TEF isn't srs bsnss ♥

I've not seen one fandeer player who hasn't included others, and the idea of this place is to have fun and meet others. The fandeer have allowed people to do this and I see absolutely no harm in it. Besides, it's not like it's just fandeer that ignore others-quite a vast amount of characters made originally are some of the worst offenders.

So, yah. I'm sorry you feel this way, but please chill. It's not like people having fun is something to get angry about. This is a game, and I hardly see how people enjoying it could ruin the forest experience for you. Come join in sometime, I'm sure you'll find we're all pretty epicsauce, just like everyone else around here ;D ♥

I also apologize if this came out badly, but I just hate seeing people getting worked up over an internet game designed for fun and meeting others and relaxation. It's really not worth the stress, and I really am sorry to hear that something like this has ruined the forest for you.

Also, if it makes you feel any better about the fandeer somehow, I get daily hate mail saying I'm the one who ruined the community by starting the KH deer. I've even gotten death and rape threats :B Some of it is pretty funny actually, over something so trivial. But seriously, try not to let it bother you if you can-it's really not worth it ♥

Also, something I figured I should add: I'm not saying my opinion is right, or that yours or anyone elses is wrong. I'm just saying that in the grand scheme of things, something like fancharacters in an online screensaver is hardly something I believe is worth stressing about or having your fun ruined by, and I'm saying this not only to express my thoughts, but in the hopes that it can somehow make you feel a bit better about the whole situation.
Monica's picture

I don't really see it an

I don't really see it an 'infestation', so to speak, but as a way of people expressing themselves in other ways.
In other words, it's easy to adapt to another character that already has a set personality and such.
I admit, there have been an awful lot of fan characters popping up and making there way into the community/forest, but it's really just all good fun; nothing too serious.

Keep in mind that projects like Kingdom Hearts or Hetalia are open to everyone, not just a few 'exclusive' people.
Feel free to join, but if it's not your cup of tea, then by all means, you are not obligated to interact with anyone in any way.
In a way, these projects are bringing together members of the community site who share common interests.
If anything, all these fandeer are more of a positive influence than negative.

And no, I'm not saying this because I'm offended or because I happen to have a fan character of my own.
I'm sorry you feel this way, and if you want, you're more than welcome to approach any of my deer, fan characters or not. (:
Trickster's picture

^ Well said, m'dear ♥

^ Well said, m'dear ♥ Shawna, you're also more than welcome to approach any of my deer, fan or otherwise, as well. Whilst I'm not around here very much anymore, I am always up for a good time when I am, so please, feel free, you and anybody else ♥
J!n's picture

"You ruined it." Yeah, that's

"You ruined it." Yeah, that's really nice. Too bad for you.
eyestrain's picture

To be frank. Assigning a

To be frank. Assigning a personality or characteristics to a deer, a la roleplay, would also seem to be somewhat separate from the original intention of the creators. In my view, it seems the forest was made as a piece of interactive art- for strangers to interact anonymously, without language, using a surreal avatar. In the beginning the masquerade didn't exist. There is no chat box for conversation or roleplay.

Getting to know players outside of the game in a community like this, setting up stories and roleplays and custom appearances of deer, seems to be an unintentional development.

I think using it as a game is probably not the creator's original intention.

But it has brought many people pleasure to use it this way. It can be a lot of fun to use it as a jumping-off point for one's own imagination.

If it is destructive to your own enjoyment of the forest, I recommend looking away from the elements that displease you or simply pretending they don't exist, and continue playing in the way that makes you happy. There are no character masks or hairstyles in the forest itself.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
SentrySeb's picture

I don't have a fandeer- I

I don't have a fandeer- I just made that post cause I wanted to make people enjoy it, and make someone's day. If your not happy with it, it's nothing to be angry about. Simply mov on and enjoy the forest the way you think it was meant to be enjoyed. Nothing here is set in stone. It's all for fun. Try not to get worked up about it.

Zeb- O-O. -kicks the buttocks of whoever sends you FRAPDOM hatemail-

E; Saying WE ruined it is pretty harsh. And unnecessary. I know you want to vent, but hat's crossing a line. Do not displease me or my friends. We did nothing to deserve it. -kicks-

Sorry. It just infuriates me that you take this crap so DARN personally. It's really nothing to rant about. :|

eyestrain's picture

Seb, did you mean the last

Seb, did you mean the last bit for me?

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.

Okay first off who ever you

Okay first off who ever you are. you are completely blind. It didn't all start with KH fan deer. there have been fan deer of everyhting.

FMA, Gorillaz, Okami, Soul eater, The hetalia deer have been around for a while. Final fantasy deer. Resident evil deer and so on.

Personally if you feel that other people having fun with this game is 'ruining it' then you don't have to stay no one's making you.

and btw its not all about you.

I never wanted to say this

I never wanted to say this because I didn't want anyone to take it the wrong way, but...
Honestly I'm a bit annoyed by all these fandeer. Especially since there seem to be so many now. I think, though, that the main reason it bothers me is because most of them are from games/movies/etc. that I'm not into, and so I'm not really familiar with the characters or their backgrounds. Because of this, it makes me feel excluded sometimes, like I can't interact with these characters because I'm not into whatever they came from.


I have nothing against the people who create/play fandeer. And I realize the problem is really more on my end. I'm sure they don't mean to exclude anyone. I think the only reason I feel like I can't interact with those characters is simply because, to me, it feels awkward, but in reality, no one has ever said that I can't interact with those characters, whether I'm a fan or not. It's not their fault that I sometimes feel "excluded." I know it's just me, that really no one is trying to exclude anyone, but I can't help feeling that way anyway. So I try to treat them like any other deer, and ignore the fact that they are "fandeer." It helps. And I've realized that it's not really that big of a deal. Let people play the game how they want. If they were treating it as some sort of exclusive club, then that might be a bit of a problem, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I still get a bit annoyed at all the fandeer sometimes, but there's really nothing wrong with people doing it, and I can understand why they do, and really, it's not hurting anyone. Besides, I don't think this will last forever.

Anyway, yeah it can get tiring, but it really isn't worth getting all upset about.
SentrySeb's picture

uhm... no. :| Why would I?

uhm... no. :| Why would I?

eyestrain's picture

My apologies, the E; confused

My apologies, the E; confused me.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
SentrySeb's picture

It means Edit. :3 -hugs

It means Edit. :3

-hugs 'strain- Shush. Your perfect. Laughing out loud

eyestrain's picture

That's saying too much, but I

That's saying too much, but I am glad you didn't misunderstand me. Thank you...

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Pegasicorn's picture

My thoughts are similar to

My thoughts are similar to Paz's.

I might not understand the appeal of fandeer, but the people creating fandeer are doing nothing horrible. No one is being shoved away. If you ignore what the names of the deer mean, then they're just characters like the rest of the deer in TEF. (The ones with set personalities anyway.)
SentrySeb's picture

Huh, Eye? What'dya mean? :c

Huh, Eye? What'dya mean? :c

I like you, even if you think me a nuisance.

eyestrain's picture

You are not a nuisance at

You are not a nuisance at all.
I thought perhaps you misunderstood what I wrote to be condemning the community, when I am very grateful to be a part of it. That's all. Smiling

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
SentrySeb's picture

Not at all! I love your

Not at all! I love your posts, and Often wish i was at your level of kindness and... humanity. <33

Love ya, ES. ;D

OkamiLugia's picture

I'm just wondering... Since

I'm just wondering... Since when did people with fandeer start to "act all bad ass and strut around ignoring the rest of us"?

Anyway, calm down? I really don't know how to reply to this. It's just a tad unreasonable.
SentrySeb's picture

^Indeed. I mean, you cn join

^Indeed. I mean, you cn join in. There's nothing wrong with it, sweetie. Although, this topic got olddd~

It's run it's course. Now, let's let itdrift away... Into the very pit of nothingnesss~

Sluggs's picture

Take a moment to pretend this

Take a moment to pretend this community site doesn't exist. Now go into the forest. Do you notice these FanDeer? Do they look any different to any of the other deer in the forest?

"Take a moment to pretend

"Take a moment to pretend this community site doesn't exist. Now go into the forest. Do you notice these FanDeer? Do they look any different to any of the other deer in the forest? "

I wish, whenever people have an issue on here, they would do this.

Can this be a sort of golden rule on TEFc?
Aivilo's picture

It's a game.

It's a game.
Impact's picture

I'm actually really surprised

I'm actually really surprised someone would post something like this.

Frankly, I think that's pathetic, to put it lightly.

This is my first time to be rude on this wonderful community, so that really proves how disappointed I am.

It's just a game and people can have any deer that they want. Why should you care? It doesn't change anything.

baww I ruined something for

baww I ruined something for you.
because I totally exclude people and baww.

No, I don't I don't act better than anyone else, I don't exclude anyone.
I'm sorry if we're annoying you, since you know you're so important and shit, but get over yourself, nothing is going to change just because it bothers you.

Cry a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.

I could ramble on for paragraphs about what a pathetic person you are for putting others down for wanting to have fun, but I don't have time for people like you.
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
eyestrain's picture

Just a reminder of the golden

Just a reminder of the golden rule to all here; treat others as you would like to be treated.

I suggest an end to posting in this thread.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
GingerNut's picture

What's so bad about having

What's so bad about having fun? We're not hurting anyone. Why not just ignore them? c:

Forgive me, if the following

Forgive me, if the following offends anyone. But, Shawna, I think you are over reacting. I myself have a fandeer, like a few of the people on this site. However, just because he has the same name as a original character, I have shaped him to have a different personality completely different from that of his original. Because people on here have chosen to have a fandeer, doesn't mean it will be exactly the same. Perhaps people have reasons for choosing to have a fandeer, maybe they have a fandeer because there is a character from a movie/book etc that they feel drawn to and in the end, want to shape and form them (as I did) into something they feel they can relate to. Or maybe they just feel this certain character represents them in more than one way or another. Many people have introduced fandeer simply because it acts effect in the forest. I don't see any wrong in it myself, some people have beautiful characters formed, now only holding an original character's name. I think perhaps this is one of the opinons best kept to yourself, as the community site doesn't need more drama over petty things such as this.
Again, my apologies if I offended you.

Ok can you please come down,

Ok can you please come down, sit down and claim down.

You said "you're totally oblivious to us" are you sure they hare playing with all players showing? some of us dont cause of old pc's and lag.

You said "'exclusive' buddies " Not true everyone 90% time gets on with everyone and just cause some meet up oftern because they are in the same time zone does not make them Exclusive buddies.

you said "Also, don't act all bad ass and strut around" Some people keep there deer in character mode. Each player has the right to make their deer do what they like. Also some people make films to songs so behave to the music (see youtube)

All I can say is never make assumption on other people round here you will probly be wrong. Just play the game enjoy it.
OokamiAzura's picture

It's true that there's been a

It's true that there's been a large influx in the number of fandeer, but honestly? It doesn't really bother me. I have yet to see a fandeer or their player "exclude" anyone from anything. When the KH first came around, I played with them all the time; there was never an issue with being ignored or excluded.

If anything, I'm beginning to think you're a bit like me; you get upset over something, and then you end up thinking/saying things about everyone that aren't entirely true because you're upset, and you only see the negative perspective to it. It's a bad thing to fall into that, trust me.

So, if anything, I suggest taking a breather from TEF for a bit, and just taking the time to think on it. It's not that big of a deal, honestly. It's not an exclusive club of some sort or anything. It's just a bunch of people who want to have fun, and are doing so.