Merely an archived biography meant for nostalgia purposes. Please disregard. <3
u p d a t e s ...
mood Lonely.
recently Slept. > Woke up. > Walked to the pond with 88 (in her blissful set! <3). > Socialized with others he never seen before. > Randomly attacked by a nameless stag who kept trying to nuzzle 88, and then scared it off. > Laid down at the Blue Bowl with 88. > Went to the Graveyard when she fell asleep. > Met up with Virgil and said hello. > Met a few more deer and a very intriguing stag with DotD pelt, candlers and a skull mask. >
currently Sleeping in the Graveyard by himself.
thoughts "Who's there?"
physical health Injured, but recovering. Limp is fading away.
mental health Sane, for the most part.
Useless comment so I can
Now what was that you said about endless forest deer being weird? 8D
Meet Virgil
Meet The Crew
O.o same name...same
@ Verycrazygirl: XD It looks
I have a feeling you're going to tease me about me thinking TEF was silly for a long time. XP <3 <3
@ Mrs. Halloween: Really? D: I apologize. I didn't know there was another Crowe; I hope you're not offended, I've always liked the name (mostly because where I live there's lots of gigantic crows hanging around) so ...
No! Not at all! I think it's
Get back in the forest.
You fell asleep just as I came to meet you. D8>
Edit: Today you've met "88" and her fawn friend "0", the fawn with antlers is Gazel. The dude I was bowing at who had a crowd, he had a crying mask, his name is Draak and his mate recently died. He was followed by a skull masked stag called Twinket(I think).
There is also a couple of deer I don't know the names of, but the green feathered doe is who I affectionately call "Baal Jr", whilst the lady ith the golden striped pelt, peafowl antlers and deer mask is who I call "Angel".
I think I'm gonna need to teach you how to water walk.
Your communication skills are pretty good, how long have you been playing?
Meet Virgil
Meet The Crew
Yay! I'm glad that Crowe got
It's alright. Crowe is one of Laurette's friends (or, at least, he used to be) and got angry when he saw Amnesia threatening her, so he ran to the rescue. 8D Amnesia was a good challenge.
Pointless comment so I can
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
I found you! Thanks for
You're welcome, Crowe likes
Thank you; it's still under construction, but I'm satisfied with it so far. X3
Looking forward to seeing Francis again too! c:
Looks like Crowe just met
She was in the peachy pelt with the line extending to her back legs =D
Snowrift's Updates
Ah, I see! She's very
She's very pretty. 8D
Ooops. Angel thought Crowe
Hope he isn't angry. Also I must apologize for Mordred's behaviour. He rarely gets to see Angel, and when he does he is a little overexcited. It must have looked like he was picking a fight with poor Crowe..
Meet Mordred
Ooh, so it was you two.
Alright; Crowe was very confused when Mordred was rearing up, he took it the wrong way. He also had a hard time apologizing for accidentally shifting Mordred's fur -- he thought that Mordred was trying to help her get a new set so he wanted to help too. xP
He's not mad though, just confused. : O
D'aaaaw thanks! Can't wait
Snowrift's Updates
Ah! Yes, he actually WAS
Lol-z. Funny how hard it is sometimes to get a message across..
Meet Mordred
The actions are limited in
But good luck and all that; hope to see Mordred and Angel in the forest again some time!
Ah, that was Oasis you
Oasis: W-what are you talking about..? Stop poking me.. Oh, thank you for the great time today, sir. Alas, it goes into one of my first memories here..
Really? 8D It was nice
even more fun when the person he's playing with is as eccentric as she was being! <3
Crowe: You're welcome. I appreciated your company as well.
Yessss :3 I kinda admit now
Mind if I add Crowe to Oasis' friends list? 8D
That was Crowe that casted
It looks nice! Feel free, I'll add Oasis to Crowe's friend list too~ 8D
Bah, sorry D: I have
Added you :3 Oasis makes her second real friend!
Crooowe. <3 Tracking your
@ Oasis: It's okies. XP @
@ Padlock: ohnoes!
Comment so I may stalk yous!
o: Yay~!
"I don't know how to repay
O.o' Yes well. Crowe, be very afraid
~Meet Silvamord~
Crowe: No, really, it's fine
Probably .. XD
Hey, can you help me? 8D;
I made a play list but I have no idea on how to make the thing appear and the music play ... halp?
I had the same issue like,
~Meet Silvamord~
"Don't worry.. you didn't do
Don't worry, it wasn't his fault. <3 88 just pretty much feels what I feel, and I ended up getting really depressed over a stupid thing. lol. ^^;!
Crowe: At least don't move
It's okay. XD Crowe was just concerned.
But don't be depressed. o: *poke*
Meet Virgil
Meet The Crew
THANKS. :3 It's from one of
It's from one of my favorite movies, The Crow. ^^ A sad movie, but good music.
Don't be offended by
Meet Virgil
Meet The Crew
Revamping bio, sorry if it's
The doe on the end of the
She will be loved,
Oh she will be loved.
Tiny font! D8 And I know. X3
And I know. X3 She's pretty.
LOLSORRY. I put '0' instead
THANKYOU.<3 Crowe be very very handsome<3
She will be loved,
Oh she will be loved.
It's okay. XD I know how it
You're welcome, and thanks. ^^
I play the doe that was with
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
I figured. XD Crowe was very
Crowe was very confused; sorry he turned on you two (or three, if that other zombie doe was fighting. I don't remember.) but he wanted to protect the white stag and his friend, even though I think it was the blue deer that started it? I'm not sure. D8
It's fine. C: Well really,
Well really, I'd say Lexus started most of it though, but after having more than one fight before the one with the white stag, she was pretty weak and didn't want to start fights, but more fights seemed to have started and shizz. -Brain melt- xDD
|x- Laurette's Biography -x|
+--- Lexus Adastria's Biography ---+
Silvamord enjoyed that spar
"It was good to finally put my antlers to use! I was beginning to wonder if I could ever spar with them."
~Meet Silvamord~
By Leuvr ♥
A post to track and to say
Thanks to the both of you.
Thank you Padlock and Sablekat! <3
Vern needs to meet Crowe~ xD
Crowe needs to meet Vern. :U
I'll look for your pictogram in the forest. X3
Thank you Padlock and Sablekat! <3
XD I wonder if crowe would
I play Mortuusago X3 And for now, that seems to be it.....
He'd love to meet either of
Thanks Padlock, Sable and Doe! <3
Well, when Mort gets his
I play Mortuusago X3 And for now, that seems to be it.....