Solved::Could someone take a bit of time to help me out

BrokkenSaint's picture
I got back to the forest, and I need to get Koystas pelt back. I need the DOTD mask, Bird Pelt and carnival antlers. You can fine her around the pond area, with nothing on. Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately i cannot stay on, so give me a time I can meet anyone to help me with my set.
Aivilo's picture

I'd be glad to help out. I

I'd be glad to help out. I usually get online about an 1-3 hours before the time you posted this, whatever time that is for you (for me it's around midnight, usually - so you can compare time stamps, currently it's about 4am and I am awake much later than usual). I keep a pretty close eye on my tracking section, so just reply here and let me know when you're usually around :3
BrokkenSaint's picture

If I've done my math correct,

If I've done my math correct, I think your Midnight would be around Nine Pm for me. And thank you for taking some times out. ^^
Aivilo's picture

I'm actually in-forest right

I'm actually in-forest right now (I got on early, lol) if you want to pop in :3 Rire's by the pond with Ravus and a fawn.
Also, by carnival antlers, you mean the candles?
BrokkenSaint's picture

I'm right by the pond as

I'm right by the pond as well, near the bridge. And not the candles, the ones with the red and blue feathers.
Flyleaf's picture

Sorry for popping in but i

Sorry for popping in but i wish to know if Aivilo could be able to cast the DOTD pelt on my Flyleaf Question Question I lost everything because i play with the new version of tef Sad I have the orange pelt with butterfly mask and fan antlers now . Maybe you can tell when you will be online tomorrow or another day ? I live in Europe . But don't feel pushed to give it to me .
Maybe some candles would do it too Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Aivilo's picture

Sorry, I started lagging

Sorry, I started lagging really badly and lost sight of you.
...ohwait you just logged back in, never mind!
I've got the old version of the game up now, so once I find some mushrooms on it we can work on the mask.
I need to leave in about 15 minutes, but I'll be back in an hour after that.

Edit: Uf, sorry, my window crashed. Back in a second.

Edit2: It won't let me reconnect, and I've got to go for a while. If you're still here when I get back, I'll be glad to finish casting for you. Terribly sorry!
BrokkenSaint's picture

Alright no problem, I should

Alright no problem, I should be on most of the day.
gone's picture

*kicks her version of

*kicks her version of 3.13*

I'm sorry, it just won't be bothered to log me in, display the options, and work.
BrokkenSaint's picture

Don't be sorry. I saw you

Don't be sorry. I saw you around the god statues, sorry I kinda ignored you I was in the middle of drawing.
Deyna's picture

I'm currently running that

I'm currently running that version, if you still need the mask. I can't see new pictograms sadly, but you can probably find me: I'm near the big Oak, next to a mushroom tree.
BrokkenSaint's picture

I think I'm sitting right in

I think I'm sitting right in front of you, if your the one with the orange pelt.
BrokkenSaint's picture

Thank you guys, I finally got

Thank you guys, I finally got my full set back ^^
Aivilo's picture

Good, glad you got it all

Good, glad you got it all back :3