Hey guys,
Once again, the technology impaired Myst asks for your help...
I really need to know some fancy tricks for recording TEF, like-- your non-average running around the forest recording. I think you get what I mean.
Shimmy and Flyra have it nailed. I don't yet :/
Help plox?
edit: ok, I have everything BUT I'm using FRAPS, and the little yellow numbers at the top left wont go away while in Windows Movie maker 2.... HELP?
Your deer's point of veiw:
Engine, User Input, and put UserInputForFollowCam on your desktop.
Is there a way I can get it
Aaren got it! ;D Everything
Everything will change in the first person view with removing this file to your desktop.
It's a bit difficult, I need to run 2 computers to make it, but Misako got it with only one... since I have NO idea how to do that. x'D And my laptop is far too slow to run 2 TEF windows anyway. And to full that videos would be too much GB for it...
Did you get the help you needed? I wish you good luck with your video! <3
EDIT: You were faster... of course there is, just put the UserInputForFollowCam back into the right folder. ;D
Hmm, well, I can try to
1. Holding down Ctrl while you record will get rid of that pestering actions bar
2. Try different angles of the deer you are recording, such as trailing behind, head-on, sideways, zoomed out, etc.
3. You can switch the camera view by Ctrl+F to switch things up sometimes.
4. Closeups or self closeups can be interesting to film
Urrg, I don't know what else to offer. xD I'm no cinematographer myself.
Thank you everyone, yep
"the little yellow numbers
I'm not sure if you need this information anymore, but the numbers aren't big deal. (: They show when you have Fraps on. Don't worry, they won't be on your video. 8D
R & K & G & M & S