
Sithrim's picture

Questions for my deers.

SITHRIM ... #3c4453
Main character, barely afraid, curious, defends the helpless, friendly, galant but easily stormed.

Delicate, fragile, petite, skittish, dazzlingly pretty, little queen, pure white pelt and golden hair.

ZEPHIRE ZENITH ... #bc7d49
Extremely shy, hates light, loves mushrooms, afraid of other's reaction towards his striped face.

TRISTAN ... #817679

Shoot your questions.
pickle96's picture


(since the last one I made just kinda exploded I made a new one in case anyone wants to ask Safear some questions......you know you want to. X3)

quadraptor's picture

Info for my Secret Santa - 2009 Edition

Update - 12/14/09 - SPECIAL NOTE TO MY SECRET SANTA! If you are unable to get your gift done by Christmas, I'll be glad to give you a little more time to get it done. My birthday is on the 30th so it would be like getting a birthday present instead of a christmas gift. Anyway, if this does become the case, please let me know by Christmas that you are my Santa and that you need more time. Hope that helps! Eye

I'd prefer to have a sent gift rather than an artwork - it's just more meaningful to me. If you cannot send something, though, I will accept an artwork. If you decide to do an artwork, any of the subjects for my fundraiser would be fine.

If you plan to buy anything for me, please don't let it be too expensive - I'd much rather have something cheap that has some kind of sentimental or special meaning to you. If you needed any inspiration or ideas, here is a list of things I like:

My favorite animals -
Deer related stuff (Reindeer are cool!)
Goat related stuff
Pronghorn Antelope stuff
Dachshund stuff

(I love plush animals, by the way)

Anything handmade, can be TEF and/or Deer related.

Nature-themed things
A magnet (can be anything)
Anything military related (or involving camoflauge)

Anything relating to a foreign (non-USA) country! I am very multicultural and love to have things from various places.

Anything relating to you're city/state/(country) that maybe you can't find anywhere else.

Anything unusual.

A CD from a band you like. Here is a complete list of bands and albums I own. I love all kinds of music so don't be afraid to send anything unusual!
Topaz100's picture

Clicking trade!!! Loko is almost there

Please could you click my squiby animals if you have time, there are only three, and you send me yours in comments and i shall click away 8DDD. Anyone want me to click one of theirs, i willll????

Halafax's picture

Halafax's Art/Fanart Blog [multiple images]

If I'm not drawing my own personal non-TEF characters, I'm drawing TEF things. I figured I should make a place to store these doodles. Please excuse the mess, I'll try to make this prettier looking eventually...

UPDATE: Added a LOT of doodles tonight. A LOT D8
Edmund's picture

Offering of the minies (the minies have now stopped-school back in session))

** Sadly, it's time I bring these to a close. Not from they lack of participation, oh no, but mostly because I believe there are no more deer to minify. XD

Thank you all for letting me "mini" your deer! It was fun!

Now, as the title says above, the minis shall be coming to an end on Friday, January 29th.

I say this now:

If there is ANYONE who didnt get a mini deer, or someone wishes to add another to the ones they already have, PLEASE, I ask you to tell me between now and Friday...because after Friday, the mini design goes into retirement until another time.

Thank you again to you all! I hope to see many other deer I have yet to mini. ^_^
Also, if you wish to send me a privite message when Im not around, or just want to talk, its :

bluegryphon17@gmail.com (Edmund)


**January deer (the last of the minis)**

theforsakenone- Jorogumo-
MysteriousMalice- Revtheyr-
Lurvis- Aleks-


You read right! Im offering these:
http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt60/edmund_alans/ed.png to anyone who would like one.
Now! Here's how it goes:
Your name will be put on a list here, that way I can keep up with who wanted one. Also! If you would put a ref with your post, it would be of utmost help.
I look forward to the challenge....bring on the minis!
quadraptor's picture

Bellingrath Gardens (Image heavy, 50 pictures)

I had the day off today, so I went to a local landmark in my area - Bellingrath Gardens. It's a massive property that was turned into a garden for the public. I took loads of pictures, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them~

Sorry the pics are actually HUGE. But you can see a lot of detail in them Eye
Verycrazygirl's picture

A thread that will entertain you forever.


Warning, some of these may contain sexual themes.
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