some css help, another favour..
January 6, 2014 - 8:16pm — warui
hello again, sign.
having trouble again with positioning.
this time i used the position: absolute;top:100px etc. method.
so the problem is, i position it and its all great in preveiw but then i save it and it looks waaaay different.
anyone know why this would happen, or how to fix it? there's the link.
thanks again guys, ahh css is hard.
Could be a couple reasons.
Try refreshing after you submit the changes and see if that fixes it. If not, just adjust the values based on what comes up on the actual page and not what you see in the preview.
ah that changes it too, but
how do i get it to stay put, and not move around the page when the screen gets smaller etc. ?
You can try using