1. What's Zergarikiaka's opinion on cheese?
Cheese? o.O Isn't that the stuff mice are usually carrying into the forest from ... who knows where?
2. Scape suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
... *armflail*
3. Who would win in a duel, Magnet or Peppa? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
Really depends. In a spar, Magnet would be the clear winner, but peppa would win in a cuteness contest. XD
4. What advice would you give Peppa?
.. keep cute. X'D
5. Will Seed eat those green eggs and ham?
o.O Is it vegetarian eggs and ham? XD I don't think deer would eat meat.
6. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Rowan or Cirrus?
I'd have to say Cirrus. Rowan would probably tear my arm out of its socket. XDD
7. Cirrus just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *arm flail* Now mah arm's gon' get ripped from its socket!
8. Would you open a mystery gift Walter just gave you, without much hesitation?
I would be very suspicious, to be honest. XD
9. Will Faris eat those green eggs and ham?
I don't think so...
10. If Mar Sart and Magnet teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
Hmm... Probably would take a while, but eventually they might accomplish making some kind of dramatic action movie. XD Or something.
Bonus - Because I took this twice. =P
7. Would you love to read Walter's very personal diary?
Yus. X3 *evil shifty eyes*
10. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between Driftwood and Scape, and why?
I really can't see either being a sidekick. Scape is Scape, and Driftwood's a total wannabe hero. |D
LOL! Gosh, I've got to do
edit: Hope you don't mind if I post mine here! c:
1. What would you do if Walter and Lemon were going out?
2. Who is Seth's best friend?
Actually, I don't know! ...Lemon? <:
3. What would you do if Zerg confessed their love for you?
.... D8 I don't know? ...giggle?
4. Have you ever been in Mystress' house?
Why no. Does she even have one? o:
5. Can Seth be a bad influence?
Not really. xD Although knowing Lemon, if he wanted to be a bad influence, he sure could. <:
6. Do you love Lemon?
...Some days. :|
7. Have you dreamt of Rowan before?
xDDD UM I don't know, actually. I have had TEF dreams before, but I don't remember them. So, MAYBE!
8. What would you do if Kaoori and Rowan were going out?
9. It's a race between you, Lemon, and Seth -- who would win?
Hmm, probably Seth. xD
10. Walter and Seth are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
LOL! Dear God. I think Walter, if only for the hilarity. ;D
Understanding Lemon - Lemon's Biography
I don't mind one bit.
omgroffle #10
Teiboku and Shane
1. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Hermeleentje and Emiva! How will it go?
Fun fun 8D
2. Jadine is actually Taiko in disguise, you know.
? o3o
3. Would you open a mystery gift Vala just gave you, without much hesitation?
Maybe.. xD
I don't know who Vala is.
4. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Walter or Jadine?
Jadine.. But only if I had to. I don't know who she is.
5. Oh no, Emiva got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
Nice trip?
6. Do you miss Raffles?
.. 8o
7. Does Taiko have any pets?
I don't know.
Dooooees Taiko have any pets?
8. Who does Liëka like?
9. Have you ever had lunch together with Witcher?
I don't think so. o:
10. Do you love 21?
YES! Who doesn't?<3
I don't know who it iiiis. x)
This is so cool! 8D *had to
It doesn't mean anything if you don't find your name in here! I just wrote in the names that came in my mind, but you know I love you all <33
1. Can Raina be bad influence?
Nope, she's like an angel xD
2. How do your and Yaya's talents add up?
Mh, quite well I would say...
3. Does Sunfyra have any pets?
Human Sunny yesh |D A cat, two rabbits and two budgies!
Deer Sunny doesn't ^^
4. Is Quamar your best friend?
One of my many best friends. :3 x3
5. What would you do without Poltergeist?
Miss something very nice in my life...
6. In a race between you, Loque and Poltergeist, who would win?
xD I don't think there'll ever be something like that, but I guess Loque would win, cuz he's the old leader stag |D
7. What was your first impression of Raunun?
A very nice & funny deer. :3
8. Would you open a mystery gift Melodrane just gave you, without much hesitation?
Yup. <3
9. What do you think about Lemon?
She's such a cute & nice & wonderful & famous & [ continues] doe. <3
10. If Nishi and Raina were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
*lmao* They would probably talk a lot, Nishi would teach my sister a few deer anatomies >D and such. x'D