February 27, 2011 - 6:40am — Zyzzy
I'm bored tonight and thought it'd be interesting if I did something to take up some time and meet some folks on here in the process. I like to fool around with tarot cards every so often, and I've actually done online readings before- people ask a question or just say they want me to pull a card for them and interpret it, and I give them a wee reading. Its fun and its free, which is better than most places online or in general, where you gotta pay $20 to be told vague nonsense. I give you detailed nonsense! And you can still give me $20 if you're that impressed >.> hahaha
Just ask a question, whatever you feel like(and contrary to what a lot of people think, you can ask yes/no questions) , or just ask me to pull a random card for you and I'll read it in a reply. You can ask however many questions you want, or ask me to pull a certain amount of cards, its all up to you.
Just as a heads-up, I don't read the cards the way a lot of people do. In a lot of cases its more going on a personal feeling when revealing the card, or taking in the symbolism on the card and using it as an answer, than going by its meaning.
*spooky music* Let Madame Zyzzy reveal your future.... *dramatic fade-out*
Random card for me? *is
(Welcome to the Forest, by the way!)
I actually ended up pulling
First card- 10 of Swords
Second card- Judgement
There's potential for someone in your life to take advantage of you in a big way fairly soon, or possibly betray you in some way. If someone's been causing you trouble lately, be very aware of thier actions around you. Whatever may come between the two of you though will come to pass in your favor though- you have the moral high-ground in this situation, and rather than stoop to their level in revenge or be backed into a corner by them, will deal with them as you must, whether its a long discussion or simply removing them from your life. Their acts against you will have no adverse effect on you or others in the long-run though.
Eeheh. Never done this Tarot
Toss me a random card, please. :3
For you I also picked two
First card- The Star
Second card- Ace of Cups
The first card was vague to me, and didn't say much until the second card was drawn. The Star can be a card meant for introspection as well as baring oneself wholly... emotional release, coming to mental clarity and making decisions. The Ace of Cups is a card that in some cases can mean great luck and success in endeavors, and good guidance coming to you. I obviously have no idea whether this has anything to do with your life, but for some reason I get the sense that travel is in your future, though you may be hesitant or outright unwilling to go at first, for personal reasons. However you will eventually go, and flourish wherever you land, with abundance following you in terms of friendship, success, wealth, etc.
Hm, we shall wait and see.
Oh.....that's quite
Huh, I've never had a Tarot card reading before. Thank you!
How about a random card,
This is so exciting. I would
Me next? (: A random card, please.
For Honeyfur: Two of
Two of Cups
You may meet someone who will become a great friend to you over time; there's also potential for this to signify patching things up with an old friend you've parted ways with, for any reason, if they've come back into your life recently. Lastly, this can be a sign of a relationship ^____^ In any case though, the card points to you meeting, or reuniting with, someone who is, or will become, very important to you and affect your life for the better.
Wow, this is actually pretty
Woo, this is getting popular!
For Ravynn:
I picked two cards for you as well- one card signified something, and the other was to explain what that thing would be, specifically.
First card- Ace of Pentacles
Second card- Ace of Wands
Aces are always great cards, and you got two of them. Ace of Pentacles can represent wealth and prosperity in all forms- monetary, spiritual, emotional/mental(friendships, education, etc) and so on. As to where this prosperity would be headed, it seems that its spread out throughout your life. You are an independant person and a leader, of sorts, and this might be true in many areas- school, work, personal life, etc. You will have great success with independant work, being your own boss, so to speak, and leading yourself towards your goals, to great benefit. Likewise, these accomplishments and sense of confidence in yourself(whether its there now or not, it seems it certainly will be!) will draw people to you, naturally, making for a life with many close friends and loving people, and needless to say great support in whatever you do.
I'll take a random card if
Mm. I like that. Thank you.
Thank you.
Welcome to the forest, its
If your not getting to boggled down with readings id love to have a random card pulled. *hopes to get a good reading*
Sorry I stopped for a sec-
For Scythe:
Yours is a bit difficult to interpret, which is why there are 3 cards for yours. Occasionally if the first card is vague and the second doesn't help to clarify, I keep pulling cards to see if they'll 'explain themselves' xD I'll see what I can do.
First card- The Moon
Second card- Two of Swords
Third card- Nine of Cups
For the first card, I get the sense that you might be traveling soon... whether that's literal or metaphoric is up to you. Travel can be literally packing your bags and heading elsewhere, or 'walking with yourself'- learning about yourself, possibly changing in a drastic way. Either way, a difficult decision will arise in the process about something important to you... you may have to leave this person or thing behind, you may have to accept something that you refuse to at this moment and learn how to deal with it, etc. Two of swords often represents tranquility and balance, but it can also represent the need to make an important, often very difficult, decision. And in the end... it seems all is well in terms of material comfort and happiness on a physical level, but maybe there is something deeper that is unhappy or unfulfilled. The man sits among his wealth, but he's there alone. Maybe the wrong decision was made, and for all the good that that choice brings to your life, it may do just as much, if not more damage in return.
On the flipside, two of swords could indeed represent a sense of balance in yourself and in life, and thus peace and contentment leading into the nine of cups, which brings great prosperity on all levels, and great happiness. Unfortunately this wasn't my initial feel when these cards were picked, and so I gave you the reading I did. Maybe the second one is right though! And either way, this is all just for fun x) Who knows what will happen.
And since I didn't say this
For 0ShadowStalker0
Three of Cups
This is a fairly straightforward card- Its very likely you will meet new people soon that will become involved in your life, or you will draw others to you in some way. There's a laid-back, happy feeling between these people, but the warning the card carries is that, like the card itself, these people and your relationship with them may be somewhat "flat," or only skin-deep. This is the only card with absolutely no depth, nothing in the background or, aside from the women themselves and some random fruit, nothing even in the foreground. Its a flat card, which can signify superficiality, of the questioner or those whom may come into their life. Whatever way it goes though, the people that join your life will have a long-lasting impact- whether in a good way or bad can only be discovered.
This seem interesting, I
And welcome to TEF. ^^
Thanks for the reading
I'm just glad I didnt get the death card or something related, thats what i was worried about. Glad to know I will meet new people whether its for better or worst [:
This is really
Welcome to The Endless Forest. c:
Would you also mind pulling a random card for me?
This is the best
Welcome to the community, and hells yes I'd love for you to pick a card for me? =D
Sorry I haven't responded,
For SnowSauria:
Nine of Pentacles
For the most part, the Pentacle(or coin, depending on deck) suit is one of prosperity, wealth, and good fortune. If there is anything you are working on for school, as a personal project or for work, it will carry a lot of good things for you once its complete- what you do will profit you in all aspects(monetary, emotional, mental, etc). It won't be hard to find success in the world as you have many talents, and may only let impatience or possibly lack of confidence keep your true potential hidden in some ways.
Welcome to TEF, Zyzzy! And
I have a tarot deck, and am
I would like to associate it with a question, too:
"Will I one day accept the person I am?"
Feel free to draw as many as you need for an accurate reading. Thanks, and actually if you'd like me to draw one in return for you from my own deck, let me know. The deck I use is Dragon Tarot deck that was illustrated by someone who made dragon trading cards in the same way.
For Selruil: Two cards for
Two cards for you too-
First card- Six of Pentacles
Second card- Ace of Cups
Six of Pentacles is about charity and balance/karma. Aces are always great cards for success, fulfillment, new beginnings, etc. The messsage is simple enough- you may be a very open, charitable person as is, in giving your time for others, giving money to others/organizations, and a sense of justice about you. If you go through life keeping to these good ideals, it will come back to you multiplied- you will have great abundance, always.
Thank you so much for doing
The result sounds pretty good - and scary fitting. x')
For Iaurdagnire: Queen of
Queen of Wands, Reversed
This card was pulled upside-down. While the Queen of Wands is typically a card of great strength, dignity, warmth and energy, reversed she becomes someone who is sapped of their energy and charisma, who has a great stress on them that they can't control, like the other parts of their life. Their may be people in your life that have a mostly negative impact on you, but are difficult to let go for various reasons. You may have lost the ability to deal with them positively, and it takes all your energy away to be around them. If this is the case, finding a way to remove them from your life is one of the ways to 'flip' yourself back upright and back on track.
That is fantastic... Thank
Loving all of these.
This is interesting, and a
I would also like a card drawn, if it isn't much trouble. Can't pass up trying this.
For Saanra: First card-
First card- Five of Pentacles
Second card- Four of Wands
There may be a loss to come in the future, and with the pentacles card it could certainly be monetary- loss of a job, among other things- but it can be in any aspect of your life. Parting ways with a friend, end of a relationship, moving away from home, etc. This may have already happened, or will in the near future. But, these problems or hardships aren't going to last forever... the end is in sight, and you will come out the other end better than ever.
Thank you for doing this. I'm
Ohhai there again! c: This is
Hehe I'll take a random card since I can't think of any good questions to ask, if you have time.
For Quad: The Hermit The
The Hermit
The question was, "will I one day accept the person I am?"
The road might be long and dark for you, and along much of it you may feel alone, or like you should stop while you're ahead. Its a journey you have to take though, despite it will be difficult and force you to look at parts of yourself you hate and need to come to terms with. The road isn't endless though, and as you continue on it, grow, mature and meet others who support you, you will come to the end a new person- one who has accepted that they are who they are, and can be proud.
And I would love you to pick a card for me
Just as a random bit o' info,
You just got over nine
..take an extra 300 for the MORE YOU KNOW star, lol.
I'm just curious...I'm not
While shuffling my deck, a
"A Cyclops Dragon, flying above the red Pentagram, traces over a labyrinth. Blow him, we see the broken eggshells out of which he has hatched. In the distance, a volcano is smoldering.
Divinatory Meaning: Wanting to change your line of work. Taking on responsibility. Breaking free of existing limitations."
Also that is the first time I have ever gotten the Hermit drawn for me. I usually have the Magician or the Devil associated with me, so the variety is interesting.
For Lu: King of
King of Pentacles
Like most of the Pentacle suit, the King of Pentacles is a card for great wealth and success. There is a lot that can come your way soon in terms of money, new job(if that applies), meeting new people, new opportunities- the sky is the limit. The only warning the card gives is to keep yourself grounded. Taking on more than you can reasonably handle or succumbing to greed are the two warnings the overly lavish king displays. Don't let good fortune in your life change you.
Couldn't have said it any
Thank you. <3
Fishbiscuit- OVER NINE
I frickin' love that star too. I miss that cheesy end to random informational commercials.
For Fishbiscuit:
The Fool
This is a good sign of new beginnings and a fresh start where things might have previously gone bad. Its also a signal that maybe you feel slightly lost in a current situation, or without direction about something in your life, or due to recent news. Take time for introspection and make decisions about the path you're walking on and why you're there... and from there, just pick a direction and go. Wander aimlessly(metaphorically, at least. We don't want to see you posting from somewhere in Nova Scotia xD) and see where it takes you, and what it brings you. It can only bring something good.
This is so interesting. :
Quad- that's very
Anjali- To be honest... I have no idea. o_o I honestly don't know the real meanings of the cards, but I look at the art on the card and take in the little details, and apply those things to a person's question(or just go by what I feel when I pull it, if there's no question).
For yours, for example, I got the 10 of swords, depicting a man laying on the ground with 10 swords stabbed into him. I don't know what the actual meaning for the card is, but its obviously not good- it seems to represent enmity, anger or someone being taken advantage of- being stabbed in the back, metaphorically of course. xD It could also represent foolish decisions, naivety or a lack of thought and planning, but that's not how I felt when I pulled the card. The second card was judgement, and I went on the name alone there to interpret that the situation with the bad person indicated in the first card would work out okay in the end. That's how I do it, its not everyone's way but its easiest and most accurate for me. ^__^ Having a question to go on makes interpreting a card easier- if you're just pulling a card randomly you're kinda fudging it in terms of reading the card in a way that will actually apply to the person xD But its all fun either way.
Thanks for the answer! I
These are great! My mum used
Could you read mine sometime please?
If you ever had the time, I'd
I find this very interesting and can't help to be curious.
This is interesting.. I want
Whoops, I just saw people
Eeep... sorry I'm late o_o
For Veegamer:
The World
This is kind of hard to interpret just on its own... but it seems to me to represent something becoming whole for you, or something falling into place that lets you see 'the big picture' of something in your life that may have been confusing or troubling, whatever that may be. This could be the beginning of a major journey- metaphorically, probably, as a journey of understanding with yourself or others. I hope that made sense, hehe!
For ChildlessFather: The
The Lovers
Well... this one can be pretty self-explanatory!
Having a level head while trying to get through a difficult situation, deal with someone, or just manage daily life. Opposing sides and influences can be made to work together fairly peacefully with time and patience, and all problems must end sometime... in the meantime adapting to what you must and simply living life without bending to whatever difficulties are thrown at you is the best way to keep calm and carry on(yay for British slogans that apply to everything!).
Is it possible to have
I love these things...