Oh my gosh.

Moosehoof's picture
I really suck at upholding my word. A few months back, I said I was "back" and dedicated myself to play this game again. Well, that didn't happen. (Great job, Kat. Really good impression.)
Anyways, I am back Officially!
The reason being that for my 18th Birthday I received a loverly new Gaming PC from my lovely parents. I can now run this game at full settings and finally am able to see the most beautiful details.
And with that, I shall also add that Leeon was reborn again, so he has a brand-new appearance. (i.e., silver pelt, new black swan antlers, deer mask), so I'm working on some art I'd like to put on his new profile page!
But I realized I can do CSS because I am a failure. And I also lost my Bamboo tablet so no art until then, either.
This whole post is driving into the ground really quick.

Enough about me! HOW HAVE YA'LL BEEN?
Shey's picture

Hi! I haven't really met you

Hi! I haven't really met you but whatevs. Lmao it's alright, I had a bit of trouble trying to return here.
You and me are going to dig around your house/apartment/whatever and look for that tablet. >8|
Aivilo's picture


Moosey <3
Moosehoof's picture

Ahh! Hellooooo~!

I actually ended up finding my Tablet in the bin beside my desk <#<;
I actually drew Leeon just now

edit;; http://endlessforest.org/community/leeon-2014-revamp