May 12, 2011 - 5:32pm — Auriea
Alright, for those who know what went wrong the other day... Just letting you know, it all _should be alright again. Please proceed with your usual blogging, biography-ing, storytelling, and picture posting. If you notice anything wonkier than normal, something not working the way it used to and you want it back, please email me and Michael and let us know - the.endless.forest at - I'll check the comments on this post for a few days too.
I know the site is not perfect but its yours. And we do our best to keep it up and running for you.
And we thank you for that
Yup ♥
It is perfect for some of us.
I don't think we thank you enough, so: thank you so, so much.
And you do an amazing job at
Thank you so much.
I know I was one of the first
Thank you for everything you both do.
It is my favorite site. Thank
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Hello again Auriea! I think
I think I just noticed something I am not sure of if you meant it to happen.
On an older blog of mine, I could edit the CSS just fine and I could save it, and it would work just fine as well. Though when I decided to create a new blog and copy/paste the same code in it, the code did not work.
In conclusion, it seems CSS only works in previously-made blogs and not in newly-made ones anymore. Was this supposed to happen?
Wait, I am not entirely right on this. It seems DIV codes do not work anymore in newly made blogs. They do still work in old ones. We can still change background colours it seems and some others, but the DIV codes do not work anymore.
Let me give an example to this. This is an old blog. In this, you see I can make boxes around the text, with a black border. I can even edit this blog and they still work. And make new ones.
I copy-pasted the exact same code in a blog made just a few seconds ago, this one. You see, I copied the exact code but no boxes are appearing.
Thank you for all the work
Yes, thank you.~ Mm, now I
Mm, now I can edit my bios without fear. c:
Art by Anjali. ♥
Thank you! c:
A major thankyou for all your
I have the same issue as
[e]: There.
Ah, seems putting the new
Oh well I guess that in a way does solve it? In the comments, I can no longer use codes like < url > but I can use the [ url ] code which works just the same. And I can't really change the input format for comments either so, I wonder if that indeed solves the whiting out as well.
And yes, I am pretty sure old blogs were before set to BBCode. But VERY old blogs, were put on filtered HTML. It seems it is back to that now. So if we want to use codes like the DIV code, we have to change the input format on our blog manually.
Quote:Oh well I guess that in
I think there's something wrong with your code then? I can still use codes like this:
<a href="">abc</a>
I also can still use CSS in comments.
However I think this blog about the comments issue yesterday rather than CSS, isn't it?
Thank you very much!
Oh! There was indeed,
Then everything is awesome? I wouldn't know anymore. *Shuffles away*
Thank you for everything you
Thank you so much, Auriea!
Thank you! ♥
Danke sehr!
(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Thank you for all of your
Thank you, A.
Thank you so much for how
I know that TEF is a side project, and it doesn't bring in much money if any, but all of us here are so appreciative that it was created, and we love being able to have the community site and all of the amazing things that go with it. Lots of us have made friends we never would have even known about without this place. And I know it's touched a lot of people in ways most others couldn't even imagine.
You're extremely good to us, all the time, and I just wanted to let you know how much we truly do appreciate what you do for us, there really isn't anywhere like this anywhere else in the world much less the 'net.
okay. so what you guys seem
- you can't use div tags in Filtered HTML but you can in BBcode
- you can use CSS in BBcode
- you can use CSS in comments
is this correct?
Yes Auriea. Just a small
- you can use CSS in BBCode and Filtered HTML
Thank you so much Auriea and
Thank you Auriea. Can't you
Can't you do this in the game
thanks everyone! I'll let
I'll let you know if further changes are necessary. ( + crystal cave is a lovely idea.)
Thank you for your hard work!
This site is wonderful and has a lot of creative, inspiring people.
Keep it up!
That was Silvasempers idea.
Only saying this because don't want to be accused about idea stooling
Don't know why, but when I
That is nice site, nice atmosphere, and ofcourse nice game. Thank you both for it ^^
I wanted to ask, but have not finded any other way to contact you.
I have idea, and in it I need you or Michael's help... You can see it here all I wanted to ask is you to make a rain and candles in this Sunday 15th [18:30 Helsinki time] please ^^
I want it just to get closer to other players and to make them feel not alone even in the rain ^^ That is because I feel too lonely, when it is raining in forest.
Fel in corde, fraus in factis.
oh dear! we totally would
you should EMAIL us if you have a request like that.
maybe we can make a week of rain to make up for missing your event date a little.
thank you so much for the
Thank you Aureia! The rain is
Just had to thank you.
Oh, thank you so much! I am
I love that ^^
Fel in corde, fraus in factis.
Thank you very much!!!!
So we can just email you for
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
I would really love a WEEK of
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin
Thanks so much! Will there
Will there be any events soon?
Well, I know I don't play
um, Auriea I had an idea for
I will try to post them so you can see them. They are based on diffrent animals, and most are colorful.
The comstumes are drawn using Gimp.
I hope you would like them!
i wish there would be the
please tell her my computer
PenguinSkittle, I replied to