Community Events

Harakka's picture

There Sits A Frozen Bird In A Naked Tree... [rp?]

... Letting you assume that Death is soon upon its wing. Up there the wind dances with its frostbitten breath, shedding the tears of a dying element. The sky is depressed. So is this little breeze that flows in your neck, that grand being on legs, whom this colorless bird now have placed its black and glistening eyes upon. This bitter, yet gentle snowfall have merely but tainted this ground with these shades of grey. The soil is as hard as stone under your feet/hooves, and might it even be a bit slippery, down this little path and lake. The wind, the snow, has the mind in their might, and for whatever reason is eagerly forcing one to listen at this silence over this place. A very sad scenery, is what this magpie above your head is witnessing. She is listening to the shallow breaths of yours, curious, awaiting... Prove to her that you're not as computed, as what she may be thinking. Are you heading, slowly pacing, forth to that water to see if you could get a glimpse of your portrait in that soon crystalized mirror?

[interaction, human/deer.]
Sonata's picture

Won't have internet until tuesday.

I'll be working on art and writing, but we're moving and the cable/net people can't get out until this tuesday >=
Sonata's picture

Having trouble relaxing?

step one: open a tab go to Here

step two: open another tab and go here at the same time Here

step three: enjoy

second step can be replaced with most classical music.

Sonata's picture

Fanwriting requests (Open)

We're getting ready to move.
it's stressful.
Writing is stress relief, and besides that I've been meaning to put this up for ages.
Sonata's picture

Anyone wanna help Vil' with his set?

because I
1. am still learning this spelldata thing.

and two don't have it anyway since I just got my comp back.

We'll be waiting by the crying idol.

multitasking so may not be responsive but help is like ;-; way loved.

Gazell pelt
whistling mask.
Sonata's picture


using my comp, so it's not saved here.

He'll wait by the twin god statues.

Thank you in advance <3


Thank you<3
Redkora's picture

Seriously Considering Closing Shop -- Need Feedback

Hey everyone. You may have seen my previous post regarding my Project Greenleaf shop.

As you may or may not know, I am in graduate school for a Master's in Human Factors. Getting a Master's degree is nothing like getting a Bachelor's degree. It's far more than showing up for classes and taking tests. It requires everyone you have within to get through a semester in between projects, experiments, papers, and classes and tests.

Especially when you have my advisor (they're like a boss). She's not a bad person, but she does expect a lot since it's a newer program and everyone has to help to make the program what it could be. This is why I am not on here much--my time is taken mostly by work. While I have done some great work academically, I don't have much time to develop other areas in my life.

That said, I am seriously considering closing my Project Greenleaf shop. I started it before I got entangled in everything my advisor wants me to do. Believe me, that situation is more complicated than you can imagine. Anyway, I digress. I don't have the time, and I don't a whole lot of money. Also, I have not been making enough of a profit that would help me pay for supplies while donating. To be honest, I have only been able to donate maybe $5 every once in awhile to Project Greenleaf when I could be saving my money and donating as much as $50 if I save my money.

Here is what I have sold through my Project Greenleaf shop on Etsy. Please take a look, and tell me whether or not I should continue. Be honest.

Who are you?

I was just running around the lake with another fawn, and I was wondering who it was.

We were chasing each other around in frog form then we walked in circles in the forest. I had to quit because I was lagging really bad.

Anyways, if this is you... hi :]
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