Aww, poor little Lemon! I met her today, and Kaoori had great fun with her. .. reading her bio made me feel so sad for her.
Kaoori will be sure to give her a nuzzle when she sees her.
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Nice bio... but really sad... We will try to help her when she's grown-up and blind...
& I still have to draw her. 8D I will do it as fast as I can, but I have many people to draw yet. But your set isn't really finished yet... We'll see.
*hugs you*
Ne also suffers from split personalities, leaving her to struggle, when instead she could be the social fawn she so yearns to become.
I'd love to meet Lemon in the forest sometime; her and Nexity (Ne) share a lot in common. Plus, she sounds like a ideal friend!
Quamar: lol, aww. <33 Well I know she had tons of fun with you and Vala on New Year's. :'D
Caslia: I -thiiiink- I met you in the forest. :>
You were the fawn who kept changing me into things, right? :'D And then we went and laid together on one of the playground rocks? I think that was you. If it was, it was absolutely fantastic meeting you! Hope to see you around the forest again, soon! <33
And if it wasn't, I'll be keeping an eye out for you, anyway. :3 Lemon likes making new friends, even despite her shyness. <3
Mystress is also blind!! I need to make her a better bio soon. I have one question. When she grows older will she wear a bird MASK or will her face BE a bird? And will she wear antlers? (antlerdoe)
P.S. Eldeer aren't scrwany or anything why just look at Amuleto, he's supposed to be pretty muscular (but not too much lol)
though Arya is just.... skinny because she's gotta be graceful and stuff lol.
She's gonna have the same mask as Arya lol XD I'M SORRY I THINK I'M IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY! XD
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
LOL! xD I know elfdeer aren't scrawny. <3 But Lemon will be pretty small for a deer (short, skinny, and just... small in general). But in-game, she'll still appear as a regular-sized deer. I just wasn't sure how to put that in words, exactly. 8DD
Also lol. Yay, Arya and Lem can be mask-twins. xDD
LOL MASK TWINS! XD Maybe Arya and Lemon can be friends. I can imagine a curious Lemon coming up to Arya while it's snowing and then they meet and talk a while then the winds pick up and Arya takes little Lemon to some shelter and Lemon can like cuddle to Arya and Arya will let her. Arya's just like that, she tries to take care of fawns when they need it. lol
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Oh, Mystress! I could have sworn I sent you a reply, but it must not have gone through. D: Sorry about that!
Lemon will wear a mask, yes. :3 I'm thinking it will look a little like a venetian masquerade mask; the kind that women used to wear to masquerade balls around the 1700s.
And she'll probably wear the doe antlers in-game. Out-of-game, though, she won't have any antlers, like a real doe. :3
Martisol: lol, so THAT'S who was staring at Lemon while she slept. xDD I saw Arya, then. :> Sorry I didn't go say hi, I was typing up Lemon's latest journal. -nod-
lol She logged off anyway XD But if you want her to come back I'll gladly bring her back. Arya is really sweet to fawns lol. She lets them cuddle with her and she'll take them around. lol XD
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Yes, that would be me. XDD
Ne is slowly making progress in the social department.
I was trying to change you into a mini fawn, but it didn't work out. D<
But yes yes, Ne was very pleased when she met Lemon! It was awesome playing with heeerrr. <3
Lemon is close to, er, "staghood", right?
Or is she already grown up?
*hasn't gone on forest/website in awhile*
D'aw, Lemon is adorable. c: Rowan and Uio are happy to be her friend.
It'll be awesome to see Lemon as an adult, she'll be beautiful, I think I'm too excited about her Doe Day XD. <3
Bahaha, yeah! I guess it was a rare moment for both of them, then -- previous to a few days ago, Lemon wouldn't have been caught dead near the ruins. <3
Hi hi! n___n Lemon is totally adorable. <3 Cal's hung out with her a couple of times; she's usually always the odd, spastic little doe o; She was actually with Lemon and Seth a couple days ago; good times. GOOD TIMES. c: Anyways she's totally sweet <3 /random useless comment
A very interesting character, I can't wait to see how Lemon develops as her time in the forest goes on. I'd love to have my stag Queze meet her, but I fear she'd find his demeanor and size rather intimidating
I'll make a note to try and find her on one of her 'good days'
Hi SarieBearie! :'D Yes, I remember Calamity/Carilynn quite well! She's such a nice (spazzy) doe. x33 <3
And oh goodness, for lemon?? 8D <3333 It's so pretty! asdf thankyou!
... :'D
lol. <3
Terabetha --
Oh, I did read Queze's bio the other day. He sounds extremely interesting, and I've been keeping an eye out for him. I don't know how they'd get along, indeed, but if I happen to see Queze in the forest, I'll make it a good day, for Lem. x)
Aw. I still have to do mine. I'm so sorry, LT, so really sorry for this taking so long... I'll do my best... <33
Anyways, CONGRATZ for growing up! I'd love to meet her now, as an adult, that would be great. <3
Flyra --
Don't worry about it. xD I'm WAY behind on my art, so I know how it feels. <33
Seed --
Aww, yeah Seed was most definitely missed on her doe-day! :'( Lemon saw him sleeping near the playground, today. She laid next to him for quite some time hoping he'd wake up, but he never did. :c
That was my desktop ar home, to which I currently have no access, and won't until friday, running screensaver:
my current computer I have access to cannot seem to run TEF normally, though it might be the connection and not the computer.
I'll get on as soon as I can manage it: I hope it's just the change in connection, and not that my laptop just hates pictograms and wants to tidy them up and piut them in a big pile to sweep under the rug.
Terabetha --
lol this is so late. But yes! |D I was so happy that I bumped into him. <3
Unfortunately, I had to leave after only a little bit -- I had to go run some errands. D;
But it was awesome, at any rate. I really love your character, he's really quite unique. :3
ooh, juicy! Now I really
Nelle Rovine
LT : Lemontwist wrote:it
XDDD The Orca mask and antlers made me think goat, too! That's where I got Scape's name.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Aww, poor little Lemon! I
Kaoori will be sure to give her a nuzzle when she sees her.
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
-huggles Lemon-
Nice bio... but really
& I still have to draw her. 8D I will do it as fast as I can, but I have many people to draw yet. But your set isn't really finished yet... We'll see.
*hugs you*
Oh lol Flyra. Don't worry
You can wait until she's adult to finish our trade. <33
Okeydokey *hugs you*
Ne also suffers from split
Ne also suffers from split personalities, leaving her to struggle, when instead she could be the social fawn she so yearns to become.
I'd love to meet Lemon in the forest sometime; her and Nexity (Ne) share a lot in common. Plus, she sounds like a ideal friend!
Quote:Lemon is blind. Or she
Awh, poor thing. D;
Old Quammy would love being her friend. <33
Quamar: lol, aww. <33 Well
Caslia: I -thiiiink- I met you in the forest. :>
You were the fawn who kept changing me into things, right? :'D And then we went and laid together on one of the playground rocks? I think that was you. If it was, it was absolutely fantastic meeting you! Hope to see you around the forest again, soon! <33
And if it wasn't, I'll be keeping an eye out for you, anyway. :3 Lemon likes making new friends, even despite her shyness. <3
Mystress is also blind!! I
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
Lemon sounds so cute. =) I'd
Forest FAQ
Quote:though she is not a
P.S. Eldeer aren't scrwany or anything why just look at Amuleto, he's supposed to be pretty muscular (but not too much lol)
though Arya is just.... skinny because she's gotta be graceful and stuff lol.
She's gonna have the same mask as Arya lol XD I'M SORRY I THINK I'M IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY! XD
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
LOL! xD I know elfdeer
Also lol. Yay, Arya and Lem can be mask-twins. xDD
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Oh, Mystress! I could have
Lemon will wear a mask, yes. :3 I'm thinking it will look a little like a venetian masquerade mask; the kind that women used to wear to masquerade balls around the 1700s.
And she'll probably wear the doe antlers in-game. Out-of-game, though, she won't have any antlers, like a real doe. :3
That's alright!! Thanks for
Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
ha ha Arya's found Lemon on
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
No problem, Mystress!
Martisol: lol, so THAT'S who was staring at Lemon while she slept. xDD I saw Arya, then. :> Sorry I didn't go say hi, I was typing up Lemon's latest journal. -nod-
lol She logged off anyway XD
To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Yes, that would be me.
Yes, that would be me. XDD
Ne is slowly making progress in the social department.
I was trying to change you into a mini fawn, but it didn't work out. D<
But yes yes, Ne was very pleased when she met Lemon! It was awesome playing with heeerrr. <3
Lemon is close to, er, "staghood", right?
Or is she already grown up?
*hasn't gone on forest/website in awhile*
LOL! I was hoping to be a
Let's see, her birthday is the... 18th of December, I think? Somewhere around there. So she's about halfway to adulthood. :]
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Very awsome bio!
D'aw, Lemon is adorable. c:
It'll be awesome to see Lemon as an adult, she'll be beautiful, I think I'm too excited about her Doe Day XD. <3
Thanks Rai and Winterleaf!
Rai: Baha, she's happy to have them as her friends, too. <3 And she had a ton of fun with Uio, today! :33 And lol, I'm excited, too! :> <33!
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Whoo! Uio loved hanging out
He rarely enjoys himself that much XD
Bahaha, yeah! I guess it
That was a ton of fun. <333
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Hi hi! n___n Lemon is
Random....... transparent jumping half-Lemon xD ? LOL IDK. -epicfail-
A very interesting
I'll make a note to try and find her on one of her 'good days'
~Aztec priest of The Forest~
Hi SarieBearie! :'D Yes, I
And oh goodness, for lemon?? 8D <3333 It's so pretty! asdf thankyou!
... :'D
lol. <3
Terabetha --
Oh, I did read Queze's bio the other day. He sounds extremely interesting, and I've been keeping an eye out for him. I don't know how they'd get along, indeed, but if I happen to see Queze in the forest, I'll make it a good day, for Lem. x)
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Lemon needs a fanart from
Aw. I still have to do mine.
Anyways, CONGRATZ for growing up! I'd love to meet her now, as an adult, that would be great. <3
Pretty bio text. I've been
I've been trying to figure out how to put
swirly things up here forever. But when
I figured it out I didn't care too much anymore.
Feed Me!
OMGWTF!? I missed Lemon's
Nelle Rovine
Flyra -- Don't worry about
Don't worry about it. xD I'm WAY behind on my art, so I know how it feels. <33
Seed --
Aww, yeah Seed was most definitely missed on her doe-day! :'( Lemon saw him sleeping near the playground, today. She laid next to him for quite some time hoping he'd wake up, but he never did. :c
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
That was my desktop ar home,
my current computer I have access to cannot seem to run TEF normally, though it might be the connection and not the computer.
Nelle Rovine
Aw, that's no good.
Well, I hope to see you in the forest, soon. <3
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
I'll get on as soon as I can
Nelle Rovine
Lemon is my homedawg ;D
I can tell you how to do it
lol tiny letters. xD
yay Queze saw Lemon in the
~Aztec priest of The Forest~
Terabetha -- lol this is so
lol this is so late. But yes! |D I was so happy that I bumped into him. <3
Unfortunately, I had to leave after only a little bit -- I had to go run some errands. D;
But it was awesome, at any rate. I really love your character, he's really quite unique. :3
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Do you want to be Hawey's
80 That would be awesome!
They'd probably have to be adopted sisters, though. xD
But yeah! <333
Art updates - Lemon's Biography
Sure! Adoptive sisters~!
If Walter had ever came
Her story is so sad though! Makes me think that Walter's past is just plain boring. xD
I wonder who Lemon has a
She's a real cutie, I can understand why Fenkovan likes her so much!
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
*does a little jig* I almost
I almost forgot that Lemon was an adult! I must draw her sometme! 8D
You always forget adding
*greets & huggles Lemon* You are growing up so fast... Now you have such a big, big family... ;D