Oliviero's picture

Fylimar concept

How it had happened, he didn't know. One moment he was with his older brother, watching him practice his magic, trying to learn, and the next he found himself in this strange forest, unfamiliar, alone and scared.
Where could he go? What had caused this to happen? Where was his brother? And most importantly... how to get back home?


The idea behind Fylimar is that he was born in a neighboring forest realm and something went horribly wrong with his brother's magic, opening a rift between the two worlds and pushing Fylimar through. He's stuck here now, with no idea how to make his way home.

He's a RP character, as a fawn and when he grows into a stag (and he will be handsome and he'll need a mate! Laughing out loud ). Right now though, he's cowering near the Playground if anyone wants to meet him. Be warned though, he's shy and scared right now. XD

In game he can be recognized by the purple flowers and this picto: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/Karioudo/TEF/picto_Fylimar.jpg

Fylimar is a result of me needing an excuse to make an barn owl-faced deer. I used to play TEF years ago but I lost my passwords and couldn't bother to recover them, so I made a new account, doodled him up and here we go. Once he grows into a stag I will draw his adult form so be on the look-out for that. He's new so he's still very much in development, but I hope you guys like him so far. ^_^

King of Flowers

"The one that is always with flowers is considered a King. Is he truly of royalty? Or is it just a title he has obtained? This Duke... Prince... King of Flowers."

Mmm wow, hi TEF! Been awhile since I posted here...

YAY, Huron art... finally. He's my flowerbby.
Flowers just grow allll over him~

O Huron, you have no idea how annoying your braid tail is to draw!

I referenced many a deer in mid-bound for this picture. Curse you deer hind-legs and hooflets!
Wakinyan's picture

Don't even think that.

Krystal's picture


Rather large image below.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Samba Deer

My OOC deer Rett if she were to look more like a Samba Blissta

Drumsticks for antlers : )
This was lots of fun to paint. I feel Ive found something good here.
And certainly no play on words for a Sambar deer.

Have some photos of my latest gig.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Herla Reference Sheet-Finally!

You can download the full version on DA which is what you’ll have to do if you’d like to actually read the text.

I had so much anxiety for ages trying to think how I would ever manage a reference sheet. So first time making one of these. It was a lot of work and that was with all this art already being drawn. @_@
eyestrain's picture

careful, child

happyskittleslizzy's picture

De Drinkplaats

My new fave place to hang out...i wish i could have gotten a shot of the flying fish earlier Sticking out tongue but the rainbow is probably my most fave thing along with the lightning

what weird things have you seen that i should look out for? Smiling
Auriea's picture

Back to normal?

Alright, for those who know what went wrong the other day... Just letting you know, it all _should be alright again. Please proceed with your usual blogging, biography-ing, storytelling, and picture posting. If you notice anything wonkier than normal, something not working the way it used to and you want it back, please email me and Michael and let us know - the.endless.forest at tale-of-tales.com - I'll check the comments on this post for a few days too.

I know the site is not perfect but its yours. And we do our best to keep it up and running for you.

eyestrain's picture

It's been a while

Since I posted any pictures... I haven't had a lot of time for personal stuff with school. But it feels good to blow off steam with commissions like this.
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