August 22, 2017 - 8:19am — lemon
Let's spread some happiness. c: Just a few simple questions to get you thinking about who/what you appreciate within the community.
Feel free to answer, everyone is welcomed to. <3
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
8. Which character has your favorite design?
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
1. Who are some of your
I love many characters, actually. Even if the players and I don't get along. With that said, I find myself following many of Silverfang's characters. I'm a sucker for any character with a good story line, not to mention amazing designs. But Silv's characters go above and beyond. Their personalities are so detailed and specific, very deeply thought about.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Sighthoundlady, even though she is no longer here. Some of her stuff may have been traced, but that didn't matter to me. She brought them to life with her coloring technique and shading, made them her own. That is what got me the most.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
One I will not mention because I know what they would say. But Orin (Yara, as she is known as now) dealt with a lot of my BS too. Senexys, Fishbiscuit, and a few others have played a huge part in helping me overcome my anxiety over returning and giving me a place here in the Forest for my characters to belong.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
Nothing, really. I say anything I feel I need to say in my personal blog, which 9 times out of 10 is due to a rant of some leftover mixed feelings I'm still trying to work through. But if I have a question, I outright ask.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Shardul and Fletchers' plots I've always followed. Right now currently excited that Fletcher is FINALLY settled down with bab/s on the way! I had a couple characters interact with him when I was new here and he was a small-antlered teenager!
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I tend to favor the secretary pelt, though those 3 new pelts are nice too. Orca mask I favor as well, not even sure why. I found most of my characters having it, but I plan to break it. For antlers, I don't really favor one over the others, though there are a few (carnival antlers, horn antlers, couple others) I'm rather not fond of at all.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Well, there's very few that I'm currently roleplaying with, and it's only light roleplay. I would love to get back into long-term detailed multi-world roleplaying like I once did. I thrive when I do that. I just need to find the right partner.
(If anyone is interested, Discord me. I have examples of my RP work)
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Too many pretty new babs to choose from!! So many are so nice!! Of my own I miss Calida's old and more simple design, and Lumilla's design. Jasta, Raisa, and Kesh (IF I un-retire her) all need makeovers.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
So many are new to me, lol! But shoutout to all of you. It's not always cupcakes and rainbows, but if you stick to it, you'll do just fine. If it wasn't for all the drama I went through here, I actually wouldn't have met my husband!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Lemon, you are growing on me a bit. Your characters are interesting and I'm intrigued about character Lemon's past and her current association with Walter. I'm watching too, and glad to be working with you to bring Crescent's siblings to life. ^_^
Track for later c:
1. Who are some of your
I don't think I want to say, mostly because I feel bad about naming favourites and leaving people out. They'd know who they are though.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Ancient players who are mostly gone; 21 used to do these insane little pixelly painting things on iScribble, and it made me want to get better at shading colouring.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
VALA, their niceness hasn't wavered at all in all their years here.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
There's a lot of things, I still wonder if people still hold grudges after that past drama.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I don't think I have any, I'm not that involved with peoples characters 8(
I wish I was, but my timezone says no6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Secretary Bird set, though I love certain bits and pieces from other sets.
the red mardi gras pelt pls7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Raneemostly cos they're the recieving end of all my character babbles, and we put up with eachothers character's shenanigans. I'm also going to put Echosong up here too cos they're the only other person who's rped with me alskndg8. Which character has your favorite design?
Out of mine? lgknflskdfn I'm not sure, Baell was fun to redesign because I was able to mess around with pelt design. Jehoel was kinda fun too.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
@Valeska, I'm still super thankful that you took interest in my adoptables, I kinda feel like mine get lost in the giant sea of awesome css and other great designs alskdng.
oooOOOh definitely tracking
And Lemon! Thank you for posting this. One of my favorite threads on the old forum was the 'say something nice about the person above you' one, and I'm so excited about another chance to be nice at awesome people.
1. Who are some of your
I find myself falling for all the durrs here, even if I am not in the best terms with their players. Everyone creates such neat characters and storylines and ahhh.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
For this I have to name Kallonate. I have watched him change his style and develope so rapidly that it still amazes me. He is so detailed with every little thing and puts so much energy in every single piece he makes.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Schutzgeist. I cannot think of a time when she had treated someone poorly or refused to help someone.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I love you guys, even when I am being a total ass. There, I said it. Against everything in a Finnish nature I said I love you.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
The one where Herla prepared giving birth, where others brought stones and stuff to support her. It brought everyone together and was beautifully executed.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Schutzgeist. She just gets me and puts up with my stupidest ideas. Ilu.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Sloane. Izumi. Ismay. Liathe. Just to throw a few names rofl. They are all so gorgeous.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
@Draak, I remember you from the time I first joined the community and I looked up to you for your positivity and creativity. Here you still are after 8½ years cheering ppl up with your shenanigans. Thank you for that, you are truly amazing person. ♥
Lets see how well I can do
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Oh gosh, honestly, everyone brings something different to the site and that makes me love all of them. So many different flavor of characters that I like to be surprised with I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite <3
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Again, hard to pick lol. When I was a wee forest bab Quamar was who I looked up to the most. Now there's soooo many that I can't count. You're all so darn talented and you bet I secretly show you off to other people lol
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Nnnnnng you're making me seem so indecisive with this lol. But I am being completely genuine when I say I've never had a bad experience with someone here. You're all so welcoming and kind. If someone asks for help you give it, and sometimes you do nice stuff just because. We have oustanding members here and I'm proud of all of you!
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I've drafted and deleted a commissions post about 5 times because I'm too nervous to ask if anyone wants some |D
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I am like a story vampire I thrive off consuming stories and plots people make and get ridiculously excited when someone posts plots haha like "OOOH you have a story to share? Please do go on C8" Does Vessan's egg thing count though? Because I check that every day LOL
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Barn owl~ and the starry night pelt and candle antlers <3
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Everyone I've rp'd with has been amazingly fun! But I have to compliment my group rpers I got together, they're reacting perfectly to the plot I've given them and they've got a good flow going~
8. Which character has your favorite design?
There's so many really beautiful and creative designs out there that make me gasp out loud when I see them, but Crescent gets me a lot jeebus. It's gotta be that long flowing mane lol I have a liking for long haired characters |D
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Well fushrah's a recent returnee c: and I'd like to give a special shoutout to mojovan who didn't get mad when we helped them get their set and then Atiq led them to a watery demise haga, you're a good sport for putting up with my tomfoolery
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Rouda, I've seen you around forever, and though we only speak in passing you've always been so nice <3 I also love the mix of characters you have and your boundless imagination c:
1. Who are some of your
Balthanos and Cymbeline? The owlcats with grabby hands. They were just so different and interesting - well thought out by their respective players. Just about any of Hraeth’s or Qanat’s characters. Each are well worked, a pleasure to see in game and i adore reading the updates or interacting when i can.
Lastly would be Walter. Being the first character i met in this game i always enjoy the opportunity to interact with him.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Pandoras. Like how do you even?! Though Sleepything and Silv are really inspiring to me as well. All three are really creative with differing styles that are just really pleasant to look at.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Aivilo and Unplugged. I mean theres dozens of players i could mention but these two always stick out the most. From helping with CSS to managing the information blogs and generally just being very kind to everyone they meet.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
Well i guess i still dont have the courage but i suppose ill say: I adore your characters too, from reading updates and chuckling at the funny things going on or sympathizing and wishing one of mine could help when things aren't going well for them. They're always well written and i like the thought put into them. Seeing them in game is a true pleasure even if it might break my heart a lil bit. You know who you are.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Ive seen a few plots and all of them i really enjoyed i cant pick sob. All you gotta say is ‘plot’ and i get excited okay.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Koi. I love that face so much gosh and the pelt mmmm!!!
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I dont really have a partner anymore sob but!!! Im blessed to have Tisority’s company. Even if i probably annoy him sometimes by bouncing all my ideas off on him when hes just trying to play guild wars tysvm for putting up with me man
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Hnnnnggg snap there's really too many to choose from. There's a lot of characters and designs i really like - very very few characters on this site that i don't like the design of. Hard pressed to even think of one i don't like to be honest.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Moonofnawfar! Love your character and seeing you around in game.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
phantomhelsing!! I havent really gotten much chance to interact yet but i love Atiq’s design and its always nice to see older players back on the game.
1. Who are some of your
There's so many to choose from >.<
I loved Quadda and Irie, from Shenere. Orinoco, Ritic, Sayuri, Eloa, and others by Jen. The Red by Vee. There's so many.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
21, w0lfclaw, phantomhelsing
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Vala, Aivilo, Jen
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
The fight against Akuji, I think. Lemon's birth blog.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
The Raven
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Jen. She's very kind and our styles match well.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
I really liked Pandora's design.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Aaaaaaaa, welcome Mojovan
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Sen, you're a sweetheart and I appreciate your kindness. Your characters are lovely and I hope we get more chances to interact sometime.
Cute idea.
1. Who are some of your
Some of the older characters. I particularly loved Anzel simply because the player had to deal with a bad connection and made the most of being a 'ghost deer'.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Quamar. Always loved the epic style of art.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I have to repeat Vala in this one. She's always willing to play and spend time with every player, regardless of their IC or OOC status or whether they're new or old.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
How many of you still hate me?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Obviously excited for Walter's upcoming babu. In the past though.. There's been too many things to pick from. Most of them were things that I could never participate in, though.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
The Great Argus Keys set.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Lemon. She's actively encouraging me to play right now and keeping me invested in the Forest. Otherwise I'd be spending a lot of time sitting AFK and doing nothing.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Edit- Woops I forgot to add this. Props to Queze for the sexy Aztec deer!
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Shout out to Nishi's player from me. Not new-new but I have respect for someone who can play a flawed character without succumbing to the pressures from other players.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
I adore your art, Cyda. Kitties in lingerie are amazing!
EDIT:: For the record, none of my answers are targeting anyone. Please calm down.
Guess I'm feeling brave. 1.
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Hana, Indi & Devani, slurpythong. (all ur chars rly jd sigh)
Mjölnir & Ravus, Brit. (all urs 2)
Noelle, Hraeth. (and urs...)
Illrose, Snow. (and everyones characters fml)
Kaoori, Kimi.
Jorogumo, Jala.
Umay, Saph.
Phylux, Vasska, Vodun & Dublin, Shaku.
Gustiro. Evania. Emdeaur. Eraline. Vasla. Virgil. Saosin. Asriel. Hundreds of others; Fletcher & Shard, Nikhil & Halla, Kody, Aurora, Malikorin & Monroe, Lemon, Jahi & Pandora, Crybaby, Alain & Djinn, Marcus & Kauna, Esll & Miriam... shit I really could go on forever so I do the STFU now.
Not gonna explain why I love them, rly. Most are just played well/thought out brill, and others have this special.. flair to them. An elegance, idk.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Sleepy, Quam, Munkel, Eyestrain.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Echoing Vala, though honestly everyone has been quite kind to me here. Even when I'm a tw*t. Foodog and Kimi, too, though, have almost always been there for me.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
idfk.. does everyone hate me? sldjkdhf
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Hraeth's Akuji plot, and all the old stuff between Noelle and Esll.. Also Pandora's plots have been awesome, as well as Dag's. Sighs.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Default, actually. And zombie, dotd.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Ranza, I rp with her the most though I enjoy roleplaying with anyone and everyone.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Mieraak, I think.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
so out of touch.. sry.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Def. don't hate ya, Verd. Here if you need me.
aaaaaaaaaaa thank you Rouda
I'm an inactive oldie so my
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Some of them are : Iaurdagnire, Ephiré, Leto, Cutlass, Auxentius, Rebellem and Balthanos. Favorites for many reasons, alchemy is working. There are more.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Tuhka, Narina, Apeldille, Munkel, 9, Eyestrain and Jala. I missed Spyrre too.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Hard question because almost the whole community is kind (perfection does not exist) but I've always associated these guys with the "helpful" and "kind" adjectives : Pegasicorn, Vala, Kaoori and Aivilo.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I'm still surprised to see some players happy to see me and my oldest characters, I honestly don't see why you're coming back at us.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Absolutely no idea. I remember there were very good ones, intense and well-made but I'm not involved with other players stories sooooo, no one in particular.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Secretary bird.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I'm too uncomfortable with my English, I can't start RP but I make efforts when someone wants to start one with me. I had good times with Estme and Forgetmenot ♥
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Scythe's Wesker : a classy and simple design, efficiently badass. Also, he is an elk, just an elk, you know, not a vampire-wolf-dragon-demon-xxxhybrid "deer".
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
*mentally checks her list of "new" players, sees on TEFc they're here for at least 5 years, runs far away*
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Clare, you rock! B[
1. Who are some of your
Hm. Oh I haven't built up any attatchments to characters yet
Though out of in game shenanignas...
Doitsu was a lil charm.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
I don't like to get inspired by artists. They usually make me depressed (lol)
But. Gotta say. Luksus and J!n have a damn well outstanding style. I could reckognise their art from a mile away.
And admire it too. x3
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
From all the people I interacted with. Veedeer and Luksus really hit the spot there.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
Hm... Good point. Well I'll probably not ask it here so I might just as well tough up and start asking people stuff lol. Else nothing will ever get done and people will linger in silence. You can't make convos in silence with hands tied, yo.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Don't have a history here. So from all the plots I've seen, they've mostly been passing things or normal day to day things or natural events. Though I've been fond of Last year's Sommer's death (as winter) the buttkicking was lol.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I like the magpie set.
I never use it xD
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I've roleplayed most with Luksus here. But my favourite roleplay (for games/fantasy) partner is not from here <:
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Varg looked preety rad And only improved with the king stag mode (makes me wonder what the next big step with the bear will be hmmmmm). Saosin's colours are just aaaah!
Kuwaka looks damn charming, vannila pudding lion, c'mon. Antares I like to admire from afar. such a neat design.
Dedalus is pretty rad. Too bad the unicorn group thing from years ago went quiet xDbut his design stayed in my brain till today ...
I like Jude too. Such a weird natural concept, and I wonder why I haven't seen more of it.
So far I've only seen two animal ocs with two heads.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
I think I'd rather not xD
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Aaaah, Hi there keepiru! Your char roost is absolutely memorable =D
1. Who are some of your
I love all of them, really, I don't any preferences. Though, I have to admit, I always loved Mandel the most. I just always loved the character himself, his personality, his design... Also Kamaya was close to him so I guess this affected me too.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
All! Every. Single. Artist. Silverfang, Vessan (their ink doodles are a pleasure to look at), Tuo, Mary13 (always found her style cute) to mention a few.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I have no idea. Everybody is helpful and kind in this community. But the first one to come in mind is Vala. I don't really think I should justify why, just look at all of her posts and comments. Every single one inspires love and kindness.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
*Takes deep breath* Okay, here we go...
Being a shy girl lacking of confidence, I am always scared to ask or say certain things in fear of misinterpretation. I don't wanna be selfish, so I never dare.
But I've learnt recently that being self-centered and lacking of confidence look similiar in appearance but are actually different. In both cases, you feel the need for someone to tell you that you are the best or that you are good at something, but it's not for the same reason. A self-centered person needs to hear this for their own ego, they love being flattered. But a person that lacks confidence needs to hear it to feel like they have their place in the world, that they can do something interesting and different, something that can make people happy and so on, that they are unique in some ways...
Learning this made me realize how much I actually need to express myself about my own lack of confidence, the feeling of being...ordinary.
But you guys have always been so nice with me, every single kind comment makes my day. Maybe your actions towards me may seem insignificant to you, but to me it's not. Even if it's adding me on Discord without necessarely talking to me makes me feel like I am interesting enough to be part of your friend list (I don't know why but that sounded better in head). A tiny heart when replying to me, even a simple "hello, how are you?"... You get the idea. It just makes me feel special and unique...or like I said, interesting enough.
Still learning how to be set apart from others, I try to find my own signature style, or to find something to do that nobody did before. It's not always easy, but I know that as long as I have support from others, I'll be fine. So thanks to all of the people who have interacted with me, I appreciate all the kind words and enjoyed all the good moments and dialogues we had. Thank you. ♥ am I doing so far?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
None, really, they are all exciting and great.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Monarch Butterfly.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Although I always liked roleplaying with Chizzu, it would be ShrinkingRose and Mozdog (yes, I have two partners if I may say). I consider them as my friends. Shrinky seems to really be into her characters, and even if she intimidates me (this and my shyness causing me to not always talk to her when I can and want, never knew why though), it is always a joy to interact and (role)play with her.
As for Mozdog, he's very important to me, he's my
bae?best buddy and well...I just don't know...I guess we roleplay a lot together?8. Which character has your favorite design?
All. They all have in a way. Some are simple, others have incredible complex beauty. I was never able to pick one as my favourite, even simple designs are delightful.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
I know none, but I know there are some in the community currently....forgive me...
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Oh hello Vessan!
Make more ink doodles please.Not sure what to say to you (please forgive me) but I always loved your art (even if I don't always get to see it, oddly) and I hope to meet you in-game, even if just once.By the way, thank you again for the chubbypuppyspiddy, always helps me with my arachnophobic paranoia. ♥
1. Who are some of your
Hmm, Libel is definitely one, his design is so neato and so is Qanats whole headword. I also really like Thanos for his world and aesthetics. And Mjol's whole personality is also like, my fav.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Qanat, Ratt, Thuka and my main man Kit aka chocolatetabbykat.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
chocolatetabbykat, they've become my absolutely very gay best friend so that counts as nice I think.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I wISH people would approach/interact outside their circles more ( including me :/ ) ? I have like such a hard time branching out that I can stuck in a rut with a character only hanging out with like one person that I'm comfy with. Which is nice, but also boring hh. I need to work on that too but idk I wish people were more... like.. down to clown with random people. We all could work on that more, even if it's hard;;
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
To be honest, I've never really been IN THE KNOW about plots. I liked the plot that Romulus came out of, the whole nightmare theme was really cool.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Favorite set together is the secretary set, but set pieces alone are the Kabuki pelt, Noh mask and Koi antlers.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Oh lord, I don't rp that much I WOULD LOVE TO IT's just I forget or the other person forgets. I'll say chocolatetabbykat just because we do a lot of casual headcanoning that's fun.
pls rp with me.8. Which character has your favorite design?
I already kinda answered this but Libel, his son Aime, Dedalus and Romulus. And tbh Lovelace, who was designed by Thuka, I know he's my character but HE'S SO PERFECT? LETS appreciate Thukas nice simple designing skills.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
UH I DON't know any off the top of my head... but YO.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Yo Kamaya, your pixels are sUPER NICE and I need more of them tbh.
Alright, time for me to do
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
I'm gonna try not to just list every character I've interacted with in the last few months, because god there are so many I love lol!
Rose. I'm a sucker for a character with issues, and Rose has plenty of them. I adore everything about him, the way he's played, the problems he faces, the terrible things he does. I've been stalking him for a while, now. Also that tail.
Foxtrot. See above. I've only recently been introduced to, but I absolutely adore him. He's a product of unfortunate circumstances, shaped into something terrible and very Lord-of-the-Flies-esque. And yet there's still a childish innocence to him to set off the morbid bits.
NISHI. What can I even say about Nishi? I adore everything about the way he's played. So much care is taken to portray him as accurately as possible in-forest and out. I love the attention to detail that's given to his issues. And aside from that, he's absolutely adorable and pouty, and he steals my heart every day.
Walter. Too much for me to say in one paragraph, honestly. I've followed Walter's story for a long time. I've paid more attention to Walter's character development than to any other character on TEF, I'm pretty sure. He's a complex guy, sheltering a good heart beneath a lot of ugly. I obviously adore Lemon and Walter's flawed relationship, in all the forms it's taken over the years. Even when I'm away from TEF, I find myself checking up on Walter and all the terrible things he's doing. Plus he's voiced by Jeremy Irons, and come on.
Atiq. Still can't believe how long it took our characters to find one another. Lemon and Atiq are building such an incredible bond, and I'm so drawn in by Atiq's tragic past and his fierce determination to stay positive throughout it all. He has been through some bad times, but he's come out kind, caring, and open toward all.
Rhea. There is so much detail to Rhea's story. She's a complex lady with a lot of heart, and I will always admire her from afar. I like her attitude, I feel like we could be friends in real life.
Salem. Oh dear god, Salem. My secret obsession. Salem is perfectly weird, and I can't get over them. They are everything I love in a character -- terrifying, horrifying, dark, creepy. I love the slithery way they act, the half-amused way they look down on the world. Iconic perfection.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
QANAT. Holy CRAP, every solitary LINE just freaking blows me away. Every time Qanat posts art I have to stare at it for a good solid fifteen minutes. I think the bio art for Rose is my all-time favorite.
PhantomHelsing. UGH. JUST STOP. So much expression and fluidity, it drives me crazy. Everything is dynamic and awesome and I just love it. I love the use of texture, too. Gorgeous.
Unplugged. That organic, chunky style is just beautiful. The recent series of babs was one of my favorites to follow, I was absolutely stunned by the masterful use of color and the apparent ease with which everything was painted. It was fun watching the paintings come to life on stream.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Kaoori/Kimi and Vala are my top two, without hesitation. Both have been here a long time, and they have both always been nothing but kind, inclusive, and caring. I definitely look up to them both.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I'm amazed at how many people wonder if they're hated, it makes me a little sad. I wonder the same thing quite often. Am I annoying? Do I bother people when I reach out to them? I have a few people in particular I want to ask this to, but I know I'll never have the courage. If I'm wrong and they do like me, it's awkward and I'll feel bad for doubting them. If I'm right and they hate me, I think I'd almost rather not know. I appreciate directness and honesty, but I'm also a huge wimp, and it's p easy to make me cry.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Pandora's plot with Jealousy was one of my favorites. Despite Lemon-deer's obnoxious feelings, I OOCly adored watching Pan and Malikorin with their budding relationship, back before things went sour. They had a lot to struggle through together, and I really thought they'd last forever.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Grey fawn pelt, can we have that for adults already please??
Also the barn owl pelt and mask are probably my favs for adults. Also love the starling/magpie/whatever-it's-called pelt.
For antlers I really like peacock feathers. c:
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Again, gonna try not to just mention every damn person I've rped with, because there are so many and I've only had wonderful experiences so far.
Big shocker, I'm going to mention my girl Verdalas. Her style of writing just always blows me away and makes me feel terrible about myself, lmao. In a good way. I've always admired her writing skills, and she's only gotten better with time. It's always an honor to rp with her.
PhantomHelsing and I have been doing a lot of rping lately, and I love the way Atiq is handled. I love how similar Lemon and Atiq's lives have been. I always feel relaxed and happy when I'm rping with Cato.
Apparanza and I don't get to do too much rping these days, but I really enjoy her style and the flow of her words. She's a talented writer, and a lot of fun to rp with. c:
Pumpkinseed never fails to make me smile with her rps, and I adore every moment Lemon and Pagan get to spend together. They're adorable together, and they just seemed to click right from the start.
Kimi almost always makes me cry, when we rp. Our characters have a very complex relationship (mostly because Lemon's a constantly confused slob) that always touches me. I treasure all of our rps, and though I may dread some of the things we have to put our characters through, the journey getting there is always the best.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Isetore. Just recently found this guy, I love his build. There's something so ancient and primal about his design that I love.
Andrei. The colors, the markings... it's an antlered dogger, how can you not love this character?
Foxtrot. He gets to be mentioned twice, because I guess I really like him. I love his big fluffy tail, and the combination of fox-like and cervine traits. Also love the sharp teeth in a human face, it's a good mix.
Ractera. She just gives me the chills. Look at her. Look how magnificent this beast is.
Jude. TWO FACES, I MEAN COME ON. I am so jealous of this little guy's iconic design, it's disgusting.
Ouza. Alllll the eyes. Love this little lady, she's gorgeous.
Sayuri. I had to mention this gorgeous bab, I've always adored her design.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
MoonofNawfar and Emote, I <3 you both!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
*whispers* I'm obsessed with Ouza, shhh. She's perfect and I love her. Also your art is super cute! You have a really cool style that I admire. c:
1. Who are some of your
Jude (TEF is lacking positive characters alwAyS) and Libel. Listen Libel has such a gr8 design and Arvis is just cool to me I love it
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
HhHHhHH Jin...
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Hadou and FotS have always been around for me when I play this game <: Rly appreciate them and every good thing my friendship with both of them has brought
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
¯\_(?)_/¯ who finds me obnoxious?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Iaurdagnire's plot was METAL and I have none atm but a few coming up that I'm very ready for hue
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
DOTD has always been a close favourite of mine with the zombie deer set hhh
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
that's difficult cause i have a lot but you're probably one of them if we interact like somewhat regularly or i constantly go to you to talk about random oc things
8. Which character has your favorite design?
libel, laney, saosin, neaaaath, crucio
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Can't think of any even tho i'm trying to drag my friends in...
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
HADOU OH MY GOSHHH you're one of my favourite people you are great and i always love interacting with you. stay kuhl my friend
edit cause lemon ninja'd me:
Lemon, you're honestly one of the kindest players on this website, which is pretty great. We don't really interact too much but I enjoy seeing your character around the forest x)
made by foxofthestars!
Hm. 1. Who are some of your
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
-- Those who just joined, are nameless and do not visit the site. Those fawns who have no idea what they're doing. And those people who interact like the forest was without a community site.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
-- Everyone, but my favorite are those who aren't afraid to upload their artwork even if they're still a beginner when it comes to art. Those are my favorites.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
-- Those who are willing to lend a hand with sets in game, willing to drop everything (in game interactions, plots, whatever) and leave just to help someone new with a set they've been waiting a month for. Those who cannot open two forests and do it themselves, are met with one who is gladly able to help them. Those are the most helpful ones in my opinion.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
-- Why are there so many cliques? Why are there so many groups? Wasn't the forest meant to be free of those ugly environments and to make everyone feel a part of everything, regardless of ooc/ic? Where has the forest gone after ten years?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
-- Baal's plot was my favorite. Being a part of it was such an honor. I haven't seen a plot as great as that since the old forest. I would love to witness or be part of a plot, even if I was simply a background character.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
-- The ugliest combination you can manage, but I have no favorite.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
-- I do not have one, haven't had one for a very long time. I miss those days and it makes for development much more easier than struggling on your own and getting little to no interaction in forest.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
-- I will not pick favorites.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
-- Those who don't know what they're doing, believe me, you're doing everything right. Don't be afraid to approach others and say hello, even if they're ignoring you (intentionally or not). It's the thought that always counts.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
-- Wendingo; I don't know you, but you seem swell.
@hadoukin: Haha, thank you! I
AAAA Might write a thing here
BUT TYSM, WEN, VESSAN, AND LEMON FOR mentioning Jude,,, ;; it means a lot to me hhhhhh ♥♥♥♥
edit; ok im doing this
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
UH OK THERE'S A LOT... Phobos, Salem, L'ubomír, Steini, Maggot, Akan, Mirza, The Bzou, "Chrome", Soterasiel, Mordius, Ulya, UHHHHH IM PROBABLY FORGETTING A LOT
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
hhh i aDO RE fots' and shey's art ;;
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Fots, Shey, Bloodygoddess, PoppyFlower, and Wendingo
they've all been sogood to me ;;<3
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
tbh i dont know,,,,,,
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
pRObably?? dotd one? oR nightfall pelt maybe
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
hmmmmmmmm p much everyone i've rp'ed with??
8. Which character has your favorite design?
hhh all of fots' ,, , Soterasiel (u fuzzy skele noodle),Mirza,IR,Khayru, naoki, there's a lo t im missing ok ilovetoomany sobs
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
i,,,dont know,,any,,, ;;
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
pretty lion, Auldrich!!
okay hERE GOES 1. Who are
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Aaaah there are so many but let's see...I'm probably gonna remember way more later sighs
-Postmortem's Jude (soft boi...pure boi...he's been through a lot and still manages to be nice to everyone protect him)
-Cissy's Halla (I love her so much?? She's been through so much and she's still kicking u go Halla)
-Silverfang's Fletcher (I'm a sucker for his type of character tbh)
-Lost's Liltu (I love her design and the inspiration behind her; she's so interesting ♥)
-Qanat's Bhaelum (ang e r y
but he's trying ilu Bae)And Ichor too; I think his backstory and the way he's played is pretty swell tbh?
can you tell that I'm drawn to the Angst(tm)And, while I haven't interacted too much with him, I've always loved Rossamund's design and story ♥
I swear I'll stop editing this I'm so sorry lmaoAlso in general, I've always lovedXemi'sTisority's characters?? (and you always seemed like an awesome person!!)Also some older ones:
-Apeldille's Ephire (No longer active as far as I know, but I was really intrigued with his character and personality)
-niriya's Pica (If you're still active and I haven't noticed I'm sorry niri lMAO ;; but while I didn't interact with her a whole lot, I've always loved her design and still remember when she was a mini fawn cries)
-SolioquyChryseis's Tea (OH BOY Tea gives me such nostalgia tbh...she was such a sweetheart and interacted with my Jacob, who's inactive but also near and dear to my heart. So she basically reminds me of a time that I really enjoyed ♥)
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
UHHHH tbh everyone is a great artist there haha there's so much talent bUt if I absolutely had to pick
Qanat hory shittu idk how you do it but your art is fantastic?? I'm seriously in awe half of the time cHRIST
Also, I've always loved HB's style. Imo it's very distinct and nice (and so are your characters!!)
aLSO, FoxoftheStars has an awesome art style, and their characters are pretty neat ♥
thanks for drawing Steini's ref lMAOThere are literally so many more cries
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
UHHHH, I mean, most everyone here is really nice. Idk if I can pick anyone specifically ;; but I love you all, and I'm really glad that I've gotten to be a part of such a close-knit and talented community. Even if I haven't interacted with a player personally, I love the fact that I'm able to recognize them and identify their characters. ♥
Also idk where exactly I should put this, but I wanted to say thanks to Orin (now YaraMyst) and Cyda for rping with me in my early days. We don't interact too much anymore, but those earlier years meant a lot to me, and I wish you guys and your characters the best!
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
In the past
and even now, a little bit, I've been hesitant to interact with some characters because I was intimated by them. But I've found that nine times out of ten, the players behind them are very kind and understanding. Of course, there's going to be struggles sometimes, but we always seem to get past them.5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
While I wasn't here for the entirety of its, Iaurdagnire's plot was intense and I remember how amazed I was by it. I loved the fact that M+A changed the Forest's weather for certain parts of the plot. Charging alongside characters that I'd normally never interacted with was really something. Ultimately, I feel like it really brought us together for a time. ♥
ALSO I ALMOST FORGOT but Halla's plot back in the day were fun to take part in! They meant a lot for my Jacob's development; in fact, it was the first time one of my characters faced such significant development ♥
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Hmm. Well, I've always liked the Golden Butterfly, Monarch, and Argus pelts, but I think my favorite would have to be the Antelope pelt. My favorite mask atm would probably be the Barn Owl ask; it's so cute?? (The antlers are nice too tbh...) I also love the Real Deer mask too, tbh.
The Antelope and Magpie antlers are pretty sweet too, though I have a soft spot for the Beluga antlers...
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Oh man...I've rped with so many people over the years, and all of them have been great. Cissy and Silv are wonderful to rp with tbh, and I have fond memories of rping with Lost, Jacklo, and Hadou in the past! BuT like I said, all of your are awesome and I honestly really can't pick a favorite ♥
8. Which character has your favorite design?
-Jepha's Kesari really wowed me when I first saw it. Even now, I still love it o:
-I also adore Naoki's (belongs to Singa!) design (those markings hhhh)
and she's a great character too lmAO-I've mentioned this before, but HB and Ka's characters are always nicely designed. I also quite like Wake's Rota (Jerah is a cutie, too!) and Vee's Rhona; their colors are both so nice ♥
-aLSO shoutout to Jude again because I don't think I've seen another character with diprosopus
not to mention that he's adorable to boot9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
UHHHH idk if I know any new players in particular, but if you're around, hello! I hope you enjoy your time here ♥
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
riseI've only known you for a few months, but you're great to talk to, and it's always nice to interact with Jude ♥
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
1. Who are some of your
Jude - good pure boy who I love to bits dhgf
Maggot - The dab king ok. He's a lot of fun to interact with I lov
Ulya - Beautiful cHILD I've loved seeing her develop <3
Mirza - He's got a big mouth and he is good (a lil smelly tho)
L'ubomír - He's story/plot keeps getting more interesting sgdhf tell me ur secrets, Lu
Bronx - A good tough blueberry that protec his mom hhhh <3
Ouza - Many eyes for crying she needs hugs and bugs
Karana - Maximum oversass
Prada - don't see him much anymore but I did enjoy interacting a good bit!
Steini - Strong raptor that is only getting stronger no one will stop her...
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Shey, Novaqi, Sleepything, Tuo, Hadoukin, Unplugged, Lemon, Ratt
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Novaqi, PostMortem, Bloodygoddess, Shey, Poppyflower, Wendingo, Veedeer, Bayleen, HHHH there's so many! I love you all. <3
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Argus by far!
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Don't make me choose. :'c
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Jude, Sadhbh, Lasair, Athanasios, Rhea, Sauvignon, Komir, Jerah, Rhona, Dorian(ElvenKing42's), Lalin, Abby, a LOT!!!
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
I don't know people.... ;;
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
pOPPY You are a super great person and I'm glad I've had the chance to talk to you and meet your neat characters. <3
Q>Q GDI i'm usually shy about
ok here goes
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
AAAAWWWW damn this is an easy one
FLETCHER. Since I joined, even when he was a wee angsty loser, I've loved him. I used to cringe every time I read back on my comment to Silv about him but then luckily Riften's bio was deleted and I'll never have to look at my horror again. BUT I DID LOVE HIM AND I DO LOVE HIM NOW. He's a really stern, but really gentle guy. No malicious undertones, extreme negativity or anything of the sort needed to keep him interesting. He's just a strong, well rounded character with a good sense of justice without seeming like gratuitous 'I'M A GOOD GUY' or anything of the sort. He has his own conflicts internally, but keeps them to himself. MATURE, BEAUTIFUL, SOFT RUGGED GOOD BOY MWAH
LEMON. Honestly she's a hELL OF A GAL, for taking Walter as a mate and standing by him. I don't think I've ever seen a character take the side of one person despite the likelihood she'll be despised by many for it. HONESTLY that's a testament to Lemon as a player too, being willing to let her character go down a path that might make her difficult to play, or interact on. Also her updates and actions are so heartfelt, and driven by a passion that she never wavers on. STRONG. BEAUT. MWAH
(goddamnit)RoSSAMUND. He's been around for so long, through so much heartbreak. He has his flaws but he never stops trying to be a gOODBoy. It was so cool seeing him go from a tiny tot to a man. Idk if i can recall a character who's been through so much shit but stayed around so consistently, and so strongly. PLUS HIS MYLING STUFF IS REALLY COOL.
JOKERMAN. GGGGOD i was in love with this gal- still am. She's got a heavy presence but still comes off as approachable despite it. BEEN THROUGH A LOT OF PAIN BUT, still got the capability to love and help. Really strong, and really solid. One of those characters who seem really alive- I've never read anything from/about her and been like 'that's what a character would do'. BUT BRIT'S GOOD AT THAT SHIT. they practically breathe, sigh q>q
there's sOOO MUCH MORE i could say about so many others but i think nostalgia got me here..
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
NARINArATT, tbh. Their shit is bonkers. Major personality and beautiful LEGS. Their human art, dog art- everything art is amazing. It's a distinct style that really feels like it comes from the soul. Like it's another limb of theirs IDK DOES THAT MAKE SENSEAlso very in love with OJM/Wu's horses I die every time i see. but she's not around here ANYMORE SIGH
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
HONESTLY, just in my experience, towards me, during my time here. Westley/Tisority! he also sux lmao
But when I first joined he was one of the first to reach out and continue to spark things and talk to me despite me being really bad at doing that myself. But it like nnnEVER STOPPED HIM. All his characters were really, really approachable and fun and he never came off as intimidating and hard to communicate with. He'd just throw his character at mine though he dIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME and have them do a spazzdance, draw silly doodles of them with my characters. ITTTT made me feel really welcome here and he sorta held my hand through meeting new people, introduced me to new people even though i said nO, because too shy, THEN THEY (and he butdon'ttellhim) TURNED OUT TO BE THE BEST FRIENDS I'VE EVER HAD. I don't think I would have been able to gain the amount of confidence in my art and writing that I have now if not for him just being a sweet, swell guy. Also he's made me laugh to the point where I felt like I was going to be sick and that always means a whole lot to me. SO
ilu wes, you asshole
ALSO, I LOVE VALA AND FLYLEAF. They are the sweetest most beautiful people I've seen on this website. Through everything Fly's gone through they've remained the most positive, sweet, patient person with anyone they come by. I have so much admiration for them.
And Vala, sometimes they'll just come by people ingame, toss a spell and them and give them a nuzzle and a bow before leaving. It's like they just try to say hi and brighten people up as much as they can. On the forum, they're sweet as all heck too.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I have always been haunted by two questions.
1. does my excessive use of capslock when I'm enthusiastic scare people?
2. can anyone take me seriously when my icon on discord and skype is Mona from Nanalan???
like if we got into a heated fight and then you looked at my icon and saw a scrunched up green face with bead eyes would i instantly lose the argument
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
AKUJI. It all happened before I got into this place really! But I went back and read on it and holy shit the passion and thought and time that went into that. So many people being included, too. AND IT STILL HAS AN EFFECT ON THE MEMBERS OF THE FOREST TO THIS DAY. IT'S AMAZING. (i cried i'll admit it)
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
i mean hraeth's ok we rp once in a while (usually like 3 rps going on at a time each day forever)
WE MESH REALLY WELL. I think it's why we became friends in the first place. Some serendipitous mix of loves we have for certain themes, and characters. I'M REALLY HAPPY to have someone I feel like I can do any plot with and never have to worry about a single thing, be it a stupid, boring light plot, or something dark and heavy. 3; i think everyone should have someone like that. for rp ofc hahahahahaho
8. Which character has your favorite design?
INDI. Sleepything's Indi. she's dropdead gorgeous
Or Ronra. both make my cry when i see them
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
FOTS, YOUR ART IS THE BOMB, and your characters are too. idk how you draw so much so often with such quality even in sketches but g o d d a m n d o g
1. Who are some of your
Red/Virgil. I had the great privilege of being able to follow his development and he was definitely one of the most memorable individuals. We'll never forget him.
Saosin, Iaurdagnire, Crybaby, brd, Lem, Shahla, Lats'vel, Kio, Jude, Riptail, Ravynn, Jettem, Ryff, Eventide, Circe, Lohtu, Pica ... a lot basically
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
TamaBird, Vanilliana, Reykat, W0lfclaw, forgetmenot, J!n, Tuo
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I think most people have already said everything that can be said about both Vala and Flyleaf. They both eminate such constant positive vibes it baffles me how they have the energy.
Honestly there's probably something great I could say about every one around here, it's hard to pick. I do want to give a special mention to Vee for the fantastic Rut organization, Aivilo for their general helpful attitude and friendliness and Postmortem who always seems to have a kind word! There are a lot of names I could mention though.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
please don't forget me
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I honestly wish I'd keep up with more stuff but I always fondly remember Iaurdagnire's story and the events surrounding it as well as Baal's plot which was legendary. I'm unfortunately not well versed at all in the recent goings on..
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Favorite complete set would probably be the barn owl and magpie sets. Separately my vote goes for Swan Antlers, Barn Owl pelt and Secretary Mask.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I don't really roleplay much so 3: skipping
8. Which character has your favorite design?
wow i managed to skip this one uhhhhhhhh let me get back to you on that
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
I know they're not really new at all but i'm an old fart who doesn't know half the people so POSTMORTEM has really stood out to me as an active, kind, fun and generally awesome person all around..
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
QANAT I really used to be super intimidated by you but that's gone away. Honestly I don't know where I'd start, you're like, a staple of the rping community here. Your characters and the worlds you create are always super unique and interesting and whenever I see your posts around you always promote more interaction and give generally great encouragement for others to reach out more and feel more confident. I'm not a big roleplayer at all and I haven't been very active in the forest but it's definitely inspired me to maybe get out of my shell again.
UNPLUGGED, OH NO. i'm glad
ACTUALLY I WAS INTIMIDATED BY YOU TOO, until very recently. You and ben seem so solid and even after all these years i feel like a new kid stepping on OG turf
you always came off as pretty level headed to me! not to mention you're as skilled with CSS as you are with art. AND YOU'RE GENEROUS WITH BOTH which is rare
all you said really really warms my heart though. 3; that's one of the nicest things someone's said about me in all my time being here. MEANS A BUNCH
Poppy, you're so sweet omg I
1. Who are some of your
I am an OLD FART who finally came back, so my memories are fuzzy and my acquaintance with new deer is poor. THAT SAID, my love for Walter and Walterwoman remains steadfast. When I think of TEF, Walter is always there.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Oh goodness. There are so many new artists who have joined in my absence! From the old days - Quamar's art always inspired the heck out of me. Ephra and Mordecai's stuff was also always just gorgeous. (Are any of them still around?)
As for new artists I've noticed - gah there's SO MANY! Phantomhelsing and Lemon and REYKAT and W0lfclaw and J!n and... oh there's just too many. You guys are so TALENTED, golly!
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Phantomhelsing and Lemon were both so kind to my new fawn when she first entered the forest! They've both been consistently sweet, and now I'm real excited to try to be friends with them. (Shh don't let them know it's a secret)
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I really want to try taking commissions but man, that's a big ol' jump for grampa Corg/fushrah. Maybe I'll put up an art blog soon and just... see if folks would even be interested...
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Again, old fart here. So personally I just fondly remember the wedding of Reverend Jelly and Walterwoman. <3
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I don't know if this counts, but I love the grey + broken antlers set that you see on players using version 1 of the forest.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I don't... really roleplay yet? I'm gonna try - working on character details for Jelly and new fawn now - but oops, no favorite yet (unless that marriage with Walterwoman counts). if someone wants to help me learn to rp hit me up okay okay cool
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Oh no, don't make me choose! ;_;
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
Most of you are new to me, so hi everyone! I love you all already! <3
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Unplugged! Your art is GORGEOUS and I can't get enough of it! You have this amazing command of color, and your lines and strokes are so expressive and full of life and it's WRECKING ME in the best way. Thanks for adding some beauty to our world!
Sorry i c'ant write here
But i wanted to say that i love you all much !
You are the sweetest and kindest poeple ....all of you !
You will be forever in heart and i will never forget you ♥
Fly.. ♥ We love you
Fushrah, I will rp with you
Bit busy at the moment, so
People I admire: Vurufu, Clare, Schutz, Sleepy/JD, Awentia, Apoidea, Wanza, Tzvii, Novaqi, Kelleh, Vee, Jin, Aowacc, 11dollaroonies, Unplugged, Snow, Mahj, ratt, Poppyflower, FoxOfTheStars, Idiosyncrasies, HB, Hadou, Faustt, Ammy, Echosong, Jacklo, Arvis, LadyFarelia, Evern, Mrs. Morbid, Starling, SightHound, thelittleraven, Quam, Riddled, W0lfclaw, Lost, Kallonate, Keepiru, Kimi, Aivilo, others.
There's so many more I could list, but I'm bad with names like I'm bad with remembering pictos.
Art so good that I secretly hate them: Jin a simple joke obviously - but I still scream inside whenever I see her awesome work
Very helpful persons: Aivilo, Unplugged, Vee
Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire: u pretty snazzy hi hello.
joking aside, I like that name
1. Who are some of your
Lohtu - hilarious bugger who is as extroverted as they come - never really a dull moment with this child, and their 'take on the world' attitude is amazing for interactions, especially with characters who are hesitant to interact with others.
Ben - A presence that does't make you feel left out, ever. Really sweet and quirky.
Greitai - Her wry and egocentric (probably) attitude is always a blast to read about.
Monroe - Super crazy whirlwind of action. I admire the thought put into his personality and I personally like how he reflects a lot of Apparanza's hype and energy levels.
Benat - Apart from his amazing design, I enjoyed reading about how he's developed from a child and dealt with his problems.
wheezes also Jokerman, Rohit, Ronra, Chrome, Eve, COnnor (where did he get his dislike of the sun from???)...
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
I can fire off now right
munkel, eyestrain, Unplugged, Sleepything, Jin, Dotte, Tuo, Ratt, Quamar, hb-k, novaqi, Apparanza etcetc
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I'm honestly going to echo a lot of what people have already said - but Vee, Draak, Kimi, Unplugged, vala, flyleaf for sure!
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
Am I unapproachable and awkward?
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Ahhh, Iaudagnire's?? Probably? I caught the tailend of the finale, I think in my first year or so here, so it's really stuck with me.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Damn... forest god mask, dark RD pelt and candle antlers.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
I... don't roleplay that often, but I'd say Apparanza, simply because of the antics and sheer outrageous shenanigans we'll get up to with our characters.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
DOn't.... do this... to me..
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
It's good to see you around, Sarkoja!! I think it speaks for itself, but your art has always been amazing - in sketches, lineart, colouring and creativity and it really reflects in the way that you've developed your characters as well! The thought you put into their designs and css and personalities is super commendable and really just something I can only hope to achieve. Keep it up!
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
it was hard to make this. I
I adore you all! Everyone of you are the special human beings and you all deserve only the best!
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
i would wanna write them all names in here which i love and adore and all, but there would be like the whole forest.
Every characters in here have something special and that's why they all are my favorite.But if i have to choose some (to example here) they will be:
Nikhil & Shardul, Romulus, Rhea, Mishan, The Red(vee's) and Akos
those character's backgrounds, and stories/updates has been always so amazing and well done and i enjoy by reading all of their updates. (not meaning that i don't enjoy other's updates or anything,
no, but you know what i mean, i hope ;o;)
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
I LOVE THEM ALL because art is art and everyone can do their own kind of art and styles which i admire.
Sarkoja: All those damn nice lines, sketches. I just, Gosh, can't... HHHHH i love the style.
J!n: Realistic af. i love every piece art i have seen in TEF community. Such and idol for your arts.
Wildrose: I adore your style. i don't mind if it's Digital or traditional, but i still love it. You gonna be great artist in the future!
Kamaya, Silverfang, Aihnna, Saturnia (and probably many more out there, but can't remember the names, i'm so so sorry ;; ): ALL THE PIXELS. Hot damn amazing. i adore pixel arts and the tiny ones specially cause how the Hell you make them so smoll and still so nice looking that you can see the complex markings even, like ???!?!?!?!?!?? i love and adore them. pls more.
Lemon: Just wow, i love the sketches and well, Everything you do.
I love your all arts! I really admire you all for making a such nice pieces; Sketches, Traditional or digital I DON'T MIND cause they all are fantastic their own way!
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Vala, Flyleaf, Kamaya, Lemon... there is so many who i have seen helping each other and the newbies and like helping their own way!
But.. Personally Oqu has helped me for my worst... THIS IS HARD.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
This really stressfully and...ugh.. idunno.
But, i may ask that you all (who has been here on the forum and saw how awful person i can be)
Please forgive me.
I have been very naive, childish and haven't thinked the others, but i have changed, i'm going to the right way now.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Them all. Sorry can't choose D:
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Zombie full set, but then there is so many other sets i love so can't choose.
Cause all the pieces or masks, antlers and pelts are my favorite, All Of Them.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Oqu, Kikinkacze
Like...these two i mostly roleplay's becoming more hard to roleplay with those who i don't know well, so.. yeah ~ My apology.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
ALL OF THEM. Really.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
i don't know the newest ones, but if yo uread this then: HELLO NEW MEMBERS!!!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Hoi! Niriya.
Just wanting to say that i adore your characters (specially Pica cause it's so so SO cute! Gosh ♥)
Even so i haven't never talked to you or roleplayed or just played, i still love to see your characters online. i'm too..shy to come play with you, but i hope you the best days and nights and i wish you just the best!
i don't know you personally, but be streong human being!
Your art is amazing and very pretty style ;v; !!
Sorry for any typos, there is
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
- There's so many but my memory is really wonky. But from what I remember, Verve was the one that struck me the most, she was so well fleshed out and the originality was incredible. Then there was Ephire, Farrah, Prettyface, Vasla, Illrose, Pica, Ben, Nadezdha, Starless, Rakil, Fay, Liam and more. Typing out why I love every one of these would take me the whole day so I'm just gonna say they have that thing that strikes me. And there are definitely more characters but like I said, my memory is what it is and I'm going to feel like absolute garbage when I remember the ones I forgot to list.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
- Niriya, Unplugged, Silv, Hrae, Reykat, Jin, Pandoras, Aihnna, Quamar, ratt, Luu, Apeldille, 'Ranza, Lost, JD, Evern, Badname, Matthew, Fin, Lady, Qanat, Starling, Awentia, HB, Wake, AliceV, Cicadia and others, I can't even remember usernames hhh.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
- Aivilo and Phantomhelsing.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
- I hope most of you don't believe hearsay about me.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
- I haven't really.. taken part into any plots nor followed them, community wise. But Hamsa & Sitra were an interesting duo and the wish they granted made some nice plots I think.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
- Ahhh definitely the swan mask. I love it to bits. Then the beluga pelt and dotd antlers. Also the koi antlers look cute.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
- Must be Luksus. She keeps pulling me back from the land of idgaf-about-tef and inspires me by throwing ideas and characters at me.
I find it immensely difficult to start roleplays, even with a friend. I start overthingking and in the end, nothing comes out of it and my characters end up quietly sitting. Responding is easier.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
- Hhhhhhh. C'mon memory work for once. Kefi, Shanai, Miriam, Morioch, Romulus, Farrah, Prettyface, Jezabelle, 'Chrome', Ezekiel, Sky Sight, Kira, Asriel, Starless, Saosin, Ephire, Verve, Tsabhi, Fletcher, Róta, Lieva, Chrona, Mikael, Monroe, Möbius..... And others.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
- Unfortunately I don't know any new players, but... Hello!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
- You've improved a lot in the last few years. Definitely can see growing too, and your art is neat to look at, the shading is always on point.
These words make me in tears,
Thank you Tuo ; ; ! ♥
Admittedly did not expect to
Didn't expect to see my
I love seeing the community come together like this and write little positive notes. Always heartwarming to see. : )
FOTS, Poppy; TYSM,, ;; IMSO
TYSM,, ;; IMSO GLAD to know both of you and have Jude interact with you're characters ilove you ;; ♥♥♥
I've always looked up to you honestly! your css, your designs, your characters, your aRT IT'S ALL SO LOVELY! I adore your presence on tef and I'm always excited to see your art!! ♥
Ahh. Those kind words warm me
1. Who are some of your
- Isiel, Jorogumo, Ezekiel, Pandora, Nikhil, Shardul, Chrona, Nidhem, Lilitu, Smiling Jack, Quay, Hälla, Rhea, Róta.. Amazing characters with interesting stories and players who play them very very well.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
- JD, sarkoja, Hraeth, Panda, wake, Ka, Silv, Jin, Vee, w0lfclaw, unplugged, aihnna, ratt, Tuhka, Apel... and so many more of u.
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
- Appa. ;c She always seems so nice.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
- I hope I don't seem unapproachable and cold.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
- Literally every plot I've ever seen, I enjoy following all of them even though I might not be taking part in them.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
- Peacock.
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
- Kallonate, Panda, wake, Riddled, Jepha, Ka, Hrae, Cissy, singa.. and literally anyone else I've ever roleplayed with, sobs. Love u all.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
- Jorogumo, Isiel, Ronra, Sammael, Rajani, Jezabelle, Roanen, Verteres, Lieva, Ahn, Tamsin, Umay.
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
- I don't know any new players personally, but!! Please stick around and I hope you've a ton of fun playing the game.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
- Tuo! I love to see you posting art, it's always really inspiring and you've improved so so much in a very short period of time! That bald cat is my absolute favorite. And I'm happy you've seemed to play the game more often recently, it's fun to see your characters roaming about even though we don't interact that much. :}
1. Who are some of your
- SO DAMN MANY OMG.. Lieva, Rota, Leviathann, Lats'vel, Fletcher, Naoki, Shardul, Nikhil, Morioch, Romulus, Rossamund, Steini, Jude, Lemon, Pandora, Quay, Rhine, Starless, Umay, Galene, Kuwaka, Ismay, Kody, Aurora Talla, Bohdiciea, Kaoori, Illrose, Asriel, Komir, Kaeltiir, Nidhem, Miriam, Cadaver, The Bzou..
I could literally go on and on and on. It never ceases to amaze me the amazing depth and passion with which you guys create and play your characters.
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
-AAAAAAA EVERY FLIPPIN' ONE's.. Silv, Ka, Pan, Hrae, Cissy, Sen, Shey, JD, ratt, Echo, Awentia, Jin, Sarkoja, FOTS, Kate, HB, Wake, Pan, Lost, Tou, forgetmenot, Avarice, Dotte, hb-k, bloodygoddess, Unplugged, Jepha, Thais
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
- I've been fortunate enough to have resounding great experiences with most of all of you through the years ;u; When I started out here, I remember the kindness showed to me by Flyleaf, Vala, Sighthoundlady, Brit, and JD.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
- I get paranoid in the midst of RP sometimes that I'm drawing something out to long or I'm not interesting enough with it..
Also paranoid that I've unknowingly offended someone? Idk, I like to talk things out, I just hope someone would come to me upfront if they have an issue with something I've done/said.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I've loved to watch plots that Pandora and Hraeth have done.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I'm a sucker for the skull.. and great argus pelt omg
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Cissy, Silv, Signa, Hrae, Ka, Echo, Acurna, Ammy, HB, Poppy, Bayleen, Wake, Tisority, Pan.. just..
EVERYONE EVER.. Seriously, y'all are some damn good and understanding RP partners, I can't even.. I absolutely adore the moments when I get to see that small snapshot inside the minds of your chars in the midst of a great RP.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Ahn, Ezekiel, Grimkell, Quay, Jahi, Ezitli, Lonno... I'm a sucker for any and all beasties ♥
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
-Moonofnawfer! Like seeing your art pop up.
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
-HB! I have admired you and your chars ever since I started out here like 6 years ago or something. FRom Six, to Romulus, to Milagros, to Wollunka, to Grimkell.. It's just inspiring to see how unique and special each one of your chars always are. AND ALSO your art omg, forever drooling with how well you display defined muscles in an artwork.
1. Who are some of your
Romulus, Grimkell (HB's characters all of them??) Rhea, Fletcher, Tamsin, honestly I will get back to this one....
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Apel, Luu, Keepiru JD, Tuo, Jin, HB, Tuhka, forgetmenot, Panda, Novaqi, Qanat, Silv, Hraeth, parrotsnpineapple, ratt,everyone
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I guess most recently AWENTiA you've been so sweet and that message made me smile sort of gave me the push to do this and give you a shout out.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I guess I would like to say that even though I've been here a while I dont really feel like I have much of a pressense on the community and it's something I'd like to work on. I get easily overwhelmed sometimes and it's hard to really keep up with everything that's going on but I tRY and I hope that doesn't make me come off as unapproachable or anything.
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I remember Iaudagnire's and loved participating in it, pretty much everyone's plots have been fun to follow.
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
That's hard to choose but I tend to love using the monarch pelt. But I also love the new owl and koi sets!
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Pretty much anyone who has taken the time to RP with me. I'm pretty terrible at initiating any sort of interaction so it means a bunch to anyone who has and does. And as few and far in between I've enjoyed it all!
But it goes without saying, HB, deng. Also Acurna, Hraeth, Riddled, Evern, Tuo.
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Romulus, Bohdicea, Nikhil, Rajani, Lieva, Ravenflight, Embla, Ronra, Starless, ...gosh there are more but those came to the top of my head...
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
I don't know anyone that's new, I'd consider myself an oldie by now and I still get overwhelmed at times, don't be afraid to put yourself out there!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
I absolutely adore Rhea and how you play her and even though there hasn't been much interaction yetit's been fun and also I feel that way too when I'm RPing so you're not alone sob. ALSO YOUR ART IMPROVES SO QUICKLY HOW DO YOU DO IT??
first of all i wanna give a
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Nikhil, Umay, Lats'vel, Morioch, Miriam, Isiel, Galene, Rhea, Naoki, Grimkell, Pandora, Malikorin, Kalma, Saosin, Rhona, Stria, Shahla (and Leonardo even tho he's gone ;{), Jokerman, Henna, Kshanti, Xiao Yu, Kettu, Crucio, Levi, Djinn, Kaoori, Eventide, HONESTLY just going down memory lane at this point, sigh... i can't say why i love them all because sO MANY but it either has to do with the history i or my chars have had or my stalking them OR they just get me right in the good places... or all three tbh
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
Tuhka, J!n, Apel! must learn how to paint... but i absolutely love everyone's art here and seeing the fast improvement, i always thought that tef pushed me to improve with my own art so it's just really great to see that happening with everyone here ♥
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
gotta be Vala in just how friendly I've always seen her be to everyone all the time :{ both in-game and on the comm ♥
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
i have.. nO IDEA
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Noelle/Akuji, Iaurdagnire's, and Pandora/Jealousy's ♥
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Monarch ♥
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
CISSY... we've known each other for a good 7+ years i think and i just really cherish the fact i can toss ideas with her and not worry about a single thing. she blows me away with her writing and character skills though it rly just helps me try to improve myself in the end. :{ i need to give a big shoutout to everyone i've ever rped with because it's always so fun and enjoyable no matter what q>q
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Rhona ♥ i adore her hues and how well it all blends in together.. so beautiful 3:
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
moonofnawfar, postmortem, emote!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
WAKE, i've loved seeing your art more often lately, it's been such a treat. and even though it seems our chars don't have tHE BEST HISTORY i've loved interacting and i hope you feel the same!! ♥ it's always been so fun on my end :{
e; pls excuse all the edits oh god typos..
oghgh here i gooOOOOOOOOO 1.
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
ogHGH GOD UHHHH .... Atiq, literally all of Ka and Postmortem's characters, Maggot, Morgul, Kalma, Rhea, Farrah, Romulus, Grimkell, Saosin, Iaurdagnire, Rossamund, Mirza, Athanasios [and his homeworld lore +backstory jeSus], moST LIKELY MORE but I adore these character's concepts
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
O JESUS. a lot. Ka, HB, Wake, Tuo, Tuhka, J!n, Lemon, Phantomhelsing, Silverfang, Aihnna, Jiaruqa, ratt, sleepything, Hautakumpu, REYKAT, Alcinda, probably more that i'm .. not thinking of ....
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
uHHHMM A LOT OF YOU HAVE BEEN!! Very kind and helpful to me and I gotta thank you for that i die/
Also Vala ... she's the sweetest
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I probably had something to say for this but completely forgot what i was gonna say O K
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I'm always stuck between nightfall and fan pelt, antlers between the new swan ones and real deer, fav mask probably. mmm monarch butterfly and thE LONG FACE MASK i adore that mask so much
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
listen if u can put up with my derpy oneliner replies and sudden disappearances and then replies to posts literal days later then you are my fav
8. Which character has your favorite design?
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
sILVERFANG i've always adored your char concepts aND ALSO UR ART HAS BEEN A big inspiration to me i love your anatomy and style and hNGNnhhnngnN
im probably gonna edit this and add to it when im not .. reeling off of that just woke up feel
1. Who are some of your
It's hard to say, I've met a few characters and I know almost nothing about them. But probably the brightest of them are Cassiopeia, Kalma, Aries, Geneva, Starless, Isiel, Amaroq, Mikael, Aethelind, Silvereyes, Ehsan, Fenrir, Fuji, Tsabhi and others!
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
I love all the artists here, but most of all I'm inspired by Sleepything, Tuhka (I love your designs), niriya, Silverfang, Qanat, sarkoja, Jin, Ratt, HB, Tuo, Aquilo, CrossTrot, Wake and many others!
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
I do not know, unfortunately. Almost all are unfamiliar to me. I really love all the players who just make up the company with my characters in the forest.
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
I'm just very scared to communicate with people on Skype or Discord, because I'm just, afraid..
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
I dont know
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Real deer mask only
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
idk ;;
8. Which character has your favorite design?
All characters, except own
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Shey, I love your art and css <3
was really nervous to start
1. Who are some of your favorite characters outside your own? Why do you love them?
Oh lordy I have way too many to mention here man but many of my favs are with Ebony, Kiwara and Cyda (though I have like a ton with others too, im sure you all know who you are haha)
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
i forgot their tef username, they go by noshik on DA). Their line arts OMG.
J!n to teach me them fur skills still just sklfjsdlks
And so many others cause holy heck
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Cyda is always so sweet to me and says the nicest things even if I dont ask for it. Has helped me through so much. She deserves more than my whiny arse but thank you!
Kiwa, I know you're going through a lot but the fact you stick with me still means a lot and thank you
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
1. Do I annoy you, do my changes and constant movements bother you?
2. Does my random inactivity annoy anyone
3. Am I just generally annoying? lol
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for? I'm excited for a few new babs i have planned in the future LOL and I just got done with some super exciting plots with cyda
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
I like the owl deer set
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Anyone who takes the time to rp with me is my favorite lol,
8. Which character has your favorite design?
uh....................................too many to put here XD honestly
9. Shout out to any new players you know of
HI to you all you're all awesome
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
I dont think we've really talked much Luu but hope we could interact sometime (and if we have i am sorry my memory is horrible and it doesn't mean i dont care -flails- )
Don't think I'm confident
All of you are sweet and incredible and unique, each and every one, and you should definitely wear that proudly. It's what makes TEF so damn fascinating~
Thankyouthankyou ;u;
1. Who are some of your
Uhh in no particular order I've always liked Moss, Octavia, Arcturus, Jezara, J, Thais, Alice, Ansel, small grey, Ird, Crowley, Poe, Silence, Manda, Kestrel, Shikha, Starless, Morgen, Sky Sight, Ronra, Irene, Nila, Darcia, Reiji, Silvereyes, Mothman, Oseaan... SO MANY MORE ILY ALL
can u tell i like them soft strong and sad
2. Whose art are you most inspired by?
sLeEPYTHING, Luu, phantomhelsing, Jiaruqa, FotS, hb-k, Apel, tigerart, MarQuee, ratt, niriya, Seenya, Tuhka...
my beautiful senpais y'all do super sexy arts <3
3. Which player do you feel has been the most helpful or kind?
Hands down Flyleaf, Vala and Cu, there are no warmer, more welcoming people when you're in forest, and also thank you Aivilo, Unplugged, Jin and Vee for taking care of everyone's (in)sanity on the comm lol
4. What's one thing you've never had the courage to say/ask?
Hi im doves wanna be friends
I. mean it come to the dork side we have memes >.>
Also my memory is in a permanent state of Not Doing Good, so I apologize for my failings ever making you feel bad D:
5. What's your favorite plot that you've seen? Are there any currently going on that you're excited for?
Eee there are a few heartbreakers and births I'm looking forward to. They are secret though so shh :>
6. What's your favorite set in the game?
Barn owl pelt and mask, magpie or regular antlers with poppies
7. Who's your favorite roleplay partner? Why?
Everyone who ever let me RP with them has my eternal love and gratitude :'D Of the peeps who i've known and chatted to here the longest it's definitely Chromai, Awentia and Jay. All three are just. FORMIDABLE writers with such strong, distinct voices and capable of handling every sort of material in a powerful, meaningful way. Simple or profound or grimdark or just silly shenanigans, it's always a pleasure to read what you write and explore universes and characters with you. <3
ALSO HI SEN new person who puts so much emotion and history into so few words and makes it flow so naturally and with ease what are your secrets
8. Which character has your favorite design?
Alys, Ansel, Jagoda, Ahn, Octo, Bavu, somanybysleepylol especially Ronra, Neli, Sky Sight, Lovelace, Darci, Ouza, SALEM, Vadoma, Thais, Segin and Lesath, Nadezdha oh snaaap pretty lady, actual Lady, Kiosydan, Kyria, the owlcat bros, Eventide, Nose....
9. Shout out to any new players you know of!
It's an old new but hiii bunnybee! It's good to see you back and can't wait to meet your chars in the game some time :>
10. Say something nice about the last person to complete this questionnaire!
Hiii Yara the quality and continuous novelty of your art never fail to cheer me up, the first doggo attempt and that study in particular just stuck in my mind in a good way C: