June 14, 2014 - 2:21am — Moosehoof
I really suck at upholding my word. A few months back, I said I was "back" and dedicated myself to play this game again. Well, that didn't happen. (Great job, Kat. Really good impression.)
Anyways, I am back Officially!
The reason being that for my 18th Birthday I received a loverly new Gaming PC from my lovely parents. I can now run this game at full settings and finally am able to see the most beautiful details.
And with that, I shall also add that Leeon was reborn again, so he has a brand-new appearance. (i.e., silver pelt, new black swan antlers, deer mask), so I'm working on some art I'd like to put on his new profile page!
But I realized I can do CSS because I am a failure. And I also lost my Bamboo tablet so no art until then, either.
This whole post is driving into the ground really quick.
Enough about me! HOW HAVE YA'LL BEEN?
Hi! I haven't really met you
You and me are going to dig around your house/apartment/whatever and look for that tablet. >8|
Ahh! Hellooooo~!
I actually ended up finding my Tablet in the bin beside my desk <#<;
I actually drew Leeon just now
edit;; http://endlessforest.org/community/leeon-2014-revamp