i've been helping those new to TEF or new to css, by making custom bios because either they asked for help in general with making one, or i gave it to them because i felt like they deserved it.
so now, i need more to do!
so if you are new, or bad with css, then I'll make you custom bio/css for a bio, yey ;u;
this will not be first come first severed, i will choose who i think needs it the most and whatnot. also don't expect it with in a day, or two, i'm doing this in my spare time for fun so it may take a week or more.
some examples : x | x | this is a wip one | also a wip | made this for a friend
so post here if you would like to volunteer yourself, or someone else. i'll be taking one at a time for however long i feel like doing this for.
and since it's really customized, i usually add the person on skype so i can bother them with 1000 questions on how they want it, and how it looks while im doing it. so you'll have to be comfortable with giving me your skype.
anyway, thanks for reading, have a nice day.
- no one yet
[edit] just letting y'all know, if you ever have any questions with css, ask i will always try my best to answer or edit the code or anything, really! you can do this by just commenting on one of my blogs, or by skype: katycow.