Mar and Aegle are antisocial. |D
*revolted* What... what did you put in that?!
Mar and Odin actually talking. (Considering I took this screenshot right after Aegle had been flirting with the both and caused dramadrama, that's impressive. XD) And Aegle moves on to talk to Darkweaver while Scape, Zerg, and Bast anticipate a battle. XD
Smels of oil?
Overhead men all around~
And Scape giving free hugs. XD
"You have..."
"Overhead men... I know...
Odin's all broken up after Aegle decided to flirt with Mar after flirting with him. |D
Gurfawww, couples.
And Mar being as distant as ever. 8'D To the point of watching from the next room.
Put your own caption here.